Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 3506 Blood Dance (IV)

After this semester, the Weasley twins will be enrolled in the next semester.

The teachers have long heard about the twins' "great achievements", but the most famous one is that they once tricked their five-year-old brother into signing an unbreakable oath, which was discovered in time by their father Arthur Weasley, and then one of the twins was severely beaten by Arthur.

That was Arthur Weasley, and he was so angry that he beat the child, which showed that he was really angry.

In short, the current situation is like this. Because of some indescribable smell in the potion classroom, the contestants participating in the potion championship temporarily requisitioned the herb greenhouse and moved back after the smell dissipated.

Herbology also has an herb club. The club members put up a sign in front of them, listing a long list of materials, and prohibited the contestants from bringing them into the greenhouse.

The activities of the herb club were forced to suspend, and Quidditch had to be suspended because of the vixen, so the members of the herb club "kindly" put a divination bird there, in the name of preventing the vixen from interfering with the contestants.

The Augureys placed in the cellar corridor were really noisy. Although they drove away the vixen, their calls were another "source of pollution", which forced the Hufflepuffs to wear the earmuffs they wore when repotting the mandrakes.

There were earmuffs in the greenhouse, but they were all borrowed, so the contestants of the Potions Championship could only continue to practice while listening to the "singing" of the Augureys.

After two days, someone finally remembered to use the Ear Shrinking Charm, but the smell in the Potions classroom was almost gone by then.

The fart of the weasel is a necessary material for making "Thunder Brew". It was originally a black magic potion that required the stench of corpses extracted from graves. It could form a circle of storms with a stun effect and use thunder to harm surrounding enemies.

After changing to the fart of the weasel, the stun effect and damage would be weakened, but the effective range would be expanded. People within the effective range would become unconscious and even have hallucinations, and the potion was changed from being taken to being applied.

So the "stench" became the "side effect" of Thunder Brew.

The greenhouse was occupied, so Pomona had to go back to the kitchen, where she met King, one of the "Three Warriors", who was in detention again.

Whenever the exams were approaching, the school's black market was particularly prosperous. King often smuggled "intelligence enhancers" from outside, sometimes other contraband, and he would even give discounts to "old customers".

He was a good friend of Charlie, a beater for the Gryffindor team, and was good at magical creature care and herbology. When Charlie took out the dragon egg, he was one of the onlookers.

This time he was detained in the Hogwarts kitchen and had nothing to do with the curse on Armando, but Pomona didn't want to ask him why he was detained. Anyway, he liked cooking and needed help in the kitchen.

He was actually good at potions, but as a Gryffindor, it was difficult for him to get any benefits from the head of the Slytherin.

So when he took the initiative to ask her to participate in the potion championship, she was shocked, as if she had been struck by lightning.

But she soon found out what Kim's real purpose was. He wanted a suitcase with an expansion spell cast on it. The Ministry of Magic gave one to each contestant.

Scamander's suitcase was illegally modified, and it was big enough to hold a zoo. However, Scamander got the suitcase through legal channels. He had worked as a low-level employee of the Ministry of Magic for a while, but the Ministry of Magic gave him the suitcase not for magical animals.

Casting an expansion spell is not only related to the caster's own level, but also to "punishment". If Scamander's space is as large as his, if he is found guilty, he will be sent to Azkaban, although the Unforgivable Curse is not used.

If it is just a little smaller, the trunk of the car will be expanded a little, enough to put down the children's school luggage, attend the hearing, and pay the fine.

Then Kim somehow got into the team of the Potions Championship contestants, trained with them for a while, and then suddenly suffered from irritable bowel syndrome before departure and could not go with others.

For the sequelae caused by the laughing potion, if it is depression, you can use the euphoria potion, but there has been no specific medicine for treating mania until a potion called "Xiaoyao Pills" appeared.

Jin is of Korean descent. His mother works at the Hog's Head Inn, and all the money he earns at school is given to her.

Pomona has never seen Jin's father appear. Every year, he celebrates his birthday with his mother at the Three Broomsticks.

He also has a dog named Tarragon, but he never uses it to practice spells, even if students are required to do so with their pets in the Transfiguration class.

If it weren't for Jin, Charlie would never know that the dragon egg he got was fake, and he would think that there was something wrong with his hatching.

Jin heard the man who sold the dragon egg to Charlie in the Hog's Head Inn bragging to the people around him how he cheated a child, and then Jin told Charlie, and Charlie went to Diagon Alley with his friends to "argue" with him.

The last time Pomona heard him was that he and Joey were dating, but she had no idea where he was or what he did.

When Georgiana got out of the water, Oshana of the Hacock family immediately wrapped her in a towel, as if she had just been swimming in a cold Scottish lake in February and was shivering from hypothermia instead of enjoying the coolness of a summer lake.

However, she did not refuse the towel and went into her room wrapped in it to change her clothes.

Before others were busy preparing clothes for her, she walked to the desk, picked up a quill, and wrote down one of the recipes for "Thunder Brew", the name of the shrinking fig. Unlike the shrinking potion, Thunder Brew requires the fruit of the fig.

The "8" in the runes means spiders, and the purpose of Jig preparing "Thunder Brew" is also to deal with them, because he is not sure whether the fire-brewing potion is effective against the eight-eyed spiders.

After Jig left school, the potion formula was inherited by Severus, who regularly made potions every year to eliminate the eight-eyed spiders in the Forbidden Forest.

After Hagrid got the fire crab, he kept trying to cross it with the manticore, and finally gave birth to the new species of blasting tail skrewt.

At this time, she smelled the strong cologne again. She looked up and found that it was Margaret who was holding a bottle of perfume and spraying it on the clothes she was wearing.

"What are you doing?" Georgiana asked.

"The First Consul ordered that your clothes should be like this." Margaret said, and sprinkled perfume on the clothes again.

She was a little annoyed, and she felt that she was doing well.

There were bursts of thunder in the distant mountains, as if a storm was coming, and soon fresh water vapor would hit her face.

In fact, it was quite comfortable to sleep in such weather.

Anyway, she thought there would be no guests visiting today, so she decided to take a nap. Although this vacation was not so novel and joyful, it was actually quite good for her personally.

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