Chapter 39 The Cursed Child

With a soft "buzz", the little toy in Henry's hand started to move.

It looks so beautiful, there are many numbers on it, it looks like some kind of date, can be accurate to a certain hour of a certain day of a certain year, Henry looked at it like a demon, Pommer Na thinks he loves the device more than he loves his wife.

"It will work, dear, don't you think?" Henry said softly to Pomona.

"Is this for me, grandpa?" She looked at him with water-blue eyes in a daze.

"One day it will." Henry put the gadget back on his workbench "but before that, I have to do some experiments."

Pomona felt very disappointed. Unlike the indifferent Mrs. Sprout, Henry liked children very much. Although she didn't go out, no matter what magical toys she wanted in wizarding magazines, Henry would find a way to make them for her. One, and some are even better than those seen in magazine photos.

"How to play with this thing?"

"First of all, you have to pursue the desire for something." Henry slumped on the chair and looked at the device, just like Pomona found him the last time. "As for any other taboos, we will only know after the experiment."

"What's the use of it?" Pomona lay on the table, looking at the shiny crystal stone on the device, which seemed to be filled with golden magic runes floating.

"I'll tell you someday, boy." Henry said, stroking Pomona's hair, "but I want you to remember that anything, no matter what it was invented for in the first place, if we misuse it, Stuff can also be bad, and you should only use it if you have to."

"What is a compelling situation?"

"Life and death." Henry paused and said, "When you feel that you can't live without it, I hope you will always be happy, dear."

"Pomona? Pomona!"

Mary's cry brought her back from her past memories.

"Seriously, your sleeping appearance is ugly enough, can you stop being slow?" Mary frowned, as if she really didn't want to be with her.

"Sorry, what did you just say?"

"We're going to have an astronomy class tomorrow night, do you want to come?" Jenny told her about the topic just now.

"What day is it today?"

"September 2, 1971." Mary said deadpan.

It's only been two days since the beginning of school, why does she feel that it's been a long, long time.

Remus Lupin was due to transform in two days, maybe she should go to the house tonight to see.

"Hey, look, it's Malfoy and Narcissa Black." Susan first spotted Slytherin's golden boy when passing by the courtyard. His hair was like platinum, and the girl next to him had black hair. , she looked very shy, looking at Lucius Malfoy with admiring eyes all the time, without the flamboyance of her sister Bella Black at all.

She is one of the faces Hufflepuff girls must remember, because she is Bella's direct blood relative, and the trouble with her is that she is sorry for her own life, but Bella can't stop others from gossiping behind her back no matter how scary she is .

"It's like two peacocks crossing," said Mary with disgust.

The peacock is very beautiful, but unfortunately that kind of bird is very stupid, and it happens to be about a pompous person like Malfoy, but no one laughed at Mary's analogy, handsome and rich boys are very attractive to young and innocent girls, who would not want such a capable What an enviable boyfriend.

"Miss Pomona Martin."

She heard someone calling her name, so she followed her gaze and saw a man she didn't know was coming with Professor McGonagall.

"I think you have something to do." Mary said sarcastically, she is not bad at heart, but she is a little outspoken, and she likes being the center of attention, but Pomona always seems to be robbing her limelight.

"He's an Auror." Jenny recognized the strange man's face. "I saw him at Bill's baptism."

"Why do Aurors appear at Hogwarts?" Mary asked in confusion.

"Obviously isn't it?" Susan sullenly said. "Pomona saved a house-elf from being nearly killed by the Unforgivable Curse."

Even Mary stopped gossiping now.

"Let's go to the restaurant for dinner first." Jenny said softly, "See you tonight."

It seemed that she had expected that Pomona would not have dinner with them. Looking at their backs, Pomona felt that Lily and herself were in the same situation. Change.

"This gentleman is the Auror of the Ministry of Magic, Mr. Longbottom." Professor McGonagall introduced to the two. "This is Miss Martin who discovered the house elf."

"Nice to meet you."

Pomona thought he would shake hands, but Longbottom took her hand and kissed the back of her hand very aristocratically. Professor McGonagall looked at him with admiration.

"Don't worry, Pomona, he's one of us." Professor McGonagall said, "You can safely tell her what you saw today?"

Pomona didn't know what Professor McGonagall meant by "one of us," but she still wasn't going to tell him the whole truth.

"I saw two adults sneak into the school." She whispered, "One of them is named Evan."

Professor McGonagall and Mr. Longbottom showed no surprise on their faces, as if they already knew about it.

"There's no trial for torturing a house-elf," said Longbottom. "He only needs to pay a fine and go. Taking advantage of this opportunity to arrest him is not a good idea, and it may even put Miss Martin in danger." .”

"That's not why I invited you to the school." Professor McGonagall turned to Pomona again. "You can go, Miss Martin, your friends are not far away."

"Minerva, I remember that you offered me the opportunity to work at Hogwarts just yesterday." Pomona said coldly, "Or is my performance not satisfactory enough for you and Dumbledore?"

Professor McGonagall looked down at her again, and then smiled, "I'm sorry Professor Martin, but your appearance reminds me of those students who are studying. I'm glad you can start working so early, thanks to your help Robbie It’s not a serious problem, it only needs a period of training before you can continue to work.”

"It's just a little effort." She said dryly. "I can stay and listen to why you invite Aurors to school?"

"I heard from Wilmina that there were werewolves in the Forbidden Forest recently." Professor McGonagall was worried. Ask Longbottom to assist with this."

"Is it possible that it is Fenrir?" Pomona asked, and both Professor McGonagall and Longbottom focused their attention on her.

"Why do you have this guess, Pomona?" Longbottom also called her by name.

"Ordinary werewolves will only transform on the night of the full moon, but the full moon has not yet arrived." Although there are still two days before the full moon, but the day is not yet.

The werewolf Greyback, who calls himself Fenrir, is a famous lunatic who likes to bite people, but when did he start biting children?

"Professor McGonagall, I remember that house-elves can't seem to leave the house at will, unless ordered by the master. Why did Robbie leave Hogwarts Castle?"

"I think you're going to be in charge of the investigation, Professor." Minerva lowered the brim of her witch hat and signaled her. "At eight o'clock tonight, I will have a meeting in my office. I hope you will be there."

"Okay." Pomona's heart was beating hard. Who had the most exciting start of school? She just started school and became a teacher.

She didn't go to the dining room, but turned to the kitchen. She just remembered when Longbottom asked her. When Robbie was picked up, she was in a hurry because none of the mandrakes were transplanted back into the pots. It's too long to die, but when she and Lily went to the greenhouse in the afternoon, they were all planted back. If it wasn't for someone's help, she didn't make money for the school, but instead caused the school to suffer a lot of losses.

“They say sometimes you can hear something.”

In the long, dark corridors of Hogwarts, she heard the tired man again.

"Now, can you hear me?"

She felt a warm force surrounding herself, even though the mountain wind passing through the corridor at this time blew the torch on the stone wall to this side, she still didn't feel the slightest chill.

"I think that snake egg is working, you want to see him right? If so, give me a reaction, just like before."

Luckily Sinistra was a forgiving teacher, if it were some strict old bat...

"You'll stay with me." She whispered, and then she heard the man laugh.

"That's great, Professor." It's still the woman's voice, but her voice is choked with sobs, there's nothing to cry about.

"Why should I stay with you?" he continued.

"Sleeping in class." She mumbled. "Don't even think about touching those leeches!"

How did Slughorn collect leech slime before?

"Are you at Hogwarts?"

"Freshman year." She answered honestly.

"What day is it today?"

"September 2, 1971, two days before Remus' transformation." She groped around like a blind man, finally touched a hand, and felt less frightened of what happened next .

"Why choose that day?"

"Lily's alive." she whispered. "She danced with me in the greenhouse."

The man stopped talking.

"Do you want to see her?"

"Not that much." He replied in a dull voice.


"I'll tell you when you open your eyes."

Slytherin-style cunning, Pomona was a little angry, and she didn't want to talk to him.

Then she went back to the corridor. If the place is too open, it is easy to produce echoes, and she can always hear some noisy voices.

"Are you going to tell her?" There were two girls talking in a low voice at the corner of the corridor. One of them had red and swollen eyes from crying, but the most sad time was over and she stopped crying.

"Tell him what?"

"What about your pregnancy?"

The weeping girl didn't answer.

"It was a mistake." After a long time she said "I wouldn't let it be born."

"Are you worried about money?" the friend of the girl with the unwanted pregnancy asked.

"No!" The crying girl rubbed her belly. "It needs a whole family, and that's what Pete couldn't give me!"

Oh Pete, it's Pete again!

Pomona was furious. Could it be that Pete she knew caused the trouble?

"Aren't you afraid she'll wake up and blame you?" said the woman again, Pomona was so upset by them, why couldn't they let her go!

"I don't care." The man said coldly. "That kid has nothing to do with me."

"You mean..." the woman hesitated for a long time and said.

"Oh, of course he is my child." The man smiled triumphantly, "but I guess he will be born like Neville Longbottom. You and him lied to me. The prophecy said that only one of the two can live , right? Now that they're both alive, want to bet me, Pomona, that it's Harry Potter or Neville who's dead this time?"

She tried to make a sound, but there was a candy stuck in her throat, and she couldn't make any meaningful words.

"I will not protect Neville Longbottom, he is your task, Professor Sprout." The man drew his tone, and said slowly, "Complete the task assigned to you by Dumbledore and protect the chosen one." boy."

The weird rustling sound began to echo in the corridor again, and she quickly covered her ears with her hands.

"I can't do it alone, you know!" he yelled at her. "This is not the time for you to continue pretending to be asleep. Wake me up!"

The Dark Lord is gone, what danger is there?

Pomona stood up, covered her ears, and ran forward desperately. She didn't care where she was going, she just wanted to escape from this damn school.

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