Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 397 Targeted Strike

The glass ceiling of the conservatory reveals a starry night sky through it.

Evening primrose is not only a common material in potions, but also used in herbal medicine. It is used a lot throughout the year. There are special flower fields in the greenhouse for planting.

In addition to the evening primrose field, there is also a lavender field, and that sea of ​​flowers is Hufflepuff's dating sanctuary. But evening primroses don't bloom until after evening, when the castle is locked and students can't date here, so it becomes a private meeting place for herbal medicine professors.

Neville had taken good care of the nursery Pomona had left behind, and the flowers were as healthy and strong as she had left them.

In this rich and fresh fragrance, Pomona was wearing Hufflepuff's school robe, kissing the potions master who everyone was afraid of by the flower field.

Everyone has the right to fall in love, and teachers should also have the right to love each other, but teachers are the ones who educate people and lead students into a new world.

As a teacher, you should be a moral person, and you should not indoctrinate students with wrong views and concepts. After all, the world that students come into contact with is too small, and their minds are not yet fully mature.

A bad teacher can lead a child astray, which is more deadly than poor grades. Not letting someone as extreme as Tom Riddle teach the art of black arts is also because he doesn't want to teach a group of murderous demons. If brainwashing education starts at an early age, it will be difficult to eradicate, and the consequences will be unimaginable.

Generally speaking, teacher-student romances mostly occur between male teachers and female students. It is easy to deceive a child who lacks the ability to distinguish right from wrong, especially an ignorant girl. There is a natural inequality between teachers and students, but love should be equal. of. An unmarried male teacher of the right age has been in a school full of female students for many years. If he doesn't act like a stranger and show a perfect smile everywhere like Lockhart, then sooner or later he will cause a teacher-student romance scandal .

Pomona didn't like the cornflower-eyed Lockhart, so why did he encourage female students to write to him?

A pure and lovely female student is like a flower covered with morning dew, without being polluted by the world, capturing a young girl's heart and he does not intend to respond to her, what is the difference between doing so and playing with a girl's feelings.

The obnoxious dark wizard who had beaten the Anti-Dark Arts League to the ground, she thought he deserved a reward, so acquiesced to his inappropriate imagination.

He kissed her tenderly, like a knight full of tenderness. Coupled with the evening primrose field under the moonlight, she quickly forgot the dense valley full of disgusting spiders.

She was still Hufflepuff from the vast valley, and all she wanted in life was food and flowers, and she was protected, just like Dumbledore never let Minerva interfere in the Chamber of Secrets.

Hermione Granger is a clever witch who knows how to observe the basilisk through the mirror. This is exactly what Pomona and Severus did, using the double-sided mirror to see if there is a monster behind each other.

The materials for making the resurrection potion were also found in Slytherin's secret room. It was one of the materials that the Dark Lord handed over to Severus for safekeeping. It is unknown who poisoned the adult mandrakes of that year. Now I know, it's Ginny, all of them are dead, and they can only be cultivated from seedlings. Finally, the petrified people returned to normal before the holiday.

"I want treacle pie."

After this lingering kiss ended, Pomona said in a daze.

"How about chocolate pudding without this now?"

She meekly accepted the pudding, which had been taken from her flannel pocket, and Severus was at her disposal again.

But she wasn't angry, so he lay comfortably on her lap, chewing another pudding in his mouth.

"I saw Bella just now." He said casually as if talking about a trivial matter.

"I thought Molly killed her."

"She was broken into pieces just like the Dark Lord's body, human body is just like this, only the body made by potion can be like that." Severus said casually "If that rumor is true , the Dark Lord has an heir, and Bella is the only one who may be pregnant. I haven't seen any signs of her pregnancy. If her body is hidden and pregnant and has a child, what appears in front of us is her resurrection with a Horcrux , then it's understandable why anyone would see Bella in Cokeworth."

"Oh, so she's still alive," Pomona complained.

"She is the most loyal subordinate of the Dark Lord, of course there will be special treatment, such as teaching her how to make Horcruxes." Severus reached out and stroked her soft face with the back of his hand, "I will teach you how to use 'Blood Ties' 'Same."

"We're not related by blood."

"Blood relationship is just a carrier, I don't want to talk to you about brain-inducing things." He said impatiently, "Harry Potter's fate is the Avada Kedavra Curse, Neville Longbottom's fate is the Cruciatus Curse, I hate Those two brats."

"Who did you torture?" she asked absently.

"Two night callers." He actually mentioned the victim. "After the interrogation, I handed them over to the Aurors. Now they are residents of Azkaban."

"Are you expecting me to praise you?" Pomona patted his forehead. "You used the Unforgivable Curse."

"What they did was unforgivable, creating panic and robbing the coffers, and the Muggle Prime Minister was furious about it." Severus sighed. "Poor Kings."

"I don't think Kingsley would appreciate your pity on him," said Pomona dryly.

How funny that Snape could be sympathetic, and Kingsley wasn't Remus Lupin.

"Do you remember that in 1689, the Ministry of Magic asked Queen Mary II and William III of England to agree to Muggle law to recognize and protect wizards?"

"Remember, of course, that Professor Binns said this may have been what led the wizarding world to pass the International Statute of Wizarding Secrecy in 1692."

"This is what Kings came to do. I hope that the Muggle Prime Minister will legislate to recognize and protect the rights and interests of wizards. In the future, if there is any kid who bullies little wizards like Arianna, they will not have to bear any punishment. Even If wizard laws do not punish them, they will also be punished by Muggle laws, Kings has worked well with the Muggle Prime Minister these years, and now this matter is hopeless again."

"What!" Pomona screamed.

"If it can be cured from this point, it doesn't matter if the magic world is exposed in the future. Both muggles and wizards have corresponding legal protection and punishment. Although it is difficult, there is hope. Their troubles are all over, why are there always stupid people doing it? Stupid thing."

"Don't forget that you did a lot of stupid things when you were young," said Pomona coldly.

This guy, in order to get ahead among the Death Eaters, ended up telling the Dark Lord half of the prophecies he had heard, and finally indirectly killed his first love, and regretted wanting to make amends after getting into trouble, so he agreed to Albus Deng Bullido acts as a double agent.

At that time, Tom Riddle was already insane. He actually killed so many people to make infernal corpses to protect his own Horcrux.

"How is that student of yours, Marcus Flint?"

"I'm still waiting for his news. As long as you don't die, I can do anything." He looked into her eyes calmly and said, "Whether it's a werewolf, a spider, or a death eater, I won't be afraid , I really hope that those curses can be on me."

"It's okay, Severus, I don't care."

"I don't know where the Resurrection Stone that was thrown in the Forbidden Forest after this war will be hidden. Maybe it will be the same as Ravenclaw's crown. It will not be seen again until hundreds of years later. The Deathly Hallows collection is not complete... ..."

Pomona woke the cranky man with a slap across the face.

"I confirmed Sybil's prophecy, she said 'servant' in the singular, not 'servants', if Harry is really a Horcrux, you and Pete Pediru are both servants, I remember you and Pete were in Been in a house, the one in Spinner's End, and you made him serve you like a servant, didn't you, master?"

He calmed down, watching her with unfathomable black eyes.

"Draco proposed to Astonia, the villa in Godric's Hollow will be given to them in the future, how about we live in the old log cabin?" She hugged his head and kissed, just like the witch Sha Le Mei, who could not get the love of the saint, cut off his head and possessed him in a bloody way "We will help Minerva and keep Hogwarts running, and the son of Remus Teddy can read like ordinary people, and he has to teach Scorpius, I won’t let him become a poor little boy who is obedient, and anyone who dares to bully him will hit him, just like a scorpion, and sting them to death.”

"What's Scorpius' middle name?" he asked.

"Of course not in your name, Harry has already ordered a second son named Albus Severus Potter..."

"Don't mention that name!" he interrupted her angrily.

"Okay, don't mention it." Pomona rolled her eyes skyward. "I hope Scorpius' middle name is the name of a titan. What do you think?"

"Why do you like giants so much?" He looked at her strangely, "I still haven't figured out how Hagrid and Bray Barton, that female half-breed giant, were born, and there are freaks like you in this world. exist."

"You made up your mind that I wouldn't be angry, right?" Pomona asked coldly.

"You are a benevolent and optimistic witch, Professor Sprout, who doesn't know that you are a tolerant person?" He said sarcastically, "I will always be a nuisance."

"You've been a terrible teacher," she said mercilessly. "How could you do that to Neville?"

"That's my way of raising him, he's way smarter than Harry Potter." He settled into a more comfortable position on her lap, babbling "Jamesy Lisbert, Albus West Forrest Potter, if he has another son, will he ask Remskins to come to Porter?"

"You think Neville is smarter than Harry?" she said cheerfully.

"At least that's a way, and he came up with it himself. What to do next depends on how the female spider chooses."

With a "boom", a fire ignited soaring into the sky in the Forbidden Forest, almost illuminating the night sky.

"Obviously, she has already made a choice." Pomona looked at the flames and shrugged. "As expected of a cold-blooded animal."

"Snakes are also cold-blooded." He warned coldly.

"Oops." She realized that she slipped her tongue.

Cursing indistinctly, he got up and threw her down.

The nursery was not a potions classroom, it was full of mud, luckily not mud.

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