Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 394 Parting ways

In wizard chess, the queen is the strongest piece in the game and the easiest piece to capture. Ron Weasley is good at playing wizard chess. When he broke through the level to get the Sorcerer's Stone, Ron sacrificed himself as a "knight", and let the queen of the white wizard leave the king's side. Finally, he was given by Harry, the "bishop". Checkmate.

Although it didn't look like it, Ron was indeed a knight, and he was clumsy and cute, and when everyone threw him aside to discuss what to do next, Pomona contributed the tranquilizer.

"Don't worry, I won't poison you." Pomona said sincerely and kindly.

"Who are you?" Ron said warily, obviously remembering his mother's instruction not to take things from strangers.

Lavender was dumped by Ron, and the dumped party usually pays attention to her ex, but now she pays attention to Neville, Ron, her ex-boyfriend, she simply treats him as if he doesn't exist.

Hermione Granger looked fine, listening to Harry carefully, her brows frowning even tighter.

"Hello, Ron, hello, Gorgon." Luna appeared on Ron's other side.

"Who's going to use Gorgon as a name!" grumbled Ron, looking at Pomona like a freak.

"At Hogwarts, whoever needs it will get help." Pomona pushed the tube of sedative into Ron's hand. "You look like you need it."

"Don't worry." Seeing that Ron hesitated not to drink the potion, Luna said with a dazed expression, "She won't poison."

"How do you know?" Ron screamed.

"What's the benefit of her poisoning you?"

Pomona turned her gaze to Newt Scamander's grandson, who had a suitcase in his hand.

Traveling with magical animals cannot apparate, and you have to borrow Muggle transportation. Luna and Rolf are dressed exactly like ordinary Muggles.

Rolf did not study in England, he was older than Harry and the others, it is said that he studied in Bray Barton.

He looked at Neville with interest, as if he was evaluating the threat he posed to him. At this moment, Neville was sandwiched between two girls, his head was covered with sweat, and he seemed to be in a dilemma.

"Come and ride thestrals with me later, Neville." Hannah said kindly.

"He can ride with me." Lavender replied not to be outdone. "What do you think? Weiwei."

"Ouch." Hannah showed a disgusted look, "He has a name, why don't you call him well!"

"It's a nickname." Lavender said to Hannah as if she had won, "We are much closer than you."

Ah~ it started again.

Pomona looked at the scene in front of her and thought, Lily would also call Severus "Sev", which Pomona had never called him, although she occasionally called him old bat and old basilisk in her mind.

Sif is Lily's exclusive nickname, not to mention that a serious name should be called seriously. She didn't have an exclusive nickname "Prince" until this year. Severus was more proud of his mother's blood, and didn't like Muggle blood, and Lily was a Muggle, so she wouldn't use "Prince" to call Severus.

Girls want to be princesses, boys also want to be princes, and enjoy the feeling of being pampered, but it's a pity that half-blood princes have a rough life.

The scenes of girls being jealous because of boys often happened in front of Sirius, but it never happened in front of the ugly and poor Severus. He must have hoped that Pomona would fight Lily for him.

How ugly it is for girls to fight, especially girls from Hufflepuff and Gryffindor. The way they fight and roll all over the floor can piss Pomona and Minerva to death.

Young ladies should maintain an elegant manner, and don't need to lose face so much for a man. But women's friendship can be established through people they hate in common, and it can also be broken because of people they like in common. At this time, whoever boys help is the winner.

Although Luna is crazy, she has a strange aura. She can control the overall situation, and Rolf can suppress her. This kind of mature man's stable aura is not comparable to Harry and the young people who need someone to take care of them .

She looked at Rolf, thinking of her little husband with his steady voice, and it was too difficult to choose between kissing and listening to his British accent. Although it is troublesome to untie the dense row of buttons, she can also fully enjoy the fun of unwrapping presents. The strong muscles feel great to the touch, but he is too pale, not as healthy as the wheat-colored skin...

"Shut up!" Ginny yelled unbearably, no matter whether she was arguing or lost her mind, all of them turned their eyes to Harry Potter.

"Should we tell the Ministry of Magic about this?" Hermione said distraughtly. "The situation is beyond our control."

"When will the Ministry of Magic get involved in Hogwarts?" Neville said without hesitation.

"We are short of manpower, of course we need Auror's help." Hermione replied immediately.

"Werewolves besieged Hogwarts last summer, we didn't ask the Ministry of Magic for help, and it's the same this time." Neville insisted, "We can ask the Order of the Phoenix for help."

"Many members of the Order of the Phoenix are from the Ministry of Magic." Hermione continued.

"Not all people from the Ministry of Magic can be trusted. How do you know that there will be no subordinates of the mysterious man?" Neville said expressionlessly, "Harry, have you ever thought that there are not seven Horcruxes but It's more, and the mysterious man will come back."

"Impossible." Ginny immediately blocked Harry behind him.

"Why is it impossible?" Neville asked back, "Do you still remember the day Cedric died? Harry, Cedric asked you to take his body back. It was Pete Pedilou who killed Cedric. But he flashed back from the yew wand, and later You-Know-Who made him a fake hand, do you think it was a Horcrux?"

Harry was pale and looked as if he had fallen into a nightmare again.

"I know I shouldn't interfere." Rolf said suddenly, his English was tinged with French, "but should you ask the people next door?"

"Next door? You mean the Slytherin villain?" Ron drank the sedative and shook his head in disgust. "No."

Pomona regretted giving Ron the tranquilizer now.

"I heard that Severus Snape, the headmaster who succeeded Albus Dumbledore, is Slytherin. He has always loved your mother. My grandfather knew a woman named Lita Lestrange. Stopping Grindelwald from sacrificing himself, I don't think Slytherins are all bad."

"Igor Karkaroff later found the body in a log cabin in the north. Like Draco Malfoy's father, he betrayed many Death Eaters' partners. In order to escape guilt, Lucius Malfoy would do anything Regardless, I believe he doesn't want to end up like Karkaroff and will do his best to prevent the mysterious man from coming back." Hannah said at this time.

"I remember, you attended the Halloween party at Malfoy Manor." Ronald Weasley walked to Harry's side. "You actually think those villains are more trustworthy than the people from the Ministry of Magic. It's the one from Malfoy." The little boy has stunned you."

"I really don't know what Hermione is looking for in you?" Hannah said with a look of disgust.

"I'm not like your boyfriend, who keeps talking about how noble his blood is."

"So you think you're great, don't you? Don't look down on Hermione's blood?" Hannah screamed. "You're pure blood too, Ron Weasley. No wonder you're as stupid as Goyle."

"Enough!" Pomona stopped and said, "Time is Galleons. It's a waste of time to continue arguing over trivial matters. What do you think? Harry Potter?"

All eyes turned to Harry again.

After a moment of silence, Harry seemed to have made up his mind and spoke.

"Neville, you go to inform the Order of the Phoenix, Hannah, you go to Slytherin with me, and the others go back to the camp to wait for orders."

"Looks like you're leaving with me." Lavender looked at Hannah smugly, as if she had won.

Hannah didn't bother to look at her again, and flew away with Harry Potter, Ginny, and Hermione.

Pomona glanced at Ron, who had dull eyes and didn't know what he was thinking. Without saying anything, he got on his horse and went back to the camp with Luna and Rolf.

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