Before the Halloween dinner in 1992, it was rumored among the students that Albus Dumbledore favored a skeleton dance troupe to entertain everyone at the banquet. Albus always liked this "fun" way to introduce scary things to children Know.

Undead magic is always related to skeletons. There was a big battle when Hogwarts was first built 1000 years ago. At that time, Peeves sent a letter to the people in the castle with his last breath. Unfortunately, everyone thought he was in the castle. Just kidding, no one believed what he said until his soul left his body.

It is difficult for Muggles to understand how a skeleton with no muscles but only bones moves. This principle can be referred to the crumbling Burrow, the branch-shaped ice cream balls at the school dinner, and the walking armor in the castle. They are all supported by magic. , once the magic power dissipates, the skeleton will return to its original appearance, a pile of white bones.

In addition to dancing, skeletons can also fight. They are not very scary. The main reason is that they are numerous and regenerate endlessly. If you smash those bones, they will have no fighting power. But so many people have died over hundreds of thousands of years, their bones can be used to summon.

The earth is actually a huge cemetery, where many creatures that once existed are buried, and giants are just one of them.

There was a giant war that Merlin was responsible for quelling. He used magic to lure the giants out, and then defeated them one by one.

Later, the giant tribe, under the leadership of the leader of the giant Guai, once again launched a fierce attack on the wizarding world and the Muggle world. This time it was Salazar Slytherin who was responsible for stopping them.

In official history and many classics, this credit is attributed to Godric Gryffindor, but Professor Binns still remembers that the idea of ​​using wine as bait was thought up by a house elf, Gran Findo just jokingly said, "Then give them wine." It was Slytherin who finally decided on the idea, and it was Gryffindor and Slytherin who went to the Wizarding Council to discuss this matter together.

To demonize a person, you only need to delete all the good things he has done and leave the bad things he has done. This is what the Senate did to Nero.

Although Nero has been known as a tyrant for so many years, in fact, his reputation among the common people is actually very good, and even after his death, some people rebelled under his banner.

Emperor Yang Guang of the Sui Dynasty was also an emperor with a bad reputation, but the imperial examination system he developed affected the subsequent history of China.

Time has passed so long, and the Chinese themselves don’t remember that the southeast region in the Sui and Tang Dynasties was not under the jurisdiction of the Central Plains regime, but belonged to Baiyue. It's not like going there in extravagance and extravagance as the Tang Empire said later.

When a person needs Guangwei’s positive image, he needs a big villain to set it off. Slytherin believes in using violence to control violence. I will treat you as you did to me. Salazar’s treatment of dark wizards is even more cruel than dark wizards. On the contrary, Gryffindor is opposed to using violence to control violence, but there is a conflict between this "smart man" and the goblin over a sword. If Muggles know that the sword of Gryffindor may be King Arthur's Sword in the Stone, then Unforeseen things will happen, and only a few people can know the secret, just like the Latin phrase pulchnum estpaucorum homimum, beauty only belongs to a few people, and God's will is such an arrangement.

Passed down from the era of the school founders to the present, each principal has left many admonitions, which have been deleted, deleted or subtracted with the changes of the times, but one of them has not changed, that is, to treat the horses well.

The centaurs have always been the nemesis of the giants. The wizard's magic is ineffective against the giants, including black magic. What used to wrap the pile of bones was the mountain of meat, and now they are covered with dirt, and the dirt didn't really replace it. Muscles, but to protect the skeleton from being shattered by the spell, and a giant's skeleton puppet will not destroy these people. What Pomona is worried about is those dark wizards who are hiding.

She still used the old method to make the devil's net grow quickly with a growing spell and potions, and its vines could entangle the giant skeleton, and then it was time for the Slytherins to perform.

Pomona looked at the skeleton giant in the distance while reciting the spell. The Wizengamot also has another name, the Elders. They are members of the earliest wizard council. They are both wizards and judges. Now more and more people Think of it as the "Senate" for power struggles.

It was the veteran of the Wizengamot who dealt with the skeleton army 1,000 years ago. Now let Umbridge try to deal with tens of thousands of skeletons.

Sometimes Pomona also agrees with Grindelwald's idea that power only blooms in a few people, and it is very difficult for modern people to reproduce that earth-shattering power.

All actions of undead creatures rely on perception. Their senses of hearing, smell, and touch are gone, and they are more effective in the dense foggy forest than humans who rely on vision.

The undead giant sensed the threat Pomona posed to it, and rushed towards her with rumbling footsteps like a rugby player. She apparated away at the last second, but the big tree behind her Not so lucky, after being hit head-on, it made a loud noise, and snowflakes fell from the branches.

Pomona sensed that something was wrong, but she couldn't tell where the problem was. Although she didn't think that children are delicate like Atrix, the environment she created was indeed relatively pure. She never talked to Hufflepuff. Husband's children have said what the Forbidden Forest used to be.

The Forbidden Forest is an ancient battlefield. Although it is not a muggle-like bloody ancient battlefield, it is indeed an ancient battlefield. Those skeletons were not conjured out of thin air, but were summoned by black wizards from the Muggle battlefield to attack Huo Gwarz's.

She wasn't sure if Severus was in trouble now, but she really needed help. Fortunately, she remembered to take the crystal ball with her. Although she would definitely face the roar of the fire dragon afterwards, she didn't care too much up.

After taking off the hood, Pomona held the crystal in her hand and said the name of Severus, it didn't connect immediately.

In this situation, there were many people who needed his instructions, so Pomona stopped trying, and she put the crystal ball back.

At this moment, a hiss suddenly came from the depths of the Forbidden Forest, and everyone, including the giant skeleton, looked in that direction.

Not long after, I saw a huge, half-bird, half-reptile creature rushing towards this side with two feet like a running pheasant.

"It's a bird-shaped man-eating monster! Get out of the way!" Pomona hurriedly shouted at the people below.

The bird-shaped man-eating monster is a mysterious dragon-shaped creature that exists in the United States and is as often exposed in Muggle newspapers as the Loch Ness monster.

Although its head is in the shape of a dragon, it cannot breathe fire. It has strong jagged fangs and fur that can't be pierced by bullets. It quickly fought with the giant, and the fallen leaves and mud flew everywhere. It is no longer something humans can participate in. fought.

Pomona immediately apparated over there, and several wands were pointed at her. She knew these people, Arthur, Hermione, Simon, Luna, and Rolf Skaman who opened the suitcase Germany.

"Merlin's beard, you..."

"I heard that you are very good at explosions, Simon Finnigan." Pomona interrupted Arthur, pointing to the giant skeleton not far away and said, "Can you blow it up?"

"I don't think there's any problem." Simon said eagerly.

"Wait." Pomona called to her pocket, and a bottle of liquid that shone golden in the dark appeared in her hand. "This is explosive liquid, take it."

She gave Simon the commemorative bottle of potion that Severus had made for the dean potion duel, which was very stable unless its balance was disturbed.

"Don't throw it!" Everyone exclaimed, and Simon used the floating spell to suspend it in mid-air at the critical moment.

"Relax, it won't explode that easily." Pomona said in a brisk tone, and then she turned her gaze to Hermione, "What are you doing here?"

Hermione seemed to have lost the ability to speak, and she was stunned.

"We're here to find Ron Weasley, he's missing." Luna said at this time, she didn't seem to recognize Pomona.

Pomona touched her neck, which was covered in goosebumps by the cold wind, and suddenly understood. After taking off the yellow scarf, she was dressed like an ordinary dark wizard, all in black. Luna seemed to think that she It's the Slytherin end.

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