Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 3497 The Terrifying Sound (V)

The world's first air raid siren sounded in the sky of London in 1917. It was the second time the city was in danger after the Great Fire of London.

"I think this is something you forgot to take away." Lorbon placed the blueprint of the "aerostat" in front of Georgiana.

She looked at the blueprint without saying a word, because it could have been used as evidence of espionage, not in front of her.

"Please don't get me wrong." Lorbon said softly, "I don't plan to do anything with it?"

"Then what do you want to do?" Georgiana asked.

"Remind you of two things." Lorbon jumped onto the chair opposite her. "The first thing is to be careful and don't forget such an important thing next time."

"What about the other thing?" Georgiana asked.

Lorbon was silent for a while.

"What do you want me to do for you?" she asked again.

"Besides your students, do you have anyone else you care about in the UK?" Lorbon asked, "Relatives, or friends."

She looked at Lorbon.

"Like you, I know people over there, so I don't want them to get hurt in the war." Lorbonne looked down at the drawings of the aerostat. "What are you going to do with it?"

"As before, Caesar chooses his own destiny, and I can't do anything about it." She folded the drawings and put them into the trembling flower bracelet.

"That's not necessarily true." Lorbonne looked at her.

"What are you looking at?" she asked.

"Are you still peace-loving, Georgiana?" Lorbonne asked.

"In this situation, do you think peace can be maintained?" Georgiana asked.

Lorbonne turned his head to look at the lake and mountains.

"Imagine that everything here is shrouded in war and blood." Lorbonne said heavily, "How do you feel?"

She didn't need to imagine, because the scenery of Hogwarts was equally beautiful, but it was also destroyed in the war.

First of all, the Quidditch field, which was not within the range of the castle's protective magic, disappeared along with the flames, and the children's beautiful memories, everything seemed to become cruel.

The biggest difference between Bonaparte, the Muggle Emperor, and Dumbledore is that when the war reached its final stage, the students of the University of Paris were rejected when they planned to join the war.

One of the engineers who participated in the design of the aerostat died in the war during the Great Revolution. In the choice between "future" and "present", Bonaparte chose "future".

For the final victory, Dumbledore could even sacrifice himself. Compared with him, the fearful Voldemort looked more like a human.

People think that elder is the wood for making the Elder Wand, perhaps because it looks like a hand with distinct joints.

Around the "Elder Wand", a drama that seemed to be arranged by fate was staged.

"Madam?" Lorbonne reminded.

"Even in the underworld, there is a paradise. I remember it is called Elysee." Georgiana replied, "How could anyone think of giving that palace that name?"

The paradise of the underworld is located by the River of Pain. Pomona saw the military camp in the fog at the Louvre on the right bank of the Seine. When she crossed the river, she was still on the Louvre side, and there was also the Tuileries Palace.

"I didn't say I wanted to go back to the past." Lorbonne said, "but would you feel sad after the peace and tranquility were destroyed?"

The bad thing was that she had no feeling. She had intended to stop it before, and even had a disagreement with Severus.

Don't do things beyond your ability. If the Phoenix Tears didn't work, Harry would have died long ago. It was indeed an amazing achievement for a 12-year-old child to kill the basilisk, but that was not what Harry wanted to do. Who said that the "omnipotent" Lockhart was not like what he described in his book. And if Harry didn't do something, Ginny would die.

"Is that all you want to say?" Georgiana asked a little arrogantly.

"Tomorrow afternoon, General Ney will come to visit." Lorbonne said, "He will ask you why you didn't use the Swiss army, and how will you answer him then?"

She actually wanted to rest for two more days. She wanted to go swimming since the first day she saw Lake Como.

"The general came from a long way and was tired from the journey. You should accompany him for two days first." Georgiana said.

"Okay, ma'am." Lorbonne said obediently without asking more questions.

She then remembered the bone flute that Lorbonne had given her. Voldemort's original wand was made of yew, but later it became bleached bones, with only the core of the phoenix tail feathers remaining.

The bone flute was hollow and carved into an eagle pattern, but Muggles would not "awaken" anything when they blew it.

The Grey Lady put the Ravenclaw diadem into the tree hole, which she had chosen randomly, just as the Grim Reaper casually broke off a branch of a tree and turned it into an old wand.

After Remus became the professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts, he still used the book written by Giger as a textbook, but he deleted the content of using potions to deal with dark creatures. Although he was a werewolf, he still couldn't deal with these controversial things.

Giger also hoped that wizards could practice physical skills instead of standing still, and Remus designed that new examination room. But when he was dealing with Boggart in the first class, he was able to make the children stand still and face their fears instead of turning around and running away.

She didn't know that there were so many hairy crabs in the room where the lost wand was placed. They would not gnaw on ordinary trees, but only on magical plants; they would not bite ordinary copper, but only on power cables.

Giger did not classify hairy crabs as insects, but he did so not because hairy crabs have a crab-like shell. Even terrestrial crabs need water, but hairy crabs can survive in a waterless environment.

Hairy crabs will not metamorphose after eating magic objects, but will just swell up and appear to have become larger hairy crabs.

Most insects will metamorphose during development, of course there are also incomplete metamorphosis and abnormal development, but lice will not metamorphose.

Hairy crabs seem to have many similarities with lice, but insects do not have the hard shell of hairy crabs. The shell of hairy crabs can be used for rare antidotes, but it is difficult to open its shell. The poisonous tentacles are its natural enemies. The poisonous tentacles will bite open the shell of the hairy crab, eat the meat inside, and then spit out the shell.

This rare antidote can detoxify the poison of the foxy bite, and does not require the principal's Phoenix Tears to appear, but Pomona did not know this before meeting Giger. The poisonous tentacles she cultivated were in a greenhouse, and she did not know what it looked like in the wild.

Between poisonous tentacles and pesticides, most people would choose pesticides. Minerva's husband died from the bite of poisonous tentacles. For families with pets, poisonous tentacles are too dangerous for children.

Moreover, poisonous tentacles are plants on the trade ban, and brewing different pesticides can promote the development of potions.

Who cares whether hairy crabs are insects or other species? Jig will do research, and then he found a way to quickly shell hairy crabs, so that Britain has become the largest exporter of hairy crab shells. Rare antidotes are not only for the poison of fox charmers.

The International Confederation of Wizards formulated this trade ban catalog. Albus Dumbledore is the president. At the same time, there is a greenhouse of poisonous tentacles in the greenhouse of Hogwarts where he is the principal.

When others believe that you are tight-lipped, remember to keep a secret.

Pomona read in a magazine that "absolutely" do not let your current partner know about your ex, no matter how kind and generous the other party claims to be or is recognized to be. Remember it, just like remembering that the earth is round, otherwise there will be a catastrophic "accident" and it will be difficult to heal.

She looked up at the scenery around her and it seemed that she couldn't stay here for long, lest she ruin the place.

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