Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 472 Aurora Hunter

The British Museum mainly records the historical development of human civilization through cultural relics, or stolen goods. After so many years, Pomona still seems to be able to smell the smell of gunpowder smoke and blood in the air.

Whether it is Oriental porcelain or Egyptian mummies, they are not as good as the "meat" statues of Greek gods in the Parthenon Temple to show the essence of these cultural treasures - spoils of war, primitive tribes fight for animals Corpses, they can be eaten into the stomach as food, those stones cannot be eaten, but they can be used as capital to show off, to satisfy the vanity of imperialists, they just want to express the meaning that I win and you lose.

In the first school year, Slytherin was far ahead with 472 points. Later, Albus Dumbledore added points to Gryffindor crazily, which turned things around. At first, Slytherin cheered, and then Gryffindor cheered. The look on Slytherin's face was indescribable.

The relationship between Slytherin and Gryffindor deteriorated sharply in the second school year. Before Harry Potter came, Slytherin was the champion of the House Cup and Quidditch Cup every year. When Harry Potter came, everything was upside down, and the winner Became a loser, making people angry and unconvinced, just want to use violence to fight and teach that lucky guy a lesson.

It's not aristocratic to fight in groups. The dueling club makes the little snakes eager to try. What a great opportunity. I can finally beat that scarred head under the witness of the teacher. I don't need to be locked up after the beating. Where can I find such a good thing.

Violence cannot solve all problems, but sometimes it is needed, Scotland is different from England, has a martial spirit, the English are not only hated by the whole of Europe and the Chinese, but also the Irish and Scots, their enemies are even in the arctic circle, because The Newts were victimized by them.

The Inuit belong to the arctic type of the Mongolian race, and their physical characteristics are similar to those of the North Asians. Their skin is mostly light yellowish brown, often with "Mongolian spots"; their hair is thick and black, slightly wavy, and their eyes are brown. It is said that their ancestors lived around four or four Five thousand years ago, it moved from north-central Asia to both sides of the Bering Strait, and then gradually spread eastward.

The period when Western whites entered the Inuit living areas on a large scale coincided with the period when European capitalist industry was thriving and developing at a high speed. In order to obtain a large amount of industrial raw materials, these countries sent many people to explore and search for treasures around the world, constantly expanding their colonies and searching for local resources. From 1600 to 1800, the white people who came to the Inuit settlements were generally friendly. One of the reasons is that if they want to survive in this extremely cold land, they must learn the Inuit way of life and obtain food and other tools from the Inuit.

The Inuit live in the Arctic Circle, and in some places there are even polar days and polar nights. The sun does not set in summer and the sun does not rise in winter. The aurora is regarded as one of the most beautiful wonders in nature, but it is fresh to see too much Once the feeling is over, the explorers resume their original purpose.

The white people who came here in the early days wanted to look for precious minerals such as gold and silver in this land, but they found nothing. For those who want to make a fortune, they are not willing to return empty-handed. Later, they finally discovered that the most practical treasure in the Arctic region is the rich wildlife resources.

In order to gain huge profits, the whites killed almost all the cetaceans in the North Atlantic waters. Then he sailed through the waves and sailed to the Arctic Ocean. Whalers used the most advanced ships at the time, equipped with modern whaling equipment. Thanks to whaling guns and cannons, thousands of whales are killed every year.

Whaling teams that come here often hire Inuit to hunt caribou and other wild animals for them. Since the Inuit do not understand the situation of the white society, and they have no sense of money, let alone how much profit the whalers will make from it, the whalers can hire the Inuit for a very small fee. They act as guides and hunters. Sometimes the whaling crews didn't pay the hired Inuit anything for weeks at a time, sometimes just providing them with some whale meat, which they themselves thought was not fresh enough and was ready to throw it away.

The Inuit, ignorant of the outside world, were content with that. The Inuit were delighted with what they could get from the white man and quickly accepted it. Of course, it is much easier to start a fire with a match than with a flint and steel, and iron cookers boil water and cook much faster than stone cookers. And more Inuit people hope to get guns and bullets. They deeply appreciate the power of guns and bullets in hunting-it usually takes a whole day to kill a bull with traditional tools such as spears and arrows. Musk ox, and it only takes a moment to solve the problem when it is used for re-robbing.

By the early 20th century, whaling in Inuit-inhabited areas had come to an end. But the fur traders who followed immediately filled the vacancies of the whalers, and they brought more good things, so the Inuit used their precious furs to exchange them for these things. Fur traders love the furs of polar bears, seals and arctic foxes. With modern weapons, the Inuit were able to shoot and kill polar bears and seals with rifles with great proficiency. However, the target of the arctic fox is too small, and it is covered in snow in winter, so it is difficult to catch. Therefore, the Inuit use the method of setting traps to catch the arctic fox.

There are many legends about foxes in the East, the most famous of which is the nine-tailed fox. In the Shan Hai Jing, it is said that the place where the nine-tailed fox appears represents a good harvest and abundant products.

In the past, the Inuit used rocks or ice to make traps. Such traps were neither easy to use nor strong, and the ice would melt in hot weather, which was far inferior to the iron clips provided by fur traders.

Winter is the best time to hunt arctic foxes. At this time, the fox fur is thick and soft. The furs of arctic foxes are the most popular at the Paris fashion show, and can be sold for a very good price. As a result, more and more Inuit hunting targets have turned to arctic foxes. They hunted as many arctic foxes as possible during the winter and traded them for clips, bullets, guns and other supplies.

With the arrival of white businessmen, various Christian organizations in European countries and the United States also sent missionaries to the Inuit living areas to preach and preach, encouraging and persuading the Inuit to become Christians. In the face of powerful material temptations, the wizards quickly succumbed, and the Inuit quickly converted from primitive religions to Christianity. Large numbers of Inuit became Christians and prayed devoutly every day, at least on the surface. But they did not really give up their ancient beliefs deep in their hearts. While praying with the missionaries, they also put the various gods they were familiar with on the same position as God.

In the mid-1920s, the territories of the Inuit belonged to Denmark, the Soviet Union, the United States, and Canada. At first, the governments of various countries were indifferent to the Inuit and did not consider providing them with food, housing, medical equipment, etc. at all. When the primitive way of life of the Inuit was severely impacted by modern civilization, more of them died of starvation and disease.

The living order of the Inuit was disrupted by the alien whites, and together with the Inuit, the whites and the Inuit killed almost all game animals with bullets. In exchange for bullets and other items, many Inuit gave up the immediate hunting season to catch the game that traders needed. The fur traders left the Arctic region, leaving the Inuit with an irreparable tragedy.

A group of Canadian Inuit living in the western plains of the Hudson Bay, their food is almost entirely dependent on reindeer. The fur traders who came here at that time asked them to capture arctic foxes and exchange the fox fur for food and other daily necessities. Hunter Oharto said: "I clearly remember that one winter, the merchants told us that they needed a lot of fox fur. They seemed so impatient that we gave up our plan to hunt reindeer in autumn and went all out to capture arctic foxes. This can be exchanged with the white people for the food they need in winter. But when we trekked to the southern white people's residence in the middle of winter with fox fur, we found their igloo wooden door was open, and the white people had left here. The house was left empty. boxes, no food and no bullets, we couldn't hunt. I wish I could forget about it, but my first wife and two kids starved to death that winter and I can't get over the nightmare anyway .Not only did I spend the winter alone in hunger and loneliness, grieving for the dead relatives, but other people in the village were like me, and only one-fifth of the people in the village lived to the next spring."

White people like to play genocide. Before the arrival of white people, most Inuit died from hunting accidents, starvation, wars and food poisoning, and they rarely died of diseases. Later, various diseases brought by white people became the main cause of illness and death for Inuit people, because they had no resistance to them and had no basic medical facilities. There is an island in the Canadian Arctic. All the Salemite Inuit living here died between 1902 and 1903. Disease not only kills, but also makes more people disabled and out of work force. But they are a little better than the Indians, and it is unlikely that someone will wrap a blanket with smallpox virus on the body of an Indian baby under the guise of sending warmth.

Such a backward civilization could not give the white colonists anything to display, only some masks and handicrafts made of soapstone, which were placed in the exhibition hall of the Stone Age.

"I read an explorer's diary, and there was an interesting story in it." After telling a long and unpleasant story, Iris began to change the subject. "In the legend of the Inuit, some creatures will Transformed into a human form, a tribal wizard told the explorer that there was a hunter who had no wife and could only handle his prey. One day he saw a white fox near his residence. Very hungry, the hunter was just a person, and wanted to save a life for himself, so he adopted the little fox. Whenever the hunter ate meat, he would give it the bones. Later, the little fox grew up slowly. One day the hunter got up and found that it was gone. He searched for a long time but could not find it. When he gave up and went home, he found a girl standing at the door of his snow house. She was very beautiful and had She had black and long hair, so the hunter took her home and made her his wife. When they were lying and chatting, he suddenly found that the girl's teeth were all broken, so he asked Why, the girl said, I hate it, it’s all because of you, the hunter always gave me bones to eat, the hunter thought it was very strange, at this moment the girl stood up suddenly, and left the snow house without looking back."

"Has she got any clothes on?" Pomona couldn't help asking, because the North Pole would not freeze to death if she ran out without clothes.

Iris smiled and shook his head, "I didn't write it in the diary. When the girl ran out, the hunter followed suit. The footprints on the snow were very clear. At first, those footprints were human, and then they turned into animal ones, girl." Gone, just an arctic fox at the end of the footprint."

Pomona stopped wandering.


"It sounds like that. I've heard that there are many legends about fox fairies and snake fairies in China. Maybe it's not animals that turn into humans, but humans that turn into animals. The girl in the Inuit legend maintained Beast form for several years, not as long as Pete Pedilu's twelve years."

"Can you lend me that adventure diary?" Pomona took Iris's arm and continued to wander around the museum.

"Of course, it's written by a wizard." Iris said politely, "If it's a Muggle diary, it's not so interesting. It's written all over it and hunted a few whales. You can earn money." How much money, when can I go home early."

"You don't like Muggles?"

"If the Yellowstone volcano erupts, those refugees are estimated to migrate to Asia along Alaska, like the Inuit. The Russians will certainly not let them pass easily. The most promising places for them to land are Japan and North Korea. During the US-Korean War During the period, I heard that MacArthur was planning to use an atomic bomb to blow up the supply line of the Chinese army supporting North Korea, but it was later terminated by the US Congress, do you know why?"

"Because they expected such a day," Pomona said with a sneer.

"The Inuit people are known for their hospitality and friendliness. Their houses are generally willing to entertain others to live in, and they can stay as long as they want. If there are guests, even strangers passing by, everyone will rush to entertain them. When When a certain hunter came back with a full load, he would go all over the village and invite everyone loudly, so people came in droves, eating, drinking, singing, dancing, and telling stories very happily. The same is true for the Indians, to the early white settlers Hospitable, people of the yellow race have this kind of hospitable and charitable character. If they go back to the Western world by boat, they will not be treated warmly, and they will even be turned away, even if these immigrants from the New World were once residents of their own country. Iris sighed, "The same kind knows best the same kind. The atomic bomb dropped is to completely become an enemy with the East. There is no peace or ground. MacArthur is just a general. What he cares about is the victory of the local war. In the longer term, those who oppose the MacArthur plan must leave a place for the people to stay, and the volcano will erupt 100%, it is only a matter of time."

"Do you think the Chinese will accept American refugees?"

"Unless the Americans put down their guns before entering China, that country bans guns and drugs, and marijuana is also a drug." Iris shrugged. Yes, the Chinese are not Inuit, they have experienced the Korean War in the 1950s, and the volunteers will never die in a war, they are simply terrible.”

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