Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 37 Necessities

The next class is Ancient Mageweaves. Although it is optional in the general wizard level examination, Pomona does not intend to skip it. It is not necessarily that ancient things are better than current ones, but Pomona has an intuition that this thing It is useful to learn.

Lily's next class was Divination, and she didn't really want to, but Pomona left and she was alone in the greenhouse. Her interest in plants does not mean that she likes to grow plants, she prefers to chop them up, which is what she calls enjoying the cooking process.

"I think the magic of waving a wand and having a table of delicious food is too boring. Have you ever tried the Muggle way of cooking Pomona?"

"No." Pomona said wearily while climbing the slope. She almost cleaned up the pot of Humeizi killer just now. Fortunately, she would clean it up, but the magic power was consumed quickly, and she felt extremely tired. up.

"Cooking is like boiling potion, you should try it."

Pomona suddenly had a strange thought.

"Lily, have you tried the food Snape cooked for you?"

Lily was stunned, her green eyes widening.

"I bet he cooks the recipe," Pomona said, laughing. "Maybe he even weighs salt with a scale."

"But in that case, the dishes won't taste like home." Lily lowered her head. "My father always complains that my mother's dishes are too bland, but I think it's because she wants him to be healthy."

Salt is a very small but indispensable substance in the body. People cannot live without it. Plants also need various trace elements just like people. This is her talent.

She had lived with Mrs. Sprout for eleven years, and she had no friends of the same age except Pete, so she never realized how old-fashioned she was. Now she and Lily felt how lifeless she was.

"You like the Beetle?"

"It was very popular when I was in elementary school, and everyone loved it." Lily sighed in frustration. "It's a pity that it's hard to see my old friends again after I go to boarding school."

"Don't worry, you will meet many new friends soon." Lily's personality is not like the gloomy Snape, and Pomona believes that she will make new friends soon.

"The girls in my dorm stay away from me," Lily grumbled, "and you picnic on the grass with them."

"Our situation is different, remember what I told you? Keep your distance from Slytherin, because you are a Gryffindor."

"It's so stupid." Lily curled her lips. "Why are we being manipulated by a hat?"

"This is a tradition, and it has been around for a thousand years." Pomona was a little tired from climbing, and stopped to rest. "What tradition do you think can be passed on for more than a thousand years?"

"Christmas, it has been passed down for almost two thousand years."

"Christmas is a lie of merchants. You don't believe that there is really Santa Claus in this world."

"Of course!" Lily blushed, "I didn't believe in Santa Claus when I was four years old!"

Pomona didn't know why she was so excited. Could it be a good thing for Muggles to stop believing in Santa Claus sooner?

"No matter how ridiculous you think some behaviors are, since it has been passed down for so long, you shouldn't underestimate it." Pomona looked at her seriously, "Slytherin and Gryffindor are feuds, even after graduation everyone Will let go of my prejudices a little bit, but things are different now, have you heard of Death Eaters?"

Lily shook her head.

"They did it." Pomona motioned Lily to look at the greenhouse. "Two adult Death Eaters and two students from the Snake Court, Avery and Mulciber, tortured the domesticated man with the Unforgivable Curse." Elf."

Lily wasn't much surprised.

"Why didn't you tell the professors?"

"Because I want to live, and I want to stay in the wizarding world." The sun was covered by clouds, the temperature began to drop rapidly, and the wind picked up. "This time we are fighting Slytherin because of a Muggle girl, just like you." Her parents were both Muggles, and her name was Nancy Poitiers. On the day before winter vacation last year, Bella Black and her gang locked her in the women's bathroom on the second floor for a whole night. They almost scared her crazy. The Hufflepuff boys are going to teach the Slytherin boys a lesson at this year's Quidditch match, we girls did it to prevent things from escalating, you see how little people take poisoning seriously, this This is how society is, where strength comes first, which is different from the environment you were in before."

"It's just being locked in the bathroom for one night..."

"Remember what James Potter said on the pier? There was a Ravenclaw girl who died there, and she was a Muggleborn like you." Pomona avoided the insulting Say the vocabulary "If you don't want to be the next girl to be taught by Bella, keep a distance from Slytherin and get along with Gryffindors more."

It took Lily a long time to accept the fact that she was discriminated against. She is a beautiful girl with a likable personality. It is estimated that she was very popular in Muggle schools before. She was protecting the weak, just like Sirius who just got off the train that day. Blake called her a snot, she immediately defended Pomona, and now she fell from the top to the bottom.

"You are in the same academy as James Potter and Sirius Black, what do you think of them?"

"I don't know them well," Lily said indifferently, "but they're just like Muggles...no, rich people from private schools."

"They are the top ones, especially Sirius Black, they are one of the Holy Twenty-Eight Families, very, very prominent." Pomona repeated the last sentence "Do you still remember the day of the sorting ceremony? The whole school They were all stunned, if you don't want to be disfigured, stay away from both of them."

"You guys are crazy." Lily brushed her long red hair that was blown up. "Disfigurement? Are you serious?"

"Honey, our first attack on Slytherin will cause disfigurement, bad luck and disease." Pomona sneered. "It's not black magic, it's just a prank."

Lily was stunned again, it seemed that in her understanding, this wasn't black magic, what was black magic.

"Instead of wasting time on cooking, I think it's more practical for you to learn two self-defense magic tricks. Your Severus won't always be by your side. You have to learn to protect yourself."

"And you? Pomona, how do you protect yourself?"

"Hidden." He said coldly, "Don't leak a single word of what I said to Snape just now, if our plan is known to Slytherin in advance, you and I will become enemies, me and the whole Hufflepuff The girls in the husband college will not give you good fruit to eat."

"What are you going to do? Make me drop out of school?"

"I'm not threatening you, I'm just telling you some necessary knowledge to live in this world, Snape won't tell you that."

Lily looked at the castle, and said after a while, "You told me to keep my mouth shut, but told Severus the plan? A Slytherin?"

"He won't say it." Pomona sneered.


"Slytherin's interests are paramount. Do you know the market price of an antidote? Thirty-two Galleons. Outsiders are not allowed to come in and out at will, and Hogsmeade doesn't sell such things. When the war officially begins, the price of the antidote will be higher." The price will be higher, he can earn a lot of money, I don't think he's well dressed, his family is not very good, right?"

"I don't want to discuss this topic."

"Lily, people need money to live in human society. Next time, don't say that you don't need money." After resting enough, Pomona continued to climb the hill. "You are not a saint, so you don't need to sacrifice your own interests, Xi Ferris Snape is protecting you."

"I don't need his protection." Lily wrapped her arms around her, as if giving herself a hug. "I can take care of myself."

"Then think about it now, do you want to stay in the wizarding world or the Muggle world." Pomona said coldly with her back turned to her, "If you don't want to be a loner, doing research alone in the wilderness, you don't need any daily necessities. As for self-born witches, believe me, there are plenty of them in this world, because I lived with one of them for eleven years."

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