Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 422: The Released Soul

Buddy Crouch Sr. was killed in the Forbidden Forest. It was Harry who found the body at the time, and it was finally investigated that the murderer who killed him was his son Buddy Crouch Jr.

Old Barty is a tough, capable and prestigious judge. When he learned that his son Barty Crouch Jr. had become a Death Eater and participated in the torture of the Longbottoms, Old Barty could conduct the trial impartially. , his only son was sentenced to Azkaban.

Little Barty's cell is next to Sirius, and every night he has nightmares, crying for his mother in his dreams.

Old Barty's career also plummeted because of the little Barty's incident, from the most promising candidate to become the Minister of Magic to a dispensable figure all of a sudden.

What a disappointing son, but he is impeccable on the surface, with excellent grades, elegant manners, and everything he behaves like a top student and a good baby. He doesn't look like a criminal at all, and it is precisely because of this It was so surprising when he was confessed by Karkaroff.

The child you imagined is not the same as your real child. How many parents have been deceived by their children's superb acting skills.

After all, parents and children don't spend much time together, and there are so many social activities every day, it is normal to ignore their children. Ron is the child ignored by Arthur and Molly. He often complains that the things he gets are rubbish. Even for such a formal occasion as the Triwizard Tournament, the clothes Molly prepared for him are very inappropriate.

Hermione from a Muggle family has never received a package from an owl, but every time she goes home from vacation, her parents do their best to prepare her with the things she needs to go to school. They have never controlled her in terms of money. I believe Hermione will make the right judgment and use it in the right place.

Pomona used Hermione as a substitute for Lily, and she almost opened a vault for Hermione.

Hufflepuff always liked to share, but her generosity still made Hermione feel very uncomfortable. If it was another occasion, it would be bribery. Hermione finally resisted the temptation and rejected Pomona's kindness.

Old Buddy Crouch was known for his impartiality and iron fist in the Department of Legal Enforcement, sometimes appearing rigid and impersonal, but he was very smooth and sophisticated in the Department of Magical Communication, and he planned to reveal the project to Harry.

In the third game, you have to go through the maze. The compass doesn't work where there is magical interference. You need a directional spell to determine the north. Hermione found this spell before the start of the game, so that Harry can avoid getting lost in the maze.

She has always played the role of the unfriendly nerd in the trio, while Hufflepuff is more kind and gregarious, and Pomona even took Hermione to visit the Victoria's Secret store.

Women themselves represent a kind of temptation. The person who was tempted by the devil was Eve, who persuaded Adam to eat the forbidden fruit together, so some people blamed women for being expelled from the Garden of Eden.

Misfortune has already happened, and someone has to take the responsibility. Don't push the responsibility on others, should you blame yourself? The one who is punished in this way is himself.

The Romans killed all the Druids, and they didn’t know what to do when the plague spread. A pious lamb who believed in God should be blessed by God, so how could he be punished?

"I'm not wrong, it's someone else who is wrong."

Heretics, wizards, anyone, as long as they can shirk responsibility, put the blame on them.

When the troll broke into the women's bathroom and Hermione was rescued by Ron and Harry, her first reaction was not to shirk responsibility, although she lied in front of the teachers.

Quirrell is the teacher of the Defense Against the Dark Arts class. As a person who teaches students to resist black magic, of course he has to participate in the battle. Quirrell in the first grade is already very unbearable, and Lockhart in the second grade is even more shameful. When the school is in trouble, people are panic , When Ginny disappeared, he didn't think about saving his students, but packed up and prepared to escape. Hermione was in a petrified state at the time, and after listening to Harry and Ron about it, he also saw through the true face of that flashy liar , how brave and fearless he is in the books, but the reality is that he can't even deal with the Cornish elves.

As long as Ron is not dealing with spiders, it doesn't matter whether it is a dark wizard or other dark creatures, but now he is dealing with eight-eyed spiders. From the very beginning, Pomona intends to play tricks on Ron. Just as mean.

It wasn't Harry who cheated, but the whole Hufflepuff isolated him. Except for Cedric who was still advocating fairness and justice, and let others not wear that badge, others didn't care so much, and punished Harry for doing it. Feel at ease, and even find it funny.

Harry said he didn't cheat, where is the evidence? To have no proof is to lie, and there it was, Harry Potter being the fourth contestant.

Angry Hufflepuff is like this, even honest and good people get angry sometimes, a person who pretends to be smart and deceives honest and kind people will often end up with bad results, Hermione Granger used the centaur against Umbridge Later, many centaurs thought she should be punished. When Firenze was teaching at Hogwarts, she told Hermione that it would be difficult to get back after losing her trust.

"I shouldn't lie"

Lying can bring many benefits, but if you tell too many lies, you will be tightly entangled in the net you spun. In the end, the net will become tighter and tighter, so that you can't breathe at all.

In September 1289, the International Wizarding Conference held a meeting in Sardinia, and they discussed the Crusades.

This bloody history with the stench of rotting corpses is not suitable for children to know, so Hermione raised her hand and interrupted the ghost Binns.

It's easy to be an innocent and pure person, just stay ignorant, but when you know enough, it's impossible to keep being as spotless as a blank sheet of paper.

The impulse of religious feelings and the temptation of material interests made people of that era devote themselves to the conquest war for their own purposes.

The Ninth Crusade, led by Prince Edward, rushed to North Africa to rescue King Louis IX of France, who returned to England to inherit the throne after signing an armistice with the Arabs in Acre.

After Louis IX fell ill and died, his son and heir immediately ordered a retreat, and the Crusaders' territories in the East fell into the hands of the Communists. The meeting in 1289 was aimed at "whether wizards should come forward to protect their own interests in the East". The old ghost of Binns didn't know that some things should not be said in public. It is only suitable for whispering in a dark secret room, not in public speech.

Wherever the Crusaders passed, there were scorched earth, burning, killing and looting all the way. Those "knights" were good at stabbing babies to death with their own swords, instead of holding them in their arms and raising them.

With such a comparison, Ron Weasley, the "loser", is full of advantages.

It was rare for a man to bring up children, but Hermione believed that Ron could do it, and he would be as good a father as Arthur was.

"Ron! Ron!" Hermione shouted in the foggy forest, he had a Deluminator on him, maybe he could hear her voice in the blue light again, and Apparated.

Scientia lumen vitae.

Knowledge is the light of life.

The combative Gryffindor, who doesn't read books, is covered in darkness just like the "knights" in the Middle Ages. It is precisely because of this that James Potter came up with the idea of ​​punishing a "knight" after being rejected by Lily. Evil Slytherin" to win her favor.

What's wrong with justice punishing evil?

Nemo me immune lacessit.

No one can bully me with impunity.

The father's debt, the son pays.

That's the Slytherin style.

But that terrible and mean Severus Snape actually started to care about Harry Potter, he was indeed a good guy, although he didn't look like that in the eyes of most people, especially men.

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