Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 3477 Robinson on Land (IV)

Despite his progress in pottery, there were some things that Robinson still couldn't make on his own, such as ammunition. After eleven years, Robinson's ammunition was almost exhausted, and he had to try to make traps. Catching prey.

Normally, a logbook is written during a voyage, but Robinson adopted the format of a diary, and by relying on the diary, Robinson remembered the passage of time.

He landed on the island on September 30, 1659, and spent nearly a month moving the supplies on the ship to the uninhabited island. On October 31, he shot and killed one in the hinterland of the island. Female goat.

The female goat also had a little lamb. It followed the female goat, but refused to eat what Robinson gave it. Later, Robinson killed the little lamb too.

This is quite cruel, but considering the physical labor that Robinson engaged in after arriving on the island and the physical strength consumed by rowing the raft to carry supplies, bread and vegetables alone cannot supplement it.

Even if a person does nothing, there will still be basal metabolic consumption, and Robinson does not have beans to supplement protein.

Pomona was reading a book and chewing the mutton chops. The mutton chops seemed a bit old today.

The purpose of gold and silver coins is to facilitate exchange. Before the discovery of Friday, Robinson was the only one on the island. The coins he brought with him were placed in a drawer. He regretted not using them to exchange for some coins that were only available in England. Sixpence worth of seeds, or a handful of beans and peas, or a bottle of ink.

There is a large amount of wheat seeds on the ship. Robinson can grow enough for the whole crew to eat, as well as grapes, which can make endless wine.

However, Robinson didn't know how to preserve grain, so he didn't plant too much to avoid planting too much and it would rot. Therefore, he had enough wheat as bait to lure the goats into his trap.

He learned to weave, using willow sticks, although Pomona didn't understand why there would be willow trees on an island where tobacco leaves were produced.

Yes, willow trees are common in temperate climates, but since Robinson said that the island has a rainy season, it means that they are mostly in the tropics, and willow trees that survive in the tropics are very rare.

If it was Pomona, she would look for plants with hemp fiber. At least the traps made from it would not be eaten by goats like wicker.

"What are you looking at?" Snape asked, sitting down next to the teacher's desk.

"I wonder why goats eat cane instead of wheat," Pomona said inexplicably.

He looked at her like an alien.

In fact, willow trees are easy to grow. They only need a few branches to regenerate. There may be one or two that are particularly tough and survive.

Pomona thought to herself and then said to him "I want to go to London and buy some books."

"Place the order, and I'll bring it back for you." He turned his head sideways and began to eat the lamb chops on the plate.

Then she remembered Saruman, the king of Rohan who was controlled by a "snake-like" wizard who expelled all those loyal to Rohan and the king.

Later, when Aragorn and his elves and dwarves came to Rohan, the wizard was driven away and he returned to Saruman.

"What are you looking at?" he asked expressionlessly.

"You don't know what I want to read. I'll go there myself." Pomona said firmly. "Are you going to the Muggle library wearing this?"

"Is there a problem?" He immediately turned his face and hissed a threat at her.

"No problem." She immediately changed the topic and looked down at the plate.

"Are you going to repent of it?" Snape said teasingly.

After some hard work, Robinson finally got a sheepfold on the island and started raising sheep. His life had improved significantly from when he first arrived on the island. He had been on the island for 15 years.

He was used to living alone, and suddenly he found a person's footprints. He stood there as if he had been struck by lightning.

He did not feel happy because he met someone of the same kind. On the contrary, he was so scared that he destroyed the sheepfold that he had worked hard to build, dug up the crops that he had worked hard to grow, and the house where he lived. He just hoped that no one would Found that there are people living here.

His problem at this moment is not how to survive, but how to return to a social life.

He found the gun again, but his target was no longer a beast.

"It's so pathetic," Pomona said.

"You should have said it earlier," he sarcastically said, "before it was baked in the oven."

They don't mean the same thing.

"This lamb chop is a little old," Pomona said.

He chewed it with an expressionless expression, as if it was just for the energy needed to support life rather than to enjoy the food.


Niacin was mentioned in 20th century Muggle organic chemistry books.

Niacin is mainly found in animal viscera, muscle tissue, fruits and egg yolks and also exists in trace amounts. It is one of the 13 essential vitamins for the human body. Adding it to feed can improve the milk production of dairy cows, fish, chicken, beef and sheep and other meats. Yield and quality.

"Arthur Young noticed one thing. In areas where corn was the staple food, the probability of contracting leprosy was much higher than in other places. In 1753, there was also an outbreak among corn farmers in Italy. It was called ' 'Italian leprosy'," Bougainville said, not eating the breakfast that was put in front of him.

Georgiana cut the omelette open with a knife and fork and popped it into her mouth.

Niacin is actually oxidized nicotine. Nicotine is also called nicotine. It can be isolated and extracted from Solanaceae plants, including daily consumption of eggplants and tomatoes. However, its content is very small. Eating 10 kilograms of eggplants is equivalent to The nicotine contained in a cigarette.

People will not die if they don't smoke. Before Columbus brought tobacco back to Europe, people could live just as well. Lack of niacin will cause pellagra, which looks very similar to the early symptoms of leprosy. However, leprosy is caused by Mycobacterium leprae. It is a chronic infectious disease and there is no treatment before the invention of specific drugs. .

Pellagra, which lacks niacin, can be prevented and treated by supplementing the intake of niacin. Corn also contains niacin, but the niacin in corn is a conjugate, which is not conducive to the body's absorption and utilization. If there is no other food supplement Niacin can cause pellagra.

This disease was once very common in corn-producing areas such as the United States and Canada. Georgiana was still wondering why there were so many leprosy patients in Italy.

Leprosy will cause loss of mobility later on, mainly loss of perception of pain, temperature and touch, but niacin deficiency will not.

The Azcotts had discovered this a long time ago, and at the same time they discovered that adding plant ash to corn could change its properties.

However, they did not tell the Europeans, which led to the spread of this disease in corn-producing areas. Adding alkali is as important in American cooking as adding yeast to ferment wheat in Europe. This is the cheapest, most effective and easily popularized method. method.

There is a hunter in the North American Aboriginal legend. He lives in the forest and makes a living by hunting. With the help of the patron saint elk, he becomes an extremely good hunter.

Like Robinson Crusoe, he hunted as much as he needed. However, his moderation was ridiculed by his father. Later, the young man changed. He became more and more killing, and then his patron saint abandoned him.

There is a pair of brothers in The Lord of the Rings. They are the eldest son and second son of the Prime Minister of Gondor. The eldest son is better, but the second son cannot satisfy his father, and the Prime Minister wants Sauron's Lord of the Rings.

He didn't need to be tempted by the Ring, he already planned to rule Gondor and even Middle-earth through the Ring.

He first sent his eldest son to help him retrieve this "gift".

The eldest son never let him down, even though he didn't want to go, he wanted to stay in Gondor and lead the army.

He was indeed a capable general and his soldiers were well trained.

The second son wanted to go instead of his elder brother, but was scolded by his father because this son always disappointed him.

The position of Hand is not as hereditary as that of King, although Gondor has been ruled by Hands for more than two thousand years in the King's absence.

Since the Third Age, the world of Lord of the Rings has not changed much. People still fight with bows, arrows and swords.

Saruman showed his "secret powder" to the follower who returned from Rohan, which could produce huge power and blast open the weak points of Helm's Deep. This powder, Gandalf used it to make Fireworks.

"Madam?" Bougainville asked.

"What is he here for?" asked Georgiana.

"He wants to see you," Bougainville said.

"We met last time in Normandy," said Georgiana.

"Yes, he mentioned it. The First Consul was there at the time." Bougainville smiled and shook his head. "Don't you feel the pressure when talking to the First Consul?"

Bonaparte was certainly scary when he was angry, even if he wasn't smearing blood on the door.

"I thought it was because Arthur Young still wanted to implement enclosure in France." Georgiana said.

"You saved his life because of that pass." Bougainville said. "He has a strong spirit of exploration. If he had not asked the farmers for advice, they would not have discovered his identity."

She couldn't help but smile bitterly. Normal people would take it easy when they passed by him, and since he was not young, there was no blame for him going back to take care of himself.

"Of course there was sugar beet production, and he liked the idea of ​​using the dregs from the sugar refining as animal feed," Bougainville said.

This is how industrialization of agriculture is, there is no pastoral pastoral, only high-efficiency "assembly lines."

"Not today," said Georgiana.

"I know, he is still traveling." Bougainville sighed, "You British really love traveling."

She recalled her last trip to Ireland, when the disaster caused by the late blight was no longer visible in Ireland.

It is an emerald island, and the sound of bagpipes seems to be telling Celtic mythology.

"You told me a lot of stories, how about I tell you one?" Georgiana said with a smile.

"What story?" Bougainville asked with interest.

In fact, she really wanted to talk about The Lord of the Rings, but she still didn't like to sing about the love of girls and the wars of kings together, although Bonaparte liked it very much.

"Let's talk about it next time when we have a chance. In the past, the king loved to tell stories in meetings, but now he is more efficient." Bougainville smiled helplessly. "Can you tell me where the port for General Mullah is?"

"I can't tell you," said Georgiana.

"No one thinks you are a spy." Bougainville said, "I will not tell anyone, including my former friends."

She really wanted to tell him, but...

"I really do not know."

Bougainville maintained his grace, ate his breakfast, and left after he finished.

After he left, she walked again to the maps of the Adriatic Sea, which were spread out on the ground.

The last time she went to Venice, the water she saw was blue.

But before the bloody feud, a small reminder is stingy.

Some sufferings are not sent by God.

She didn't want to interfere, but she thought of those who had leprosy and were still worried about the inconvenience of others' lives. Why did they have to bear these pains?

She felt it was unfair and couldn't think of anything else, so she closed her eyes and left the map.

At least, there was something she could do.

She took out a box of cigarettes from the drawer. Robinson chewed tobacco leaves when he was sick. He learned this from the Brazilians.

Nicotinic acid and nicotine can be extracted from tobacco. Nicotinic acid cannot treat malaria, but will stimulate malarial parasites. It can only be used for malaria census to find latent carriers.

After chewing tobacco leaves, Robinson picked up a glass of tobacco leaves soaked in rum and drank it.

Nicotine is toxic and soluble in alcohol. It can be used as an insecticide and veterinary anthelmintic. The process in the laboratory must be much more complicated, and he could only do it this way under his conditions.

When she finished writing the preparation method, she suddenly thought of someone.

Now that I'm here, how can I leave without saying hello?

So she rang the bell and called Zabini over.

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