Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 365: The Heavy Cross (Part 1)

Buying a black Rolls-Royce is not only about being rich, but also requires an identity verification system. Before 2003, it was only sold to dignitaries and people of royal blood.

After BMW acquired Rolls-Royce in 2003, this system was abolished. Now as long as you have money, you can buy it no matter who you are. The Rolls-Royce of the Fanglieli family is not a new car. Its style is very old. Even if it is well maintained, it can be clearly seen that it has been around for a long time. The driver of the car calls Justin's grandfather the count. Ding's father inherits the title, so Justin's mother is the countess.

A boy from the slums, now even the Earl wants to flatter, Severus is obviously in a better mood. After sitting down on the leather sofa, Pomona was accidentally knocked by something, and she found a piece of paper from the sofa. This book is "Wandering with Werewolves" written by Lockhart.

"Are you still reading this book?" Severus asked after closing the car door, looking at the book in Pomona's hand.

"It's good to pass the time. He writes very realistically, making people feel like they are on the scene." Justin said nonchalantly.

"It's not very real, it's the real story he wrote, but he adapted it into his own story." Severus said with a sneering smile, "He stole other people's memories and erased them with the Amnesiac Curse." memory, the real wizard in that book was an old Armenian wizard."

"Oh, is that so?" Justin said in surprise.

"Closed villages, terrifying werewolves, villagers waiting to be rescued, and wizards in shining goblin armor." Pomona pursed her lips, and threw the book back to Justin." Lockhart also smiled And the taste of clothes looks okay."

"Harry Potter didn't tell you?" Severus continued to laugh maliciously.

"No, he just said that Lockhart is not trustworthy, but when he and Ron asked him to help deal with the basilisk, Lockhart was going to run away." Justin said blankly.

Pomona thought of Lockhart who answered letters in the encrypted ward. Although he had many admirers, no one visited him, so he could only spend his days by replying letters. No one will write to him again.

"Harry is a kind child." Pomona sighed, to be able to grow up like this in an environment like the Dursleys', it can only be said that he was born this way.

"During the meeting in the greenhouse yesterday, he said that he would also be a Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher in the second half of the semester." Justin threw the book aside. "He said you visited him, Dean."

"He's a mascot at the Ministry of Magic, so why not come to school and do something practical."

At this time, the Rolls-Royce started, walking through the long and narrow streets, although the ancient things had a long history, they felt oppressive and heavy. She leaned on Severus' shoulder, smelling the smell of aftershave, I guess it was painted on just now.

"Aren't your parents coming with us?" asked Pomona.

"They're coming and Robert will pick them up."

"Where's your girlfriend?" Severus asked.

"I didn't find a suitable one." Justin said coldly, "I want to find someone who can be my motivation."

What Justin was talking about was Article 70 of Hufflepuff's rules. The Fanlieli family is a real family of knights, heirs trained according to the spirit of chivalry. Now Justin wants to find someone he loves and loves him to fight for. .

At the end of the Battle of Hogwarts, Gryffindor and Hufflepuff's children are left almost as much, and what drives Justin to stay is to protect the school's heart.

Also driving the time-turner requires enough power, Pomona thinks she can do it, Hermione is thirsty for knowledge, and she is eager to save Severus.

Article 76 of the College Code:

When reality hinders your goal, give up if you can't hold on. This is not an escape, but a choice of fate.

Hufflepuff is not a Gryffindor-like house that goes forward bravely. It is not considered timid and incompetent, but the decisions are economical and reasonable. It is more suitable to be a follower rather than a leader. This is a good quality for girls. Not necessarily a good thing for boys.

It's hard to find the sharpness and edge of a Gryffindor or a Slytherin boy in a Hufflepuff boy.

It’s just that Gryffindors have courage and like to show off. Hufflepuff boys will not act recklessly like Gryffindors. They will hold on when they can hold on, and retreat if they can’t hold on. If you wear the sorting hat, you may also be sorted into Hufflepuff College.

Pomona wants Justin to find someone to cuddle with, he's so lonely by himself, maybe a Slytherin girl, and Andromeda Black is married to Hufflepuff's Ted Tonks , Slytherin and Hufflepuff have the most inter-house couples.

"Boys and girls can't be closer than 8 inches, you're breaking the school rules, Professor." Severus laughed, his voice muffled in his chest.

"It's just ridiculous," Pomona said sarcastically.

Hufflepuff loves to cuddle with people, couples or not, and difficult times are much easier with someone to lean on than alone.

People of the same era have experienced many things, and they have more common languages. Pomona can't imagine what it was like when Muggles and wizards banned marriage. The Rappaport Law was abolished in 1965 , Unfortunately, Queenie and Jacob did not meet.

They are harmless, Jacob's dream is to open a bakery, Queenie wants to be with Jacob, what a simple dream but so many obstacles, why is the world always on sweet girls full of love full of malice.

"Speaking of Armenia, do you know Heraclius? Justin."

Seeing the Potions Professor and the Herbal Medicine Professor kissing me again, Justin Fanglieli consciously began to bury his head in the book, and raised his head after hearing the Potions Professor's question.

"After the Justinian dynasty, the founding emperor of the Heraclius dynasty of the Eastern Roman Empire was also the first Roman emperor to send envoys to China."

Severus was a little taken aback, obviously Justin's answer was different from what he expected.

"I have a friend who works in the city hall, and he helped me get the invitation letter." Justin closed the book. "This cultural exchange meeting will display some murals, including Dunhuang, and some are the tombs of princes and nobles." In the tomb of Prince Zhanghuai, there is a picture of guest envoys. There is a person who is dressed like a Roman in the Middle Ages. At least it proves that during the time of Prince Zhanghuai, the Heraclius Dynasty of Eastern Rome and the Tang Dynasty of China had established diplomatic relations. .”

"Why do you suddenly think of Heraclius?" Pomona tugged on La Severus's sleeve, this was not a good topic.

"Just now we talked about the communication problem. Hussein was captured by the Americans in 2003. He is a cautious person and knows that mobile phones are not safe at all, so the messages are all sent through notes." Severus He started to rummage in the car, and finally found a bottle of champagne in the small refrigerator in the car. Justin took out the crystal glass very obediently.

With a bang, the champagne was opened. Drinking champagne in a luxurious car is the dream of many people, but now it is just a drink for their conversation.

"Times have changed really fast. A thousand years ago, sending an envoy from Eastern Rome to China would have to travel for at least two years. Now it can be resolved with just one phone call."

"Oh, my God." Pomona looked at the cold Potions Master, "Do you remember this?"

Severus drank the champagne without saying a word, and Justin looked at the two curiously.

"Harry Potter lives in a Muggle family, and Hermione is also a Muggle family. They will talk on the phone during the summer vacation." Pomona said dullly, "Death Eaters don't know where Harry's home is, but they can find Hermione." Home, as long as you trace the call records of Hermione's home, you can find out where Harry's home is in reverse."

Justin sat up straight.

"It's so mysterious, isn't it?" Severus sneered.

"He's still a kid and needs friends."

"Running away from home is really a good idea, and he doesn't think about how much he has added to that fat man's career." Severus said sarcastically, "Fernon could invite colleagues and superiors before, but later he could only invite himself. After Maggie’s incident, the family couldn’t get an appointment anymore, and Fernon’s career and life were completely ruined by Harry Potter.”

Pomona looked at Justin, she knew Severus was speaking for him.

"Emotional, if he can put himself in other people's shoes, he should know how much trouble he has caused others."

"Let's talk about Heraclius." Pomona said with a stiff smile. "What were you trying to say, my dear?"

"If he hadn't lost Syria, there wouldn't have been so many follow-up problems, but unfortunately, he is no match for the Prophet."

"But he got back the True Cross that the Persians took away," Justin argued.

"Yeah, the 'true' cross." Severus said sarcastically, "He carried it to the Church of the Holy Sepulchre along the Way of the Passion just like Jesus himself."

"Why are you so angry?" Pomona muttered.

"That idiot Ron, how did his clever mind come up with the idea of ​​calling Harry Potter." The old bat obviously entered a state of rage and began to mutter to himself.

"It was the year when all the Weasleys went on a trip to Egypt." Pomona said to the dazed Justin. The record is deleted."

"How do you know so much, Dean?"

"Use your brain, Justin, it's okay to play dumb, but don't really be a fool."

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