Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 3511 whispering branches (Part 1)

There is a story about the jumping pot in the Tales of Beedle the Bard, but like many fairy tales, there are many versions of it, and the bedtime story Draco Malfoy heard from Lucius was different from what was written in the fairy tale book. The crucible did not urge the young wizard to help the villagers as his father did in his lifetime, but to help the innocent wizard get rid of the neighbors holding torches and rakes, drive them out of the wizard's house, and grab them and swallow them whole, head and feet. After the remaining villagers promised not to interfere with the wizard's magic in the future, the wizard ordered the crucible to spit out the contents of his stomach. Those people were no longer human.

Georgina entered Switzerland before Ney because she acted secretly. She did so mainly to stop the trolls who took advantage of the chaos to rob, while Ney had to wait for authorization before entering Switzerland. At that time, Reading had already planned to resist armed to the end and resolutely refused to accept Switzerland as a republic and retain the federal system.

In Zurich, the ancient city walls still stood, but they could not resist the attack. In the early hours of the morning, the French army poured into the city from three gates, and the army marched to the beat of drums in the open space leading to the city wall. In the open space, there was a battalion in formation and a group of armed peasants, whose weapons were mostly flails, pitchforks and sickles, but no fighting took place.

The army that first entered Zurich belonged to the Italian Corps. Ney sent an adjutant to the Italian Corps headquarters and asked the Corps to send two armies to occupy Altdorf and Chur through the Alpine Passes to form an invasion of Switzerland from the north, west and south. When facing the regular army, the armed peasants quickly realized the gap in strength, although many Swiss peasants would go abroad as mercenaries. But Switzerland was very poor at that time. Even a city like Zurich had only 90 guns in the fortifications. Although Savoy had many cannons, it had no artillery. They even sold the fief of the cavalry regiment in 1760. At that time, it was the Seven Years' War. The Junker family suffered heavy losses in this war. These Junkers belonged to Prussia rather than Austria. Austria learned the Prussian officer form after the Seven Years' War and then had their own form of "Junkers".

In Bern and Fribourg, Switzerland, the city council often grants the "noble" status or "Junker" title to the elite group, that is, the nobles without titles. These "Junkers" need to be treated with the etiquette of the nobles, and this person must also show the qualities of the nobles.

The establishment of the Savoy Cavalry Regiment is related to the war with France. Since the War of the Spanish Succession, the Savoy Cavalry has been fighting against France. The Cavalry Regiment was established in 1692, which was their first appearance.

During the War of the Austrian Succession, after the main battlefield in Silesia ended, France and Spain fought against Austria and Sardinia for the rule of Italy in 1746. This time, the Savoy Knights fought bravely and charged seven times in a row, making the Spanish and French cavalry completely unable to fight back.

However, in 1796, when Napoleon was unstoppable in northern Italy, they disappeared, and later their entire organization was taken over by Bonaparte.

In the history that Georgiana remembered, the Savoy cavalry appeared again in World War II, although the Polish cavalry was more famous, and they faced the German tank division.

The Savoy cavalry fought against the Soviet Union. After all, the leader of Italy at that time was Mussolini, but they actually defeated the Soviet army with heavy firepower and completed the last cavalry charge in history-the Battle of Ishbushensk.

Compared with people, horses are bigger targets. Soviet machine guns also shot the horses of the Savoy Knights, but these horses still ran a distance under the action of inertia, enough for the knights to throw grenades.

This battle brought the cavalry and knights to a heroic end, and also protected the honor of the Savoy Cavalry Regiment for 300 years.

When Josephine brought Ney and Hortense's classmates together, the woman didn't like him at first. Although Ney was not as poor as Bonaparte, with only a sword and a cloak left, he didn't have much assets. In the marriage announcement they issued later, Ney's country house in Nancy was worth 80,000 francs, and his unfixed property was 12,000 francs; the bride's various dowries were 77,000 francs.

In this era, getting married actually had to announce these things, which shocked Georgiana.

Ney apologized for the not-so-valuable jewelry he gave to Miss Augier. He said he couldn't afford diamonds or pearls. As a soldier, he used his sword to gain honor instead of wealth.

James said he wanted to be a knight. Gryffindor is the school of knights, so what is a knight?

What made Pomona even more unimaginable was that Snape actually wanted Lily to enter Slytherin. It seemed that he had forgotten that Slytherin only accepted pure blood and half-blood.

What's even more exaggerated is that Lily almost agreed, because her knowledge of the magical world came entirely from Snape.

In short, as Lily's understanding of the magical world deepened, she left Snape's control and made a better choice for herself, which seemed more wise at the time.

The wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Ney was held in the castle of Grignon, and a chapel that had been out of use for many years was specially decorated for this purpose. The chapel was made in a pastoral style, but when completed it looked more like a greenhouse. Garlands were hung on the corridors and on the roof of the chapel, chandeliers were surrounded by flowers, gentle candlelight loomed, and a military band played wedding music. The groom wore a full military parade dress and an Egyptian saber inlaid with gems, which was a gift from the First Consul. The bride wore a long white dress and a wreath of roses. Next to the altar where they held the ceremony, there was also a peasant couple celebrating their golden wedding. They were wearing country clothes with strong regional colors. Ney stood next to the old man, and Mademoiselle Ogier stood next to the old man's wife. This scene was designed by Ney. In his opinion, their 50 years of happy marriage was a good omen.

In There Is No More Dreamy Wedding, in many subsequent animated adaptations of fairy tales, princes wore military uniforms, even Victor Crumb and Hermione Granger wore the same outfit at the Yule Ball.

Except for the lack of money, everything was perfect, the bride was very happy, and the joyful atmosphere was far better than the wedding of Hortense and Louis in the cathedral.

Mullah was taller and more handsome than Ney in appearance, and he would never "treat" him badly, even if his wife was Napoleon's sister.

After the bloodless occupation of Zurich, Ney entered the city. He did not pose as a victor and rode through the city on horseback among the troops and citizens.

It can be said that few people knew that he entered Zurich. After entering the city, he organized his troops so that they could appear at any time in the center of any riot. At the same time he canceled his request for troops from Italy, and Reading's guerrillas peacefully disarmed.

These were all told to Georgiana by the commander of the Italian garrison on her way from Novara to Milan. She didn't pay too much attention to Coco's appearance here. There were many horses in Napoleon's stable, and Coco was chosen just because of his snow-white body and stable personality... What a damn stable personality.

She was not that kind of person, she would take advantage of the opportunity and take advantage of it. She just felt that there was no possibility for him and Josephine to get back together, and she heard that he was very single-minded, so she thought he was a suitable candidate for remarriage.

It turns out that while she seemed to be thinking and making wise choices, she was actually not thinking much at all.

Mrs. Ney is still young, and she does not fully understand that the profession of a soldier is not only about getting together and being separated, but also that in this war-torn era, she may not be able to return at any time, and her happiness will be gone in an instant, and she and she Will Ney's little property be enough for her and her children to live in the future?

Georgiana had visited the Invalides and the asylums open to military families. The conditions in them were indeed much better than those open to ordinary citizens. The conditions in the hospital where Schaptal went were very bad, with patients crowded together for cross-infection. He proposed that pregnant women and children be placed separately first.

The last time she met Muller, the author of Marseillaise, at the Paris Botanical Garden, but Muller had died in Egypt. He was now a pediatrician and wanted to find a job in a pediatric hospital in Paris...

"Ma'am," Ney said to her. "What do you want to tell me?"

She has been thinking about how to bring "Persephone's secret" back to Paris, and now she has a suitable candidate in front of her.

The 1.2 billion grain reserve plan was originally impossible to implement because grains are difficult to preserve for more than three years.

Speaking of which, the church where Hortense and Louis got married was originally converted into a granary, although she couldn't remember its name.

"I want you to take something back to Paris," said Georgiana.

"That's not what we're talking about," Ney said.

Georgiana used the flying spell to summon the scroll hidden in the observatory model, and then handed it to Ney.

"This thing is not available in the UK, but you may be able to use it."

He looked at her in disbelief.

"Madame Pompidou introduced Quesnay to the king. The economist's model went wrong, and the consequences were unimaginable. Following the precedent of Queen Maria Theresa, without peace and unity in the country, any economic model is useless "Yes, can you understand what I just said?" Georgiana asked.


"The Pope once invited an Austrian to be his economic advisor. He proposed to develop the textile industry, which was difficult to succeed in Italy. I met a man in Milan who was the son of the 'Pope's accountant'. You know how he did it. "?" Georgiana asked.

"What?" Ney asked confused.

"Handle the relationship between the French Republic and the Papal State." Georgiana said, "He allowed his daughter to marry a papal noble, but he refused any title of nobility."

Ney frowned.

"Neutrality is not that easy, General, so I sometimes do things that are confusing to others. I would like to ask, General Murat would not be able to continue the charge without Swiss reinforcements?" Georgiana asked.

Ney sighed, "In fact, we didn't count on the Swiss from the beginning, we just wanted to see their attitude."

This time it was Georgiana's turn to frown.

"Let's talk as we walk." Ney led the horse and walked on the side near the lake, as if to protect her.

At this moment, she felt as if she was a hermaphrodite plant, but no matter that she, as a woman, still yearned for a wedding, she could not "self-pollinate".

If Mr. Darcy in "Pride and Prejudice" only wanted to marry a "suitable" wife, wouldn't his aunt's daughter be fine? Why leave London and go to Pemberley to find a girl in a white dress to attend a dance?

She raised her head and looked at the branches swaying in the wind above her head. Those branches seemed to be whispering, discussing topics that she couldn't understand.

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