Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 386 Unruly Heart

February 24, 1994 was the date of the second event of the Triwizard Tournament, and it was also the Chinese Lantern Festival, which was a grand festival in ancient China.

If Christmas in 1993 made her lose her ability to think, and she didn't even care about being deducted 10 points by Head Slytherin together with Hufflepuff College and Ravenclaw, then the impact of February 24 It made her even more indescribable.

During the Triwizard Tournament, the school still had classes, and the mood of the other party became very bad, and the first victim who bore the brunt was Harry Potter.

He caught the Iron Triangle peeking at Wizards Weekly in class while he was brewing intelligence enhancers, Snape read the article written by Rita Kiss in a sour tone in public, how did Hermione Granger Playing with the feelings of the savior Potter and Victor Krum.

Torturing Gryffindor is the pleasure of Slytherin. Snape laughed when he said Slytherin, in short, he wanted to embarrass Harry Potter.

An adult still fights against a child, and Pomona doesn't know whether he is mature or immature.

What happened that day was a disaster, a complete disaster, and the intelligence booster would clear her mind, and she really needed that now. It’s just that its materials are too disgusting. Scarabs, ginger root, and armadillo bile. Armadola is a notoriously timid and short-sighted animal. It is easy to be frightened. How can the bile of this animal be used as a brain enhancer? What about the material?

Her mind was in a mess, but she still had to face the things she had to face. After knocking on the door of the old bat, she pushed the door and walked in. Karkaroff was talking with him, and the eyes of the two All of a sudden focus on her body.

"Severus, you asked for valerian," she said, holding a large bundle of elixir. "Where do I put it?"

"Just ask a student to see you off, why do you come in person?" Severus smirked.

"I happened to be on my way." She looked straight at Karkaroff.

"Do you have anything else to do, Igor?" Snape said slowly.

Karkaroff left the head Slytherin's office angrily.

When his footsteps were far away, they became even more embarrassed. In the past, it was easy for them to find something to talk about.

"Doesn't valerian only bloom in summer?" he asked out of words.

"I have a nursery." She sorted out the fragrant flowers. "Do you want to visit with me?"

Valerian, also known as evening primrose, is a kind of plant that blooms in the evening and withers at dawn. It is a plant that only blooms for the moon. Unlike the small daisies that bloom in the sunshine in autumn, autumn is just the season for its sowing.

"You just want to tell me this?"

"I don't want to talk about love with you in this place." She looked at the bottles and jars soaked in animal carcasses in disgust. The evening primrose field was so romantic.

"What?" he asked in surprise, as if bewildered.

"A date, Severus," she said, rolling her eyes, unbelievable that she'd go out with Old Bat one day.

The perennial gloomy man who never saw the sun suddenly laughed.

"This is what you wear on a date?" he said, examining her witch's robe, which was covered in patches and dirt.

"I'll change it when I get back to the greenhouse. Now, let's go." She put the valerian by the door, and then opened the door, and the potions professor came out from behind the desk, pulling his black robe.

"You hid from me for a few days, why did you think of looking for me today?"

"We'll talk when we get to the nursery." After he walked out of the office door, she closed the door. At the same time, he cursed the door with his wand. He was always cautious, and many things in the potion warehouse were dangerous, especially It's the time when Death Eaters and Aurors are everywhere.

It's not uncommon for Potions and Herbology professors to be at the school together, and Severus Snape wasn't mean to everyone as he was to Harry Potter, especially the Hufflepuff student who supplied him with herbs. Always speak in a soft and reserved voice. The main reason is that Harry drifted with the crowd in the Gryffindor College where there was no desire for knowledge, and he was keen on Quidditch and playing with his friends all day long, so he always lost his temper at the Savior.

There is no follow-up between him and his partner at the Yule Ball, and the other girls are ready to "hunt" him again, full of jealousy over Hermione, who is dating Victor and Harry at the same time.

Women's friendships can start because of someone they hate in common. Many girls discuss how to deal with Hermione, which is what Pomona is most afraid of seeing.

Severus had been bullied by the campus, and James Potter's jokes were no longer funny, but compared to the bullying inside Slytherin, it was still good. If it was her own, she would have absolutely no way to be there. Persist in this situation.

At this time, the benefits of Miss Lily Evans, the lioness, are reflected. The timid and fearful sister Hufflepuff doesn't feel any shame in hiding behind a girl younger than herself. warrior.

The whispering along the way made Severus' face ugly, and when he got to a place where no one was there, he looked at her with dark eyes.

"That's why you came to me? Because I made things difficult for the Savior in class?" he said in a hard voice.

"No, I just think you're taking it out on Harry when you're in a bad mood." She said dryly, "Ritaquist said Hermione was an ordinary-looking but ambitious girl who fell in love with brilliant wizards. Changing the name actually refers to me, you are very talented, Severus, there are many women pursuing you outside the school, I just want to ask are you sure you want to continue to develop with me?"

He glanced back at the students in the castle in the distance, and pulled her into the greenhouse.

The afterglow of the setting sun left the last bit of purple at the end of the sky. The greenhouse was not lit at night, but a variety of luminous plants started to move. They emitted colorful lights, which looked like Muggle Christmas decorations. lamp.

"Ambition? What kind of ambition can you have?" He said with a smile, "Are you delusional that the whole world is under your rule?"

This is what Snape told Harry in the Potions class. Men are always prone to rise to rule the world, and hope that everyone will obey their orders.

An incompetent person can be regarded as daydreaming, and some people just like to spend their days immersed in such vain dreams, not knowing whether their ambitions are possible to realize.

"I heard you were a double agent for Lily." She stroked his button. "Would you be a spy for me?"

His eyes reflected the light of the magical plants, making them appear to glow.

She dared to whisper in his ear, "I like spies more than heroes."

"You're a bad girl, Pomona, and you want to play spy with me?" he said flippantly.

It wasn't what she meant, but she didn't know how to correct it either.

Night is like a flirtatious and charming slut, luring people out of safe havens and out for adventure.

Severus had loved Lily since childhood, almost his entire life. Now she wanted this man with amazing courage to look at her, who used herself as a human shield in the moonlight, protecting the children behind her.

The scent of evening primrose became more intense after being heated by body temperature. This tangy fragrance made people dizzy and dizzy, so much so that it overwhelmed the unpleasant potion smell of the intelligence enhancer on his body.

Bile, ginger, and beetles, all together make a dish that fails to cook, and the point is to swallow it, for it is good for the mind.

"I invited you to visit the evening primrose fields." She gasped as if she was running at top speed.

"You can watch it later." He also panted violently, his breath burning like a dragon.

"Stop." Just as he was about to start, she pushed him away.

"What's wrong?" he asked inexplicably.

"I'm going to change clothes." She insisted. "You just said how I wear this."

"I retract my preface, it doesn't matter what you wear."

"Wait for me at the flower field." After she finished speaking, she didn't give him any chance to speak, and went to the office next to the greenhouse to change clothes.

The black color of Hufflepuff College represents the fertile land, and the yellow represents the harvest of wheat ears. This is a college that symbolizes harvest and abundance, which is very suitable for the queen in the Tarot.

Severus didn't take Divination when he was studying, he took Ancient Rune, a course only super nerds should learn.

Compared with the tall and slender Sirius, Severus looked short and stocky. When he was young, he was obviously very thin, and he was also a loser who was bullied. Now he looks very dignified, but his greasy shoulders His hair makes him look scruffy, and the girls who like him obviously have a lot of taste.

I don't know where he got his confidence. He always goes in and out with the classically beautiful Lucius Malfoy. No wonder Lockhart finds him to support himself.

After changing her clothes, Pomona took a deck of tarot cards for divination. She closed her eyes and drew a card. She saw the face of the card clearly under the dim sky, and it turned out to be an upside-down justice.

As far as love divination is concerned, this is an extremely bad card. Whether it is upright or reversed, the upright position represents giving for love, and the reverse position represents unrequited love. The vast majority of people want to be the one to be loved. Loving someone is hard work and suffering, but being loved means being cared for and protected.

If a girl doesn't like a boy and still accepts his sacrifices and gifts, it is extremely unfair to the man. If she likes it, accept it, and if she doesn't like it, she refuses it. Don't delay others.

Nowadays, many girls have a bad habit of accepting gifts from boys, and when the land is almost ready, they will be issued a good person card, "You are a good person, but I think we can only be friends", obviously they take the bad habit of Muggle schools To the wizarding world.

The 24th was her moon cycle, and he obviously misunderstood it, thinking that the blood was evidence of her loss of virginity, that's what people lack common sense, and it's still too late for her to regret it now.

Of all the intense emotions, love is the most suitable for women.

Men are responsible for conquering the world, women are responsible for conquering men.

The silk that so fascinated Europeans was brought up by Cleopatra, who adorned Caesar in rich purple and downplayed the modesty of the tribunes in their white wool Roman robes.

In the East silk is measured with a ruler, but in Europe it is weighed with a scale. A pound of silk costs 12 taels of gold, which is more than 500 times the price in the East.

Huge profits drove people to do business on the Silk Road, and what could drive people forward more than profit?

As a Hufflepuff, don't differentiate your enemies by profit.

She gritted her teeth, and drew another card from the deck, this time it was the correct magician.

"Oh, what the hell!" She complained, the representative of the upright magician started a new relationship, and there was an unexpected harvest. It was a card with a promising future, which happened to be the opposite of the previous card with reversed justice.

"You should draw another one, so you can use the Holy Triangle." Severus said sarcastically, standing at the door of the office.

Evening primrose is actually very beautiful, but it is not very conspicuous at night, but its fragrance is very attractive.

Although it blooms at night, it should be planted in a bright and airy courtyard. Severus held a large bouquet of evening primroses in his hand. The fresh fragrance was very strong in the warm office, but the pale white Her face looked ghostly in the dark, making her heart pound.

He walked through the door noiselessly, like some kind of dance move.

"Is this what you're going to wear on Christmas Day?"

She was wearing a gown, which was different from the evening gown worn by Malfoy Manor. The white fabric was covered with small flowers, not as gorgeous as Fleur's gown, after all, she was the protagonist of the Christmas party.

"It's time for you to go back," she said as if dying. "The castle will be locked at night."

"I don't plan to go back." His hand waved a candle, and it lit up immediately. This orange light made her feel warm, but also made her feel ashamed, as if someone had seen a dark secret, and she immediately Extinguish that candle.

"Moonlight is enough, don't turn on the lights." She pleaded tremblingly, "Someone will know."

"Do you feel ashamed to be with me?" Severus asked calmly.

"No." She said painfully.

Lily did her best to protect them, but they both left her and didn't play with her, and it always felt like it wasn't the right thing to do.

They betrayed Lily, and that was all she could think about.

"You want to watch the night..."

"It's not me or you tonight, it's Felius' turn." He rumbled towards her like a slowly accelerating steam train "Don't be shy, senior sister, hold my hand ..."

"Are these flowers for me?" Pomona looked at the evening primrose in his hand, he must have forgotten its existence, and stared blankly at the bouquet in his hand.

"You gave me the flowers I planted." She asked incredulously.

"We're dating, it's basic courtesy." He stuffed the bouquet of flowers into her hand ferociously, "Why do you always mess up the atmosphere."

She lowered her head in a disguised manner, sniffing the scent of evening primrose, her cheeks were uncontrollably red and hot, and she could feel a palpitating melody flowing in the darkness.

"Have you had dinner?" she said awkwardly. "We can have a candlelight dinner."

"I'll talk about it later." He looked at her distractedly and said, "Now I have something I want to eat more."

Her ears heard a buzzing sound, and for some reason, she thought of the Hogwarts Express siren.

There are always not enough compartments in this car, and you have to squeeze to sit down. Now he squeezed in, even if it was too close, she could hear his heartbeat.

"I want to draw the last card," she trembled.

"You smoke." After finding a seat, he said patiently.

Trembling, she twisted a card with her fingertips as nervously as Sybil.

It is the inverse moderation.

Reversed Justice, Reversed Temperance, and Righteous Magician represent forward development. If the representative of the exam passes the admission, you can receive the admission notice.

But drawing this card at this time is not good at all!

"It's upright temperance!" She put the card in front of the "demon", as if she wanted to drive him away with the angel on the card.

Not knowing what was so funny, Severus laughed.

"Are you kidding me?"

"Are you serious?" Pomona said, looking at him seriously.

"Yes, I'm serious." Severus answered with a pun, Severus being Latin for serious.

Immediately afterwards he snatched the angel holding the Holy Grail in her hand, put his arms around her waist and gave her a French kiss.

Maybe Severus wasn't good at that, but he was really good at kissing.

Chatting with Igor Karkaroff just now, they seem to have had some wine, the smell of wine made by house elves.

Where did he get the wine? Was he going to rob even the house-elf's wine?

She was dizzy as if she was drunk, and she seemed to hear the sound of a book falling in a daze, and then she lightened up and sat on the desk.

"I don't want to be here!" she yelled.

"Then where do you want to be?" His eyes were red as he said as he took off his cloak.

She wanted to say that she was going to the evening primrose field, but she was wearing a new dress, so she didn't want to get muddy all over her body.

"My lounge is next to it." She said weakly, but he obviously couldn't hear a word.

The only time she heard him say "Merlin's beard" was that night, and this time he was right, taking away her virginity, although not many people take it seriously now.

Pomona opened her eyes again, and the sky began to darken again. Crookshanks, who she held in her arms before she fell asleep, ran away at some point, and now she was falling asleep leaning on Severus' shoulder, with his body on top of him. There was a smell of wine and sheep, almost as stinky as Mundungus.

"how did you find me?"

"The targeting spell," he said wearily. "I shouldn't have come back to life."

"So you want me for a widow?" she said bitterly. "What other man do you think would want me?"

He stopped talking.

"Get up, dear, I have a hunch that something will happen tonight." Pomona stood up with a heavy body. "I always think of assassins."

Severus tugged at her wrist, causing her to fall into his arms.

"Detach and inject." He took off the fire salamander ring from his hand and placed it on Pomona's palm. "Using the ordinary withdrawal spell will dissipate the power. This ring can collect those powers and inject them into it." The body of the target can transfer the vitality to the body of others."

"You're teaching me..."

"Either die together or live together, just like Lily and James, whoever is left alone in this world is fucking disgusting." Severus cursed with disgust on his face.

"Okay." Pomona just put the ring on, but stopped.

"What's wrong?"

"What if I get pregnant?"

"I don't care, I don't like children anyway." He sneered, "And I don't have any inheritance to inherit."

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