Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 3509 Blood Dance (VII)

After coming out of the fireplace of the Three Broomsticks, Pomona planned to drink a glass of butter beer before returning to school. Scotland is much colder than London, although the first snow has not fallen yet.

"Maybe it will snow next week."

When she walked to the bar to order a drink, she happened to hear someone next to her say, she turned around and found that it was Ollivander.

"Why are you here?" Pomona asked in surprise.

"Of course I'm here to collect wand materials." Ollivander said happily, "Thank you for your treatment of wand wood, professor, let me show you."

Olivander placed the wooden box he carried with him on the table of the bar, "I found some very good wood."

Olivander opened the lid of the box, and there were several "branches" inside, which made it difficult to associate with the wand.

"Is this hawthorn wood?" Pomona asked, looking at a branch, which had red fruits on it.

"Of course, I took this from a wand wood that was infested with insects." Ollivander took the branch in his hand and squinted his eyes. "Let me think about what kind of wand core should be used for it. How about unicorn hair?"

"You are the master wand maker." Pomona said, and the butter beer she asked for was just delivered.

"How about today? Anyway, you are here." The man who just talked to Ollivander said with a glass of wine.

For a moment, Pomona almost took out her wand because he looked very much like Antonin Dolohov.

But she soon realized that Antonius Dolohov should be in Azkaban...

"Don't mind, you are not the first one to make a mistake." The drinker smiled at Pomona, "I look like Antonius Dolohov, right? Even the Aurors made a mistake, but just like hawthorn and blackthorn, people often confuse them, but it is easy to distinguish them if you look carefully."

Indeed, blackthorn blooms first and then leaves, while hawthorn leaves first and then blooms, and the fruit of blackthorn is dark purple, while hawthorn is red.

Pomona relaxed her guard and took a sip of butter beer.

It is said that on the day when the mysterious man disappeared for no reason 10 years ago and returned to the magical world and tried to get the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor at Hogwarts, Antonius Dolohov and two others were still waiting for their "master" in the Hog's Head Inn on a snowy day.

The Dark Lord had invented the "Spider Repellent Charm" when he was a student, and most spells and potions had no effect on eight-eyed spiders.

Anthony Dolohov's spell is very unique. First of all, it is purple. In addition, it can cause death similar to the Avada Kedavra curse, with no damage on the surface. The person who was hit seemed to have suffered a heavy blow to the ribs. One of Molly's cousins ​​encountered this spell. Such scars were found during the autopsy, and the pocket watch he carried with him was also dented.

It seems that Dolohov thought that this would avoid the "punishment" of the Unforgivable Curse.

"Okay, today." Ollivander drank the last bit of Fire Whiskey. "I haven't seen Professor Grubbly-Plank for a long time."

"Wait for me." Pomona said, and quickly "gulped" and drank the butter beer.

She left the Three Broomsticks with Ollivander, but the person who made the suggestion remained in the bar.

"Who is that person?" Pomona asked.

"I didn't ask." Ollivander picked up the cane at the door. "I just talked to him about the weather."

Pomona looked back at the door of the three brooms gradually closing, and followed Ollivander towards the path leading to Hogwarts.


Lorbonne frowned and smoked his pipe silently. His serious look made his ugly face like a toad even uglier.

Georgina and Bougainville were waiting on the side.

She didn't know much about the Holy Roman Empire. There were too many things to learn, and she didn't have time even in this world.

But she still had a superficial understanding of Eastern Europe. The Brown Castle where Count Dracula, the "Impaler", lived was also called Dracula Castle. It was full of ghosts all year round. It was originally a fortification built by the King of Hungary to resist the Turks. Later, it became a political center integrating military, customs, administration and justice.

The castle is located in a dangerous place. In order to prevent people from climbing up the cliffs, the castle has no windows or very narrow windows to prevent people from breaking into the room, which makes the castle dim.

In fact, as early as the 14th century, Moldavia and Wallachia were already autonomous principalities. At that time, they had to face the Tatars. After the Tatars left, they were replaced by the Ottomans. In order to resist them, Bela IV gave the Knights Templar a charter, allowing them to station troops in Wallachia and gave them a large piece of land.

After the Knights Templar were destroyed, a group of nobles from Transylvania wanted to expand their power in this land that "belonged to Romanians for generations."

After 10 years of fighting, Wallachia had a new Grand Duke Basarab I, but King Charles I of Hungary wanted to take back the land. Basarab I ambushed the Hungarians in a narrow valley. The Wallachian soldiers shot dense arrows and stones from the cliffs and finally defeated the Hungarians, completing the independence of Wallachia. Wallachia also experienced a period of stability and prosperity. Basarab I also married his daughter to the Tsar of Bulgaria.

The principality he established was only passed on to his son, and was replaced by Vlad II. He was called the "Grand Duke of the Dragon" and was a member of the Order of the Dragon of the Holy Roman Empire. This "dragon knight" was not the French dragon knight, but was similar to the Knights Templar, guarding the Latin East.

Shortly after Vlad II became a dragon knight, the Ottoman army marched towards Wallachia, and the Romanian-born Vlad II went to Wallachia as a commander.

He wavered between the Kingdom of Hungary and the Ottoman Empire. In the end, Vlad II surrendered to the Ottomans, paid tribute, and sent his second son Vlad III and his third son "handsome man" Radu to the Ottomans as hostages.

The days of being a hostage were destined to be difficult, and the young Vlad III planted the seeds of hatred for the Ottoman Empire in his heart. When he grew up, he treated prisoners with cruel punishments. After he was defeated in the battle with the Ottomans, Wallachia fell under the rule of the Ottomans, and the Ottoman Sultan appointed Turkish nobles to replace Romanian nobles to rule.

This situation continued until Michael the Brave, a Wallachian landowner who almost unified the three Romanian principalities.

Before Vlad III moved into Dracula Castle, the Ottoman Empire had attacked Moldavia. They won the military victory, but encountered plague and food shortages, and had to abandon Moldavia. In the same year, the Moldavia-Transiania coalition invaded Wallachia.

Transylvania was the largest principality in Romania. After the death of Michael the Brave, Transylvania returned to Ottoman rule, and Wallachia and Moldavia recognized the Ottomans as their suzerain.

When the Ottomans were driven away, Transylvania, under pressure from the Habsburg army, decided to accept Austria's "protection", and Moldavia and Wallachia were under Ottoman rule.

Georgiana felt that Schendelhannes's wish should not be to be a king living in a castle, and his son would not be the kind of prince who held balls in the castle and chose his wife nationwide.

In 1791, Romanians submitted a memorandum to the King of Hungary and the Transylvanian Parliament, hoping to obtain citizenship, abolish serfdom, and the tithe imposed on Romanian peasants and serfs.

If the Hungarian peasants had not sold their land and cattle and sheep to raise money for the Hungarian nobles, they would not have their own parliament and king.

After the Battle of White Mountain in 1620, the Czech nobility was basically eliminated. The Peace of Westphalia confirmed that Bohemia was incorporated into Austria, and the King of Bohemia was concurrently held by the Holy Roman Emperor.

Although Bohemia has its own government and is an autonomous country, the new nobility is almost supported by Austria and replaced the original Bohemian nobility.

Schendelhannes is a real civilian, and even among the civilians, he is a bottom-level executioner.

This is the feudal system. What the father is, the son will be.

The escaped slave was bewitched by a false prophet. He felt that he was the "king of the forest". He won over a group of brothers and wanted to get out of the forest with his own strength.

The English version of the Book of Kings is translated as "king", but in Latin it is "melachim", which is understood as "ruler". During his reign, the Roman King Numa did not go to war. He established laws and customs, and established the position of diplomatic envoys to negotiate peace when war was about to break out.

What are the chances of winning if you challenge such a king? Besides, the escaped slaves were already dead, who would give up this remaining opportunity for a daydreamer who didn't even know who he was?

Georgiana remembered Radetzky's expression just now.

'She will kill everyone,' Radetzky said with gritted teeth, as if he was the only one awake in this dream.

Lorbonne put down his pipe.

"Write a letter to Count Chiconyala and write Schendelhannes's real name on it," Lorbonne said.

"Let the Austrians catch him?" Bougainville said.

"He won't stay in hiding forever. The woman following him is not Calypso, who wants him to stay in her cave forever. She will let him go out and continue to do great things, but his power should be weakened, so he will..."

"How do you know he will definitely join the Austrian army?" Bougainville asked.

"I heard that when joining the army, everyone will report their real names. Even if he still has so many men, he won't hide for too long. So many people will be consumed sooner or later." Lorbon said.

"I have a question." Georgiana said.

"Please go ahead." Lorbon said.

"Who will rule Slovenia? I mean, will the Habsburgs appoint nobles to serve there?" Georgiana asked.

"No Viennese noble will go to that remote place. Austrian Galicia still appoints Poles to serve. Unlike Prussian and Russian regions, Poles have almost no chance to hold official positions." Lorbon said, "I guess those positions will be sold."

She remembered the war bonds that Napoleon asked the Austrians to exchange at par, and Talleyrand made a fortune because he knew the inside information.

War always costs money, and the titles of nobility were sold before the French Revolution.

"Can the Slovenes buy these positions?" Georgiana asked.

"That's an unwise question, Georgiana, I heard you want to go to the Castle of Stupirin in Turin?" Lorbon asked.


"Why do you want to go?" Lorbon asked.

"There is a castle nearby that used to belong to the Knights of Savoy." Georgiana paused. "There is also the cedar tree named Luna."

"Do you know why the Savoy royal family wants to sell it as royal property? Instead of continuing to give it to the Knights?" Lorbon asked.

She shook her head.

"Since the Treaty of Utrecht came into effect, Savoy has to give Austria a sum of money so that Austria will recognize their rule. If the Slovenes buy these positions, they have to keep giving it until they empty their pockets. The last coin in the sentence is: "Promotion always costs money. If you have money, there is no place you can reach. If you don't have money, there is no position." But this sentence forgets one thing. Although the king cannot resell his official position to others, But it can determine the existence and abolition of an official position. The three-level parliament in the past argued about this. Letting the incompetent have the power of life and death is no different from selling justice, so the king often made a promise to give up the official position. "Lolban said again. Taking a puff of cigarette, "Selling official positions related to dignity and honor is the most dangerous and harmful plague in the kingdom."

She couldn't think clearly, her mind seemed to be spinning without any other ideas.

"How do you know he will definitely join the Austrian army?" Bougainville asked the question again.

"I guess, on this roulette wheel of fate, we are all gamblers." Luo Erban sighed, "Last time I asked you, Georgiana, why you thought of using a 'salute', I think I also It’s a stupid question, and we all know the answer.”

No one spoke.

"If you want to help the young man named Radeski leave, you have to pass through Gibraltar, otherwise you have to pass through the port on the west coast of France. What else do you want to tell me?" Lorbon asked.

Georgiana didn't mention Radesky's masked French employer, but she remembered it as soon as Lorban said this.

That bastard actually lied to her again.

"If you are fine tomorrow, there are two people who want to see you. Do you want to see them?" Luo Erban asked.

"Them?" she asked.

"The Countess de Porte's family is a wholesaler in Marseille, and the family of the Marquise Crusseur wants to engage in canned food. They both want to see you." Lorbon said, "Go to rest early."

"Can I say no?" Georgiana asked defiantly.

The ugly man smiled, bowed to her according to aristocratic etiquette, and left her room.

"Should we trust him?" Bougainville asked like a dutiful guardian without leaving.

"Is General Ney here?" asked Georgiana.

"I've been here for two days," Bougainville said.

She felt that it was extremely important that she needed to clear her head.

"Let's talk about it tomorrow morning, I want to rest." As soon as she finished speaking, a chicken crow sounded outside the window, probably from the fishermen's village.

"I'll get someone to prepare breakfast for you." Bougainville said with a smile, as if he was amused by her frustrated look.

After he left, Georgiana lay back on the bed.

After struggling for most of the night, she was ready to fall asleep!

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