Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 455 Warmth in Hell

Pomona noticed that the tiger had no shadow.

Anything with a solid body has a shadow, ghosts don't have shadows, they can float through walls, and Peeves needs to turn a doorknob to enter a house.

Pomona didn't know him very well before, she got in touch with that naughty ghost through the fat monk, and later found out that he was a student of Hogwarts. After thousands of years, Hogwarts students longed for "freedom" "Nurtured by the psychological energy, some theorists believe that he has become a spirit body. He can throw water balloons, inkwells, sticks, and chairs, as well as pick up a cutlass, crossbow, musket, and a small cannon.

In 1876, in order to drive Peeves out of the castle, the administrator Lanco Ross Calpe designed an ingenious trap with various baits and a huge bell jar with various restraining spells. Peeves entered the bell jar and it would fall down, but Peeves easily broke free of it and started shooting randomly for fun. The lives of the students were threatened, so the castle had to be evacuated for three days.

Three days later, the principal Eupracia Moore agreed to sign an agreement with Peeves, allowing him to hand over his weapons to gain more privileges, such as swimming once a week in the boys' bathroom on the first floor, making trouble in the kitchen, And get a new hat specially made for him by Madame Bonnabille.

A soul has the ability to wear clothes like a living person, but he still has no shadow, only the hat he wears can leave a shadow.

Ordinary ghosts were pearly white, but Peeves was colored, and he wore clothes as bright as the tiger Pomona had seen.

The tiger looked so real, every hair was clearly defined, but it didn't have the strong smell of a living animal, which can be smelled everywhere in the zoo.

It's not a living thing, but Pomona believes its claws and teeth can hurt them. Peeves is the most well-known and troublesome mischief in British history. It is almost impossible to eliminate Peeves, so this tiger is as difficult to deal with as Peeves.


Pomona was admiring the tiger when she suddenly felt a sharp pain in her arm. Her "lover" pinched her to divert her attention from the tiger to herself.

The middle-aged man with greasy hair tilted his head, signaling Pomona to "deal with" the two children.

The terrible potions professor was never good at dealing with children, and his eloquence was used in sarcasm and sarcasm. Pomona had no choice but to bite the bullet and walk into the room, sharing a room with a tiger.

"Your name is Ivan, right? Hello, nice to meet you." Pomona reached out to Ivan, but the little pickpocket didn't shake it back.

"Hi, nice to meet you." The girl who was hugging him shook Pomona back, her tone was almost trembling, and her voice trembled.

Pomona looked back at Severus, who was looking at the horse reining expressionlessly, exuding the aura of an evil villain.

Casting the Unforgivable Curse on a thirteen-year-old, what was he thinking.

"I heard from the professor that you know the news about Moran, can you tell me?" Pomona asked Ivan.

"I don't know what you're talking about silently. That person just asked me if I've ever heard of someone who received the Hogwarts acceptance letter but didn't go to school." Ivan glanced at Severus, He said blankly, "I found out that there is a family whose children received it and sent it with an owl, but he didn't go."


"First, his family has no money, and second, his mother suspects that it is a scam. Which school will teach people magic?"

Pomona gaped.

"His father died in a gang fight. His mother raised him. He also has two younger brothers and sisters. Her mother hoped that he would come out to work early. She didn't even plan to let him go to middle school. The school only charged gold for tuition fees. , he can't afford it."

"Oh, my God," Pomona murmured in surprise.

"What's his name?" Severus asked.

"I told you, can you stop coming to us in the future?" Ivan looked at Severus and said, "Don't hurt my sister, she doesn't know anything."

"Why did you steal that bracelet?" Ma Youxuan asked suddenly.

"That bracelet is beautiful, I thought it would be a birthday present for my sister." Ivan looked at Pomona's wrist, where the turquoise bracelet was now on her wrist "I didn't know it was important to you, sir .”

"Some mistakes can't be made even once, boy." Severus said dryly. "It's easy to screw up your life..."

"I know." Ivan interrupted him very calmly, "Someone stole the money from the smugglers and planned to escape, but they all disappeared. It was me who didn't see the big shark. If you want to punish, punish me."

"Don't listen to his husband!" Valentina immediately pulled Ivan behind her. "Ivan is just a child, and he will tell you everything he knows."

"There are no children here." Severus twisted his thin lips and smiled slickly. "Ivan knows what he did and what consequences he has to bear. Even in wizarding schools, there are few children as smart as him. Tsk tsk, what a pity."

"Can you stop talking in such an annoying way?" Pomona whispered.

"Did I hurt your sentimental heart by talking like that?"

Pomona wanted to scream in anger.

But she still controlled her emotions and looked at Ivan with a smile.

"You're a good man." Ivan looked at Pomona and said, "But what you say doesn't count. Don't waste your energy. I won't say anything until he agrees."

Pomona had to admit that Muggles are not inferior to wizards in intelligence at all, and adversity can indeed temper people. If Ivan can meet a good teacher, he will become a talent.

If the boy who was silently parasitized knew how to catch the owl that sent him a letter like Hermione, and let it send a letter back to ask for help, or if a teacher visited the orphanage like Dumbledore, there would be no such thing in this world. There will be such a tragedy.

If fate gives an opportunity, it must be firmly grasped. Some people will do anything to get out of poverty. Fortunately, Severus has become a wizard. He doesn't need to use violent methods to get out of that quagmire like other Muggle young people in the slums.

"Do you believe in magic?" Severus asked with a sly smile.

"I believe." Ivan looked at the tiger and said, "but I am not qualified to master that power."

"Don't you yearn for it?"

"I want my sister to have an easy life, I don't want anything else, Mr. Ma, if this 'sir' insists on killing me, I hope you don't do it for me. I just hope that my sister can continue to work in Chinatown, man Women shouldn’t be involved in things like this.”

Valentina was so angry that she started yelling in her native language, cursing and slapping the "man" on the ass very hard.

Pomona couldn't help but let out a long sigh.

Even if he is a pickpocket, Ivan is still a good boy, although in the eyes of most "respectable people", he is a thief who should be hanged.

"I promise you," Severus said now, "Can you tell me his name?"

Ivan took a note from the pocket of his denim jacket.

"Address and name, everything you need is on it, please go."

Pomona took the paper and walked over to Severus.

"See you by fate." Ma Youxuan said with a smile, and Severus snorted coldly, leading Pomona to Apparate in front of the two Muggles.

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