Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 475 Green Peace

The spacious and well-lit British Museum reminded Pomona of the dark and old 12 Grimmauld Place, where the feeling of living there was so depressing, and only in the kitchen could one feel relaxed.

At around three o'clock in the afternoon, the sleet fell in London, and the raindrops hit the glass like bullets and made a dull sound. Listening to this sound in the restaurant in the atrium while having a warm afternoon tea made her feel relaxed a lot. As Iris said, the food at the British Museum will never disappoint. She ordered a standard afternoon tea set.

The tables and chairs in the restaurant are green, and the patterns on the white porcelain tableware are also green. Egyptians like green and worship green. Green places often represent oases, which is what travelers in the desert like to see most.

The Egyptians would carve the ring of the Eye of Horus out of turquoise and wear it as a talisman on their hands. The degree to which the British are obsessed with oriental mysticism is simply puzzling. Witchcraft, ghosts, and werewolves are not recognized in mainstream culture, but Egyptian civilization is accepted. There are many jewelry with Egyptian elements in the souvenir shop in the atrium. There is a pyramid perfume produced by Bing Xili, its outer packaging is pyramid-shaped, and it has the joint name of Cleopatra and Anthony.

The perfume itself is green, and the liquid in the bottle changes like the water of the Nile when you shake it slightly. Pomona couldn't resist buying a bottle. This woody fragrance is very fresh and stable, and it can be used by both men and women.

This clean and modern museum was full of temptations and disputes. Although it was silent, she could hear quarrels and screams, as well as the clanging of swords and swords, and the smell of blood and corpses was everywhere.

The smell of tea and butter in the restaurant drove away the ominous atmosphere, and she felt much better after drinking a cup of hot tea. The colorful sandwiches and snacks on the dessert tower were so cute.

Henry James once lamented: There are not many times in life that can be more pleasant than enjoying the "ritual" of "afternoon tea" wholeheartedly.

Afternoon tea makes life become life, not survival. People are not machines, and eating is not for living. She likes this feeling of "living".

"I knew I could find you here."

Severus' voice came from behind her, his tone was the same as that of a mischievous student caught in the castle, full of gloating and sarcasm.

Iris stood up immediately, but Pomona did not.

"Do you know the benefits of being a teacher?" Pomona sat in the chair and looked at him with a smile. "I can misbehave, students can't, you can't punish me if you catch me, professor."

"Since you have already planned to be 'naughty', why do you still drink tea instead of alcohol?" He curled the corners of his mouth and said in a low voice relaxedly.

He was wearing a Muggle coat without a cloak, and exuded the charming charm of a mature man. Two female teachers who brought their children to teach outdoors were watching him while drinking wine. Pomona held his hand proudly. Collar, kissed him in front of them, he sucked her lips like a honey-eating bird, after a while he half-closed his eyes, stuck out his tongue and licked his own lips.

"Butter scones?"

"Is it delicious?" She said with some relief. Fortunately, she didn't start her afternoon tea with the smoked fish sandwich at the bottom, otherwise the kiss would have been ruined.

Severus smiled slyly and sat down in the chair next to her.

"Sit down, Iris, you're almost attracting the whole restaurant."

Iris also sat down, and it was only then that Pomona noticed that many people were looking at them.

It doesn't matter if the handsome man and the beautiful woman are eye-catching, but after using the disguise technique, he looks very ordinary, so why is he still so eye-catching.

"Are you having fun?" He snatched the cup from her hand and drank the rest of the tea.

"It wasn't as much fun as I thought it would be," she said dejectedly. "I'm actually kind of bored."

Severus looked at Iris, who immediately fidgeted.

"Iris told me the story of the Inuit, you know? They also have Animagus." She held her chin in a foolish way and said, "There is the aurora and the arctic fox, those two Inuit youths The man and woman decided to get married after meeting. Thanks to him, I didn't feel so boring, he was a good companion, but the museum was too boring."

"Maybe it's more interesting to have someone else with you," Severus said. "How about I stay with you until closing?"

"I wish I could," she said cheerfully. "The meeting is over so soon?"

"It was supposed to be earlier, but I met someone on the way, and he brought me interesting news."

He looked at her schemingly, as if hoping that she would play tricks on him to get information out of him.

"We still haven't visited the Egyptian Museum." She said with a smile, her ankle rubbing against his trouser leg. "Speaking of the East, I met Zhang Tao just now, and he told me an interesting story."

Pomona then told Severus about the Yellowstone volcano and his words full of "jade fragments". She went to the bathroom just now. All women know how long it takes to queue for the bathroom, and the men's bathroom It seems to be idle forever.

That was enough time for Iris to report to him, there was no need to hide it from him, sooner or later he would know.

Sure enough, he was not surprised at all after hearing it, as if he knew it already, and even had a relaxed smile on his face.

"You don't need to worry about this. Even if it does break out, the Americans still have a place to go. Don't forget about Australia."

"Oh." Pomona suddenly realized that yes, Americans can still be neighbors with kangaroos and koalas.

"The Chinese worry too much, they are always so nervous and serious." Severus said while pouring tea, "Where do they have such a strong sense of mission?"

Pomona tilted her head to think about this question.

"Because they are Chinese." Iris said with a smile.

"They were worried that the Americans would detonate a nuclear bomb..."

"That can't happen at all." Severus said without hesitation, "Muggles are just some paper tigers, they look very vicious, they don't have the guts at all, and they will eventually sell something in exchange for a chance to survive in the safe zone. Few Chinese cultural relics."

"So, is Zhang Tao thinking too much?"

"Of course." Severus said coldly, "What he's worried about is a long-term goal, and it won't be effective in a short time. We have more imminent things. There is news from the werewolf trackers that they will be in Chinatown this month. Make a fuss, that's what we're going to fix."

"Is this the man you just met?"

"No, it has something to do with Summoning the Night." He said slowly as if he was throwing bait, "Kingsley was misled, he is making a fatal mistake, I can tell you, but you have to exchange something .”

Pomona looked at Iris, and Iris stared at the glass ceiling of the atrium as if he was suddenly interested.

"We're in public," she murmured.

"So what are you doing now?" He kicked her under the table.

"what do you want?"

"Same as last night, but no alcohol."

"Is the information you said really that important?"

"You can judge for yourself. Project Yellow interfered with the eyes and ears of the British. It's the same this time. Huan Ye didn't intend to use Thunderbird to destroy the power grid at all."

"Then what are they going to use?"

"You agreed to my conditions?" He drank black tea slowly.

Pomona glared at him exasperatedly.

"For something else, something practical."

Severus smiled and shook his head.

"I'm not Dumbledore. I have to worry about other people's affairs. I only live once. Why do I have to worry so much?"

"You weren't like this before!"

"People change." Severus said calmly, "This is the most permanent change in the world."

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