Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 349 Never Separate

The Fidelity Curse can hide a house, so can it hide a floor?

When all the secret keepers die or someone leaks the secret, the Loyalty Curse will expire. Are the secrets to be protected on the fifth floor those forbidden books, secret passages, or something else?

It wasn't just Harry Potter and Barty Crouch Jr. who were burdened by fame, Aberforth Dumbledore also lived in the shadow of his brother Albus.

The brothers' relationship broke down because of Arianna, but it wouldn't be right if they really didn't have any. Aberforth was one of the first members of the Order of the Phoenix, and another exit to the Room of Requirement opened at the Hog's Head, which was also where Albus interviewed Trelawney. Aberforth, unlike Neville, had a good memory, and he remembered very well who had been expelled by him. He has been guarding Arianna's portrait alone, unlike Albus surrounded by disturbing crowds.

He's actually a very nice guy, if you can put up with his extremely bad habits. That Pig's Head pub was so filthy that Pomona wondered where DA's children had the courage to eat Aberforth's food.

But he was there at every critical moment, whether it was sending Dobby to save Harry Potter, participating in the Battle of Hogwarts, or protecting Arianna in a three-person duel. Dueling to solve problems instead of using communication and reason like Albus, he lives with sheep like Zigmuntbach.

In 1982 he was sued by the Wizengamot for misusing magic on a goat, and the papers covered him as if he had committed some heinous crime.

Aberforth wasn't affected by the gossip, didn't hide like Hagrid, lived his life in his annoying way, and in the end the news disappeared, if Albus told Aberforth , Severus killed him in order to fulfill an old man's request to solve his pain, so can Severus' reputation be washed clean?

Severus didn't necessarily need to die to prove his innocence, but no one was willing to help him at the time, and Dumbledore hadn't told anyone about his plans. Minerva, Pomona, and Aberforth, he would have had the chance to say it, but Albus chose no, and the White Wizard wrapped an invisible noose around the neck of his successor.

Dumbledore believed in Severus so much, but Severus betrayed him. This did not refer to work matters, but to personal feelings. Severus defiled his "treasure", even if It's just as inexcusable that Pomona is just Arianna's replacement.

It's disgusting, this is what Dumbledore said in front of Severus, and now Severus can probably fight back with a smile, which is more disgusting, a man's desire for a woman or a man's desire for a man.

After arriving on the eighth floor, she didn't use the mind receiving spell to open the Room of Requirement, but used "come and go", and the Room of Requirement opened up all the space. It should be more spacious than the hiding place of DA, even Neville Stunned, Pomona looked at her "masterpiece", a piece of ash entwined with thorn tree roots.

She can't rely on magical plants to protect the Time-Turner, and the Hog's Head also has an entrance to the Room of Requirement, which no one knew was where students evacuated the school during the Battle of Hogwarts.

Even if she wanted Fei Liwei to arrange the defense, that cunning old dog would not come to do the work, and in the end it was her who would handle the matter.

"I'm really like a house elf." Pomona murmured to herself, she wanted to continue living in seclusion and living a life of being free and in love with the Potions Master, why was she pulled back to the arena.

"Neville, don't sign an unbreakable oath with anyone!" she said angrily.

"Okay, Professor." Neville replied very simply. This is common sense that everyone living in the wizarding world knows. Even good old Arthur beat Fred's ass swollen.

An unbreakable oath is unbreakable, even if the party who made the oath is dead, the oath is still valid, which seems to be different from the blood oath.

Dumbledore and Grindelwald once swore not to hurt each other, but the blood oath was still broken, so they can hurt each other without any scruples.

Pomona hates Albus who says not to hide his heart, but actually hides his true thoughts. Is reputation really that important?

She put those affairs behind her and began to think about how to lay out her defenses. The reason why fire dragons can breathe fire is not that they breathe fire directly, but that they can generate a kind of oily smoke, which burns violently when they encounter fire. If she arranges mist and oily smoke like the Ministry of Magic, the people living in it will have no way to live up.

This kind of dragon fire is not a spell, it can be solved with spell stop, ordinary fire prevention potion is also ineffective, the question is where can she find the fire dragon oil fume.

"Damn Ron Weasley, you're so slow." Pomona couldn't help complaining, it would be better if Norberta could provide the oil fume, she decided to leave this idea to Minerva, and after the Transfiguration Curse She was much better at it than Pomona.

Helena wants to pursue wisdom, but Barrow hopes that she can become an ordinary woman, but becoming an ordinary woman will lose the power to protect herself. Not every woman is as lucky as Molly.

Although the nickname "Molly Tickle" was disgusting, Pomona was extremely envious, and she wasn't jealous of Molly at all.

Lily already had everything, a husband who loved her, a lovely son, herself beautiful and young, outstandingly talented, rich and happy, and Severus' love was completely superfluous to her.

Whoever has, more will be given to make him superfluous; whoever has not, even what he has will be taken away.

Lily is a winner in life, she is perfect in everything, isn't she?

She wants to be perfect in everything, and likes to be a strong person to protect others, but she also faces difficulties in choosing, and she even listens to Mary's opinions when she is alone and helpless. At that time, James Potter was indeed A wiser choice than Severus.

There is such a mother, Pomona thinks it is difficult to love Harry. For the person she is jealous of, she will feel better if she is unhappy. Pomona deliberately puts her attention on Neville, the sentence Her pledge to keep Harry alive was thrown away by her to nowhere, and Voldemort didn't come back for ten years. Everyone lived very easily. When she was on vacation, she could even sleep all day. What a pleasant entertainment. .

A woman who joins the fight between men without authorization will not only fail to mediate, but will also add fuel to the fire. Arianna wanted to help, but ended up taking her own life. Her death caused a breakdown in the relationship between the boys, just like As the horsemen said, the pure ones are sacrificed first.

She stroked the emerald bracelet on her wrist. Now she has a lot of jewelry on her body. Dumbledore asked her to restrain her material desires and exercise her will before. She would not take these jewelry to the vegetable garden to deal with dragon dung.

Severus really changed her, he made her a woman, not a saint.

"Do you know who the first Herbalism teacher was at Hogwarts, Neville?"

"Miss Hufflepuff?" Neville asked tentatively.

"No, it's Ms. Ellington. The potion used to treat petrification is called the resurrection potion. At first, the class was called magical herbs and medicine. Later, herbal medicine and medicine were separated."

"Why?" Neville asked, puzzled.

"Because we are not druids, what Hogwarts wants to train is wizards." Pomona squeezed her wand, and said slowly, "The white druids were slaughtered by the Romans, we don't cultivate that kind of kindness." But unarmed and weak, who can only call for help when they are in danger, Umbridge forbids you to use your wand to practice magic spells, she actually used a collective disarming spell on you, forcing you to put down your wands and surrender."

She turned around and looked at Neville Longbottom, "We cultivate warriors, and we want to train people's hearts to be as strong as dragons. When Harry's mother was dying, she put down her wand to protect Harry. It sounds like It seems very great, why didn't she apparate away with you like your grandma? Your grandma is a truly respectable woman, she protected the heirs of the Longbottom family, although she lost her son and daughter because of it."

"I've heard babies aren't suitable for Apparating," said Neville softly.

"Because babies are so fragile, but in that case, do you think your grandma has any other options?" Pomona sighed. I will definitely not agree, and Harry Potter will not agree, but this is an opportunity to reduce casualties and everyone can negotiate. I don't comment on whether Albus is a wise man or a fool. I just think that this operation requires four The Houses act together and can no longer isolate Slytherins like the DA."

"But how?" Neville asked, frowning.

"Don't ask me, Neville, you can ask a wise man, didn't you contact him in some way before?" Pomona said with a sweet and lovely smile, "When the school was established a thousand years ago, the four founders The school had an adventure together, and then Slytherin left alone, and now we want to get him back, and the three-legged stool becomes a four-legged stool again, this is the future worthy of our continuous growth and development."

"The four colleges will never be separated." Neville said, looking at Pomona.

"Yes, never to be separated." Pomona looked at the unburned cloth curtain on the ground, and the Hogwarts coat of arms was still bright and bright.

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