Chapter 50 Gifts

It was a dream, no wonder Eddie Water asked her if you were real.

She saw the glowing Pensieve and walked over without hesitation.

"I want to leave that house." After coming out of the restaurant, she found the publicly humiliated freshman Slytherin on a small slope near the greenhouse.

"Why?" asked Hufflepuff's senior.

"My mother used to be a member of the Gaoshi team when she was young." He threw a stone and scared a bird away. "I really don't know what she saw in him."

"Who is he? Your father?"

"Tobias Snape, a Muggle." He threw another stone out. "He won't let my mother use a wand, but always treats her rough!"

"You hate your father?"

"No!" Snape picked up a snail shell and threw it out. "I just can't figure out why she didn't fight back?"

Unless she uses a wand, a woman cannot be a match for a man, and Pomona herself does not understand what kind of relationship makes a witch would rather endure domestic violence by Muggles than resist.

"Maybe because she didn't want to hurt him." That was the only reasonable reason Pomona could think of.

Snape sneered, as if he didn't believe his Muggle father could be hurt.

"He betrayed her!" After a long time, Snape said dejectedly, "I saw him dating a Muggle woman, maybe they will divorce soon, I need money, can you help me?"

poor child.

She opened her arms, but found that there were two people opposite, the adult one pushed the young one aside mercilessly, like chicks fighting for food.

"She's mine, go away!"

The younger one unflinchingly took up his wand to fight back.

"He's never seriously liked anything, ever." The teenager with the big nose said, leaning into her arms. "My mother named me that because she wanted me to love something seriously."

Yes the whole world knows you love Lily Potter seriously.

She wiped her tears and was about to turn around when she found a hand under the seat grabbing her ankle.

"Help me." He said weakly, and she recognized the demon who had been calling her a stupid woman.

Dumbledore shook his head at her from the other end, as if not yet.


She heard that desperate voice shouting again, he is not pretending to be pitiful this time.

After the fifth-grade common wizard level exam, James Potter found him in trouble again. At that time, he hadn't learned black magic. After being "disarmed", he could only be slaughtered. This is why he hated James. s reason.

It's not because Potter's family background is prominent or rich. He hates the feeling of being unable to resist, just like his mother, Irene Prince, who obviously has strength but does not resist, and is bullied, insulted and even disloyal by a weak person.

A Muggle man should be with a Muggle woman in the end. Even if a Muggle man thinks being with a witch is fresh at first, after a long time, he will feel that the power of a witch is terrible, which is different from his living habits. However, the witch is still obsessed with loving him.

"Our experiment with a time-turner to change fate failed Tom." Pomona said to the persistent monster. Do you still want to experiment?"

She remembered how out of control Harry had been when he knew Sirius was dead, and he thought Sirius would come back as a pearly white ghost.

Sirius should have been sucked away by the Soul Eater by the lake. Harry saved Buckbeak, the Hippogriff. In the end, Sirius lived two years longer, allowing Harry and him to have a short happy life. The value of a life is basically so much.

A mage was a priest at the beginning, gaining the authority to borrow divine power in the material world by sacrificing his life, but time magic works in reverse, and only by saving lives can he live longer.

do you understand? Tom?

What was left of Tom Riddle's soul was terrified, and Pomona knew he wasn't ready yet.

"Maybe, I'll come to see you again." She stroked his bald head, which was as smooth as Robbie.

"Who are you?" he asked.

"Do you know who I am?" She sighed and stood up, this time she was going to have a not-so-handsome husband.

It is impossible to use a time-turner to bring back a doomed person. They have experimented with this. The subject of the experiment, Sirius Black, was located in the Forbidden Forest of Hogwarts. How could the students drive away so many dementors.

That old bastard Dumbledore loves to do experiments, and he won't tell the subject until the last minute, because he wants the real reaction of the subject!

Walking out of the white station, she returned to Hogwarts. She walked down the steps to the edge of the lake and stared at the bottom of the black lake. Her hair was wet and clinging to her scalp, revealing a smooth forehead and green eyes. The corners of her mouth were raised. If you didn't look at her fish tail, you would think she was a beauty who accidentally fell into the water.

"What do you bring to eat today, Pomona?"

"Dumbledore said that I should spend more time with my friends." She squatted down and sat on the floor just like she did in the divination classroom before. "There is no food today, so we just chat."

"What do you want to talk about?"

"How did you get to Hogwarts?"

"Swimming with the water."

"Then why do you settle here?"

"There are magnificent buildings underwater, we like them very much, do you want to see them?"

She thought for a while and shook her head.

"Your school can be seen from the bottom of the lake, and we can observe humans through those windows." The mermaid curled her hair with her fingers. "You know, it's the same as you raise goldfish in a glass tank, but it's reversed."

She remembered the inscription on the Mirror of Erised again.

Erised stra ehru oyt ube cafru oyt on wohsi

It is meaningless to read it this way, you have to read it backwards to reveal its meaning.

"Severus, do you just want a beautiful woman as a wife or me?"

"You, of course you!" He said in a tearful voice.

That idiot was almost blinded by power like Tom, and made a series of wrong decisions, should it be enough punishment just now?

She lay on the ground and looked up at the sky, looking at the blue sky, there was a plane flying over the sea of ​​clouds, leaving long white smoke, and now Muggles can fly too.

So are wizards becoming more Muggles, or are Muggles becoming more wizards?

"Why do I want to plant flowers and grass to make a lot of money, but it's so difficult to fall in love once in a while!"

The mermaid didn't understand what the human girl lying on the ground was complaining about. Seeing that she had nothing to eat, she turned over and returned to the water, rolled up a small wave, and disappeared.

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