Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 3501 The Terrifying Sound (Part 9)

When Scamander was in a prison of the German Ministry of Magic, he encountered a "manticore". This magical beast has two forms: feline-like and insect-like. "Swinging Manticore" is an insect-like species.

Insect-like scorpion-tailed beasts have adult and juvenile bodies. They basically do not change much in appearance, except that the juveniles are red. Both juveniles and adults have a pair of huge pincers and a pair of flexible tentacles. Adult manticores will use this pair of tentacles to sense, while young manticores' tentacles have not yet fully developed and still use their eyes.

This scorpion-tailed beast, like the hairy crab, has phototaxis, and the fluorescent flashing light does not generate heat. There are also glow bugs, like fireflies, which convey information by flashing in the dark.

Then there are the "lantern bugs" in the German Ministry of Magic Prison. They can live for a long time as larvae, but the moths in the adult state don't live long. When the light bugs in the lantern stop glowing, For the Swinging Manticore, it's "dinner" time.

To the insect-like manticore, the fire crab is like a "beautiful creature."

Luckily Hogwarts didn't have one, although Pomona had seen a manticore in feline form.

The ancient Romans would use vertical shafts to store ice, which is also found in the Villa Melzi. It also served as a wine cellar. It was dark and cold inside, which was very suitable for storing wine and food.

It was here that Georgiana met the Lombard Goblin, and she had a long table set up with a candle on it.

In fact, goblins also need light. Gringotts is always magnificent, but they don't like the sun that much.

"Would you like a glass of wine?" Georgiana asked.

"No." The Lombard goblin sitting opposite her said expressionlessly, "I prefer to celebrate after it's done."

"Celebrating? I thought you had acquired the legacy of the ancient kingdom," Georgiana said.

"You have no intention of giving it to us, or in other words, not giving it to us so easily." The goblin stared at her face. "I heard that humans plan to re-seal the cave entrance with snow when we go in to get the treasure, just like you Just like removing the buried snow, Veela."

"How come I didn't hear about it?" she said, pretending to be stupid.

"Humans cannot be trusted. Haven't you been deceived enough by them?" asked the goblin.

She smiled, hiding her gritted teeth.

"A little snow is nothing. No matter how thick it is, it is much easier to drill than rocks." The elf crossed his hands and showed a scheming look. "If humans do that, it is like a child throwing snowballs in a snowball fight." , and will not cause any actual harm.”

"So?" Georgiana asked.

"We have another option." The goblin sitting on the chair gestured to the goblin standing aside with a briefcase, who placed a box in front of Georgiana.

"What is this?" she asked.

"Open it and take a look," said the goblin.

Georgiana was about to use her hands, but an instinct told her not to do that. She took out her wand and levitated the lid of the box.

She was so frightened that she immediately closed the lid again.

"It seems you know this." The goblin sneered.

"You want to give me the fangs of the Peruvian Vipertooth Dragon?" she asked with a smile.

"This kind of venom has no effect on us." The goblin said without emotion, "And this is our suggestion. The treasures in this cave belong to humans, and we will complete the corresponding obligations as citizens of the magical society. The conditions are We will have the wand 'legally'."

She didn't believe the goblin would agree to such terms.

"You should treat the creatures who also live in the magical world equally." The goblin said, "We are not like the goblins in England who once launched a rebellion."

But it's different when these goblins get the venom of the Poison-Toothed Dragon.

Georgiana thought to herself.

What genius came up with this "idea".

Indeed, by letting the goblins deal with the Venomous Dragon, the wizard doesn't have to take any risks.

Lanlock, who once launched a goblin rebellion, planned to join a group of illegal dragon breeding camps, but was "rejected". But that rebellion occurred at the end of the 19th century, eighty or ninety years from now.

Then she remembered Madame Maxime. Hagrid, who was also a half-giant, was just a forest hunter, while she was the principal of Beauxbatons.

What made Madam Maxim feel sad and envious of Fleur was that Fleur was just a beautiful girl, and no one would kick her out of school because she was a "descendant of Veela" and abide by the rules set by Slytherin.

Although it is unbelievable, Grindelwald is concerned about "wizard breeding". He only locks up his opponents. With his eloquence, sooner or later, he will be able to "correct" certain views of the opponents instead of throwing them to the scorpions. Tailed beast.

He was worried about this problem, so he raised the issue of marriage between Muggles and witches in his inaugural speech.

Maybe it was because Jacob, a Muggle, appeared in the "future" he saw. In short, it was a failed speech. The magical society was not called to fight against Muggles like last time.

Before leaving, Grindelwald said to everyone: One day you will know that I am not an enemy.

Georgiana knew that it was impossible to get the wizards led by Lestrange to agree to exchange the treasure for the goblin's alchemy patent.

They were resentful, so she came up with the idea to re-seal the entrance with snow when the goblins went in to get the treasure.

Should she be happy that they suddenly "grew up"?

There is a principle of proportionality in British law, the essence of which is to adjust the rational relationship between ends and means.

In fact, what Pomona did was wrong. Although she kept the children in the lounge for their safety, personal freedom should not be restricted beyond a certain limit.

During the secret room incident, McMillan kept Justin in the lounge to protect him.

Justin knew that he was at risk of being attacked and was almost attacked, but Justin still ran out on his own.

"I know that at this very moment, discipline is necessary." Dumbledore said to everyone, "But we still have the freedom to choose, whether to be people who don't cause trouble, or to have the courage to leave the 'cave' to explore and discover people.”

Fortunately, Snape had already left at that time, otherwise he must have thought that this was Dumbledore protecting the three Gryffindor "warriors" who were wandering at night.

No one will take the initiative to take on anything that is unprofitable, and there is no incentive to develop new technologies or integrate resources.

However, there is also a proportion. Georgiana does not believe that the goblins will really give up the ownership of the treasure. Even if they now exchange the status of citizens of the magical world, they may regret it in the future.

"I accept your conditions, there is only one condition." Georgiana said.

One of the goblins was a little excited and seemed to want to warn her not to push her too far, but was stopped by the old goblin sitting on the chair.

"Say your terms," ​​said the old goblin.

"You can pick out a few of the treasures," Georgiana said.

The old goblin laughed, "Didn't I tell you just now that we don't want anything?"

"In Roman law, there was a ceremony that required five witnesses and a copper coin to prove that the contract was valid," Georgiana said.

"Only house elves will sign magical contracts with humans." The somewhat excited elf said.

"No one said that you have to sign a magic contract. What you just said about taking on obligations. Rousseau believes that in a convention made with 'public will', everyone assumes obligations and forms a social contract. In addition to dragon hunting, there are also Another thing I need your help with," Georgiana said.

"What's the matter?" the old goblin asked.

She was about to speak, but she felt it was too early. Would pure-blood nobles leave their family trees to goblins for management? Even though they kept all their treasures in Gringotts.

"Let's wait until you come back from hunting." Georgiana said, raising her wand, intending to hide the fang.

But her magic only faded away the outer shell, not the fangs.

"Don't worry, that's fake." Rabastan Lestrange walked out of the darkness, holding a bottle of wine and several goblets. "Now, let's celebrate."

He did not pour the wine one by one, but let the liquid in the wine glass split into several streams and fly towards several glasses. By the time it landed in front of everyone, the wine had been poured.

Georgiana looked at the old goblin, and the old goblin looked at her. Finally, he picked up the wine glass first.

"For peace," said the old goblin.

"For peace." Georgiana also picked up the wine glass.

"And friendship," Rabastan said.

No one corrected him, so they drank a glass of wine together.

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