Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 452 Reflection in the Water

Harry, Ron and Hermione were not there at the Halloween party, and instead of eating human food, they went to the Ghost's Deathday party.

When the banquet in the auditorium was over and everyone left to go back to the dormitory, they happened to find the three of them, with a line written in blood on the wall, which looked particularly shocking, and many people were terrified.

Later, the kid in Gryffindor who often took pictures of Harry Potter with a camera was also attacked, and news began to spread in the school that he was lying in the hospital and dying.

The air was heavy with rumors and suspicions, and the first years were now flocking to action, while the sale of amulets, talismans, and other protective items became so hot that Neville bought a large, monster-smelling Green onions, an amethyst, and a rotting lizard tail. Although he was reminded that he didn't need to worry about being attacked because he was a pureblood, he felt that he was a squib, so he might be attacked.

It's no use using these as talismans, Neville.

Pomona wanted to remind him that, just like vampires are not afraid of garlic and snowmen are not afraid of monster curses, effective means must be used to deal with them.

Draco chose to stay in school at Christmas that year. The situation in his home was very bad. Aurors had to search his home again and again, as if to find any evidence that could imprison Lucius in Azkaban. Dobby also stayed in the school. Its task was to protect the little master, but it liked Harry Potter more. It also visited him the night of the bone.

Ordinary raw bone water does not grow bones so fast. It is specially made by Snape. It tastes more disgusting than ordinary raw bone water. It is packed in an ordinary raw bone water bottle. One sip can make people doubt life .

The raw bone water uses Chinese biting cabbage, which looks very similar to cabbage, and it is found in the vegetable field, but this magic plant is not as easy to bully as ordinary cabbage, it can bite people, and meat-eating slugs can also bite. Don't dare to mess with it.

Fifth graders were asked to write a paper in potions class analyzing the effects of potion ingredients on potions, so people often came to her vegetable garden to see Chinese biting kale.

The atmosphere in the castle was terrible, and Lockhart felt that it was time to boost morale. He decorated the entire auditorium with a Valentine's Day theme, and there were ugly short "angels" playing harps and chasing the students singing love songs everywhere.

It was better for him to do this than before. It was a little cleaner to run outside the castle. In this cold weather, there is nothing more comfortable than drinking a cup of warm butter beer. She proudly gurgled a large glass of butter beer After drinking it, a wave of warmth began to surge from the bottom of her heart to her limbs, and she was as energetic as if she drank a boosting potion.

"How does it feel?" she asked a muffled voice that seemed to be through water.

For a moment, she thought she was back in the corridor with the blood writing on the wall, the water was everywhere on the ground, and the writing on the wall was different from the reflection in the water.

Written on the wall: The Chamber of Secrets has been opened, the descendants of the enemy beware.

The reflection in the water is: You shouldn't take things that don't belong to you.

Pomona's heart began to pound, and she wanted to escape from this place, but when she turned around, she saw a red-haired Gryffindor girl standing not far away, her hands were covered with blood.


No, Ginny's eyes were brown, and this girl had green eyes, and she was Lily Evans.

A cold, hoarse and creepy hiss sounded, and she looked up at the black ceiling. In the dark corridor, only the torches flickered in the damp and cold mountain wind, as if they would be blown out at any moment.

"I know what you're thinking." Tom Riddle's voice came from the back of her head. "Why didn't that Muggle girl die like the one before, so you could have him all to yourself."

"You make me sick." Pomona pointed her wand around.

"He made you suffer so much, he is actually a selfish person, he only wants to live better for himself, and never thinks about your feelings." Tom continued to say in the back of her head, "Look at that dirty Mudblood, In my time men would go to war and women would say their goodbyes at King's Cross and there were a lot of people running and shouting as the train moved Don't forget to write me if he can find the 'messenger' you What do you think Severus is going to say to her?"

Pomona's teeth started chattering up and down.

"Although most seances are fake, there are real psychics. Orientals are good at communicating with ghosts. I'm helping you, stupid woman. You can also make smart choices. He doesn't belong to you. Don't take what doesn't belong to you."

"He's mine, Pomona," Lily said deadpan. "You know I like him."

"Then what is James Potter!" Pomona demanded her.

"Smart girls should be like her. There is one more choice that can be replaced in time if something goes wrong. You think you are true love, but you are deceiving yourself. My mother took the illusion caused by the love potion as real and stopped talking to her." He drugged her and my filthy vulgar father abandoned her, even if I wasn't the heir of Salazar Slytherin, the kind of man who deserts his wife and children should not be condoned, I killed him I am avenging my mother, where did I go wrong?"

Pomona felt as if her brain was blocked.

Will a man who abandons his wife and son regret it?

Old Tom Riddle married another woman after returning to his home, and he thought that Merope and the child in her belly never existed.

"He didn't think of her as his wife," murmured Pomona.

"Severus is the same, face reality, find someone who loves you, don't love him anymore, don't you feel tired?"

She does feel tired.

She wants to continue to be the ordinary woman who studies food magic, collects plant specimens, and decorates Hufflepuff's common room comfortably and beautifully. The beech wand chose her, and it is indeed beautiful, but she really thinks it is very beautiful. tired.

"People who love you will put you in their hearts, not around them. You are like the woman next to Grindelwald. She serves him wholeheartedly and thinks she really understands him, but she doesn't know Grindelwald. And Albus Dumbledore are the real lovers, this secret is really hidden." Tom Riddle said with emotion.

"You use Bella." Pomona said coldly, "just like Grindelwald used Vidar Rozier."

Tom didn't answer her.

"How does it feel to be fooled by a woman from the Black family, but to be fooled by another woman from the Black family? Who dares you to confirm for yourself whether Harry Potter is dead or alive!"

"Why are women so stupid." The Dark Lord asked in pain.

"Remember what you were defeated by, Tom." Pomona said with a sneer. "War and love can make people lose their minds, but men believe in power, and we believe in love."

"Even if your so-called love only exists in your mind?"

This time it was Pomona's turn and she didn't know what to say.

In ancient Greek mythology, there was a nymph named "Echo" who fell in love with the beautiful young Cassos, but the beautiful young Cassos ignored her all the time. This fruitless unrequited love exhausted her beautiful life. Because of love, she begged Venus to punish this cruel boy.

Venus blamed the fairy for not cherishing herself, punished her ghost to live in the shadow of the rock, and punished Cersus by making him fall in love with her own shadow in the water.

If no one comes to love, just love yourself. She felt sorry for the person who lived but didn't love, but she didn't realize that she was also quite pitiful. She didn't want to go back, so let her stay with that poor basilisk Turn to bones in the Chamber of Secrets.

She crouched on the ground, looking at her reflection in the water, she didn't want to see Lily, she didn't want to hear any sound, she thought it was over.

"Don't leave me." The voice was as vague as through water, "Bella wants to kill herself, and I don't want her to do so."

Ordinary people would die if they broke their unbreakable vows, but Bellatrix, that tortured whore, made that person suffer until he died. She used the Cruciatus Curse on the Longbottoms and put them Both are so crazy.

The ground was shaking, and the mirror-like puddles began to ripple.

She stood up, but Lily ran away. She tried to chase, but found that her feet were empty. She woke up suddenly with a strong sense of falling, and the white snow that greeted her reminded her of the medical wing.

"Happy Valentine's Day, godmother," said Draco, who was standing at the head of the bed, smiling at her with his hawthorn wand. "You've had a long sleep."

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