Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 371: London Bridge Is About to Collapse (4)

Marcus Flint is a pure-blood. Pure-blood families always have one or two magical magic props. The Black family has a silverware made by goblins in the 15th century.

There was no electricity in ancient times, and the sword in Marcus's hand could only be used by thunder and lightning, and it could only be used in thunderstorm weather.

Electricity is everywhere now, and the power of the sword has also been multiplied hundreds of times. The electricity in the area from Tower Bridge to the city hall has stopped.

Some escaped and some took advantage of the chaos to rob. The Muggle police blocked the ground, but there was no way to block the underground. The London Underground has a long history, and there are many abandoned tunnels, where urban explorers often explore.

They are neglected people on the fringes of society, and the power outage just unleashes their inner beasts. If the Treasure House in the Tower of London does not have an independent generator that can continue to generate electricity after the entire block is cut off, who knows if those who have taken refuge will Want to grab the "African Star" on the scepter.

Huge wealth is at your fingertips, and greed will disregard the law. Just now the Chinese named Zhang Tao said that the strong can control their own desires. What Marcus Flint did was to completely release his desire for destruction. He wanted Turn the world upside down.

"A sword?" The Herbal Medicine Professor walked through the ruins tightly holding the Potions Professor's arm, and no one wanted her to let go.

"That sword is much more useful than the sword of Gryffindor." Severus pursed his lips. "If he had come to the Battle of the North Sea, he wouldn't have suffered so many casualties."

The sword of Gryffindor is no different from ordinary swords except that it looks better. As some people hold, pure blood is nothing special.

There must be a reason why the Fate Wand chose Draco Malfoy instead of Severus Snape, a Slytherin head who was much stronger than the little snake.

"How does Marcus use it?" Pomona asked.

"Like that." Severus raised his arm, waving it like a whip.

"How long can he continue to release?" Pomona looked at the thunder light in the distance.

"I don't know." Severus also looked at the lightning and said, "The stupid boy screwed up his life like Theodore Not, he will be wanted."

"I didn't see him being so anti-Muggle in reading," said Pomona.

"Maybe it's because he's heard enough of the saying that there is no difference between wizards and Muggles. Intellectually, Marcus is really not as smart as some Muggles." Severus said helplessly, "But not all Muggles are clever."

Josephine Flint was a well-known anti-Muggle Minister of Magic in the 19th century. Her successor, Ottaline Gamper, established a Muggle Intelligence Inquiry Committee to investigate Muggle intelligence. The final result was the British Empire during this period. The intelligence of Muggles seems to be much greater than that of wizards, and Tower Bridge in London was built during that time.

During the Ming Dynasty in China, the Black Death and witch hunts were happening in Europe at the same time. People in the British Empire were smart, but then they became stupid again. The New World used to be everyone’s dream, but Americans are not as smart as they used to be. .

"Every night in my dream, I can see you, I can feel you, that is my decision to follow you forever, no matter how far away, no matter life or death..."

"Do you think it's an appropriate time to sing the Titanic theme song?"

Severus looked at the chaotic street scene.

"It's a love disaster movie, I think it's the right time!" She said with a look of intoxication, "I like Rose and Jack, how about we watch it again when the power is restored?"

"Are you dating me?" He said with a smug smile.

"Yes." She replied honestly, "I like to remember disasters in this way. The water in the Atlantic Ocean is very cold, but it can't stop people's fiery hearts."

"As long as you're with me, nothing can scare me," he whispers the lyrics.

"Why don't you sing?" Pomona asked. "It's a pity that such a beautiful voice doesn't sing."

"Don't ask me for things anymore." He whispered, "I can't afford it."

"Just singing..."

"I can ask Albus Dumbledore to protect Lily's family, including James Potter and Harry Potter. I was once a good person." Severus said painfully, "Why does he want to fight with me? Any woman can easily get her looks and looks.”

"Are you talking about Sirius?"

"You don't look very beautiful when you are studying. Bella was the most beautiful at Hogwarts before she was imprisoned. Then Narcissa, then Lily. He should compete with James Potter. They are evenly matched. , what is he fighting with me for?"

A rich and powerful nobleman competes with a poor boy who has no money and no power. The end point of the poor boy's hard work is the starting point of the nobleman. If fate is unfair, it is really unfair.

Ninety percent of women will choose rich people like Lily, who would not want those things that everyone admires for love?

Fleur did it, she married Bill Weasley who had nothing, she was far more beautiful than Penelope Crivava.

This kind of woman is very unrealistic. Molly has experienced the tempering of real life. If it is not for Arthur's love, no woman can persist in poverty and live with seven children.

When Sirius wanted to use Lupine's hand to kill Severus in sixth grade, it was not a joke, but a premeditated murder, and it was the prong that saved Severus' life at a critical moment.

It was an attempted murder, and as long as Severus was dead without a trial, Sirius could have gone without a trial, like those rich kids.

"I don't think it's appropriate to talk about it now." She said dryly.

"You're the one to talk to me!" he charged indignantly. "Do you think we're having a picnic?"

"Don't take it so seriously, Severus, it's Hufflepuff style." Pomona smiled heartlessly and patted the head of Slytherin on the shoulder. "You should know what Newt did in New York." , he and Jacob were almost caught as jewel robbers."

What a cute Nixiu, that little bastard who caused trouble everywhere makes people love and hate but can't help being held in their arms, this kind of feeling is really hard to explain to the people in the outer courtyard.

Severus seemed to want to grab Pomona's neck, but he held back eventually.

He froze and Apparated clutching Pomona's arm, and when they reappeared they were on top of a clock tower, perfectly positioned to see the thundering flashes of the Royal Mint.

"Stay here and don't move!" he growled grumpily.

Pomona tugged on his sleeve before he left.

"Marcus chose to ruin his life. Don't sacrifice yourself to save him."

"He's got the hope of being a double agent so he can pay off, and Oliver Wood is here, and he's not really trying to catch Marcus." He looked her in the eye and said, "Nor is Kingsley Fudge, he still has a chance to stand up, although the trouble he caused is really not small."

"He's not as smart as you, Severus, he can't do the job."

"I'm his master, and he's useful, especially on the battlefield against werewolves."

Pomona no longer clings.

"I think I give up on my students more easily than you do," she whispered, "because I don't love them that much."

"It has nothing to do with love or not." Severus thought for a while before saying, "Choosing the right enemy is more important than choosing the right friend."

She was about to say something when he Apparated.

Pomona felt at the moment as if she were in the Quidditch stands, but a different kind of competition was taking place in the stadium.

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