Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 510 The Year Without Summer

According to legend, the Deathly Hallows are three items that the three Peverell brothers got from the God of Death. However, according to the information left by Albus Dumbledore, these three items were made by people, and they are all great. Talented people, the magic items produced are also different from ordinary people, and they can still be used today.

But having them doesn't mean being the master of Death, and the legends aren't always true.

However, the story is not all false. The heroine Dou E in the story of Dou E's injustice does not exist. Her prototype is Zhou Qing, a filial woman from the East China Sea.

Her husband died very early, and she had no sons, but she was a kind woman, she was very filial and considerate to her mother-in-law. Her mother-in-law didn't want to drag her down, so she hanged herself. The officials arrested her and tortured her into a prison. She was finally killed by the prefect. Before she was sentenced to death, she made three wishes: if she was killed unjustly, the blood would flow back, the snow in June, and the drought for three years. After she was killed, they all came true, so the Chinese used the snow in June as a metaphor for being wronged.

June of the lunar calendar is in midsummer, and it is impossible to have snow. However, such a climate did exist in Chinese history, and it does not refer to the place where the story of "Dou E's Injustice" took place.

According to the "Liao History", in the midsummer of 939, it snowed in the southeast of NMG in July. In the winter of 939, in the Kaifeng area, that is, near the capital of the Later Jin Dynasty, "heavy snow harmed the people, and it lasted until Pentecost."

Iceland's Mount Elgar erupted in AD 934. The scale of this volcanic eruption is very large, and the amount of sulfur dioxide and other gases ejected from the surface is very large, and the eruption lasts for a long time, ranging from three to eight years.

After a large-scale eruption of a volcano, its eruption column will enter the stratosphere, which is beyond the cruising altitude of the aircraft.

It stays in the stratosphere, and then the solar radiation will be scattered or reflected by the volcanic ash and some of its derivatives, and the sunlight reaching the ground will become less, and the ground will become colder.

Volcanic eruptions can cause climate anomalies, and their relationship with precipitation is relatively complicated. However, many studies have shown that in Chinese history, most large-scale volcanic eruptions were followed by droughts.

Zhang Tao funded an Antarctic scientific expedition team to sample and analyze ice cores. After a volcanic eruption, volcanic ash enters the atmosphere, and its acidic gas will turn into acidic liquid droplets, which will fall to the ground with precipitation and then to the polar regions. of these ice layers. After that, the acidity of the ice was particularly high that year. By measuring the acidity of the ice sheet year by year, a sequence of past eruptions can be obtained.

After the volcanic eruption in Iceland in 934, the temperature dropped. From 942 to 943, there were very serious droughts and locust plagues in China, which later caused famine.

After a severe drought, locust plagues are prone to occur. These natural disasters are what the farming people are most afraid of. After experiencing these natural disasters, the national strength of the Later Jin Dynasty was severely hit. After the decline of the Later Jin Dynasty, the Khitan took the opportunity to invade the Later Jin Dynasty. The Later Jin Dynasty perished in 947, only three years before the famine.

However, it was not the Khitans who occupied the Central Plains after the Later Jin Dynasty, but the Mongols. Guan Hanqing was from the Yuan Dynasty. In his era, the overall corruption of officials was serious, and unjust prisons were common. The relationship between heaven and man is an important issue in ancient Chinese thought, system and culture. The functions of "heaven" are first to reduce disasters and warn the world, and second to be auspicious and reward the world.

During Wu Zetian's period, the cruel officials liked to falsely report some auspiciousness to make Wu Zetian happy. The abnormal climate of June Feixue reflected "the justice of heaven". Literati such as Guan Hanqing adapted Zhou Qing's story into the drama Dou Eyuan , It was widely circulated in the north and south of the river, which promoted the enthusiasm of the people against Yuan Dynasty and indirectly promoted the development of history.

Many of the stories recorded by literati are artistically processed and inconsistent with the original historical facts. The story of Ma Liang, the magic brush, is just like the three Peverell brothers. No one believes it in China, but it may not be true in Britain.

With the Elder Wand, the Resurrection Stone, the Invisibility Cloak all present, and Harry Potter's family history dating back to the Peverells, how could Marion not be a real historical figure?

Ma Youxuan claimed to be from Henan. Before the Song Dynasty, Guanzhong had always been the capital circle. After the Song Dynasty, it gradually moved northward. It was not until the Ming and Qing Dynasties that the capital was designated as BJ. The story of Ma Liang, the magic brush, probably happened in the Ming and Qing Dynasties. There is also the plot of Ma Liang assassinating the emperor in the circulating stories. Zhang Tao told Pomona that only Ma Liang killed the county magistrate.

The cold can keep people's minds clear. The emperor guarded the gate of the country and the king died. When Li Zicheng's army was approaching the city, Emperor Chongzhen proposed to move south three times, but was blocked by the ministers. .

Finally, Chongzhen said a word before his death: "I am not the king of the subjugated country, all the ministers are the subjugated ministers."

Historically, the backwardness of the Ming and Qing Dynasties was blamed on the seclusion of the country. At that time, Europe was suffering from the Black Death and was too busy to take care of itself. There was really nothing to teach the Chinese.

Usually historians will tell people that it was the Khitan invasion that caused the demise of the Later Jin Dynasty.

The study of volcanic eruptions also provides a new perspective for the interpretation of some historical events. The volcanic eruption in 536 AD had a serious impact on the Eastern Roman Empire. This is a new perspective of history. Although it has not yet formed a conclusion, it has It has begun to take shape, which is a big divergence from traditional history, because history is sometimes in the service of politics.

Qin Shihuang was written as a brutal tyrant by historians, and most of the later historians were Confucianists. Confucianism advocated the system of enfeoffment, and once again enshrined the world that Qin had finally unified. Come is useless, how do you live without "entertainment" such as music and dancing?

The news of Qin Shihuang's sudden death after returning from his tour of the dunes spread throughout the country. It was summer, and Hu Hai stuffed abalone in his car to cover up the stench of his corpse's decay.

That is, in July of the same year, Chen Sheng and Wu Guangze Township revolted. After the founding of the Han Dynasty, Confucianism was not used, and Liu Bang used Huang Lao.

When Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty was young, he deposed all schools of thought to respect Confucianism. At that time, the biggest enemy of Confucian scholars was not only Huang Lao, represented by the Empress Dowager Dou Yifang, but also the Legalist school. Legalism quickly transformed Qin from a weak country to a strong one. It has been verified in practice, but Dong Zhongshu and others used the idea of ​​​​great revenge to incite young people to "repel the barbarians". The temperature in the Han Dynasty was much colder than it is now, and it can be seen from the clothes in the Han Dynasty. At that time, wearing two more clothes would not It feels hot, but in the Tang Dynasty it was much warmer, and the clothes were lighter.

The cattle and sheep of the nomadic people are easily affected by freezing damage. The Xiongnu went south to plunder the Han people because of the weather. They had nothing to eat and could only rob the Han people of food.

The war of Turkic annihilation was also affected by freezing damage. If they did not follow the arrangement of the Tang people after the Battle of Yinshan and migrated to the Great Wall, then the Turkic people affected by the freezing damage would starve.

Once the Yellowstone volcano erupts, even if China will not be covered by volcanic ash, the water cycle will stop due to global cooling and drought will occur. Even if there is enough food for oneself, the refugees who will come next will form a huge burden, and the people will be extremely hungry. Anything can be done, as long as there is food, even in a place as bitter and cold as Alaska, people who have survived a catastrophe will settle down, and everyone can only think about other issues when they calm down.

Civilization is very fragile. Everything that seems indestructible will be wiped out in natural and man-made disasters. Tang Chang'an, the largest city a thousand years ago, has disappeared. Who would believe that such a magnificent city will disappear.

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty spent so many years and money fighting the Huns and still did not completely disintegrate the will of the Huns. On the contrary, Emperor Xuan of the Han Dynasty really succumbed to the Huns.

Use the minimum cost of war to obtain the maximum strategic goal, and save money when fighting.

Whether it is Wei Qing or Huo Qubing, the Huns always used the big roundabout tactics, that is, they took their soldiers and horses around in the desert, hoping to meet the main force of the Huns. It seems that the intelligence and reconnaissance work of the Han army was not done well. The courtier reminded him?

In the period of Moshui Khan in the Tang Dynasty, because he quelled the Khitan rebellion, he won the six prefectures of Hequ, and borrowed seeds, farm tools and pig iron from the court of Wu Zhou. Farming and semi-nomadic life, with a stable food supply, silently almost restored the Turks who had been almost integrated into the Tang Dynasty. Since then, the post-Turkish Khanate has become another major problem on the border of the Tang Empire after Goguryeo.

Tang poetry is very beautiful, and Pomona also likes Tang poetry, but the officials of the Tang Dynasty put too much energy on reciting poems, and the same is true in the Song Dynasty. The officials left a lot of Song poetry. But drinking with prostitutes in the Qinhuai River, energy and money are useless.

The Song Dynasty was in the third Little Ice Age in the past 5,000 years. Even the Jianghuai area was full of ice and snow. The Taihu Lake was completely frozen. During the Jingkang period, people in Bianjing also froze to death, not to mention the Jin people’s territory further north. At that time, the Jin people went south to plunder, which led to the difficulty of Jingkang.

The cold can make people clear-headed, and the harsh environment is like an external cause, which makes people full of wildness and aggressiveness. Once this external cause is lost, the nomadic people who have no aggressiveness themselves will start to live comfortably in the Han area of ​​the Central Plains, just like Moths exist in the social system like moths.

"What are you looking at?" The Potions Professor in pajamas ran to the kitchen to have breakfast.

"The article written by Zhang." Pomona shook the paper in her hand towards Severus. "He doesn't seem to be a traditional historian. He studies the impact of volcanoes and climate on history."

"how are you feeling?"

"He wrote the history of China. Even in the war-torn era of the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms, their history has not been broken, and our history in the Middle Ages has no trace."

"That's why it's 'dark'," Severus said with a sarcasm.

Pomona looked at the dark wizard in front of her. Not only Muggles, but even wizards thought that it was dark wizards who exacerbated the conflict between wizards and Muggles, but was this really the case?

"It's a pity." Pomona put down the manuscript in her hand and continued to flirt with him.

I'm afraid only a "foreigner" like her can read what Zhang wrote, isn't it such a pity.

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