Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 3474 Robinson on Land (I)

Compared with the protagonist Frodo, gardener Sam is a very ordinary character, almost to the point of being dispensable.

However, because he heard the conversation outside the window, Sam could only embark on the journey with Frodo.

He is different from Frodo, who has an arduous mission. He is a well-behaved Shire. The farthest place he has ever been in his life before is a wheat field with a scarecrow next to the village. He is not even as good as Pippin, who he meets later. Stealing food, Pippin went further afield.

Taking that step is a big deal for Sam. He still has a beloved girl in the Shire. As long as he says that he will keep the secret, Frodo can only go on the road alone.

And he himself can go back to live his original life.

After leaving the village, they soon encountered migrating wood elves. The two Shire people did not know why they did this.

When Gandalf found Saruman, he had a "prophetic crystal" that later became the "body" of the Eye of Sauron.

Although Sauron's original body was destroyed in the final battle, there was a certain connection between Sauron's soul and the ring, and he did not really "leave".

He becomes more and more powerful, and Gandalf "prophesies" that the dark forces he represents will return.

The Golden Bough says that if trees are alive, they must have feelings, so cutting them down becomes a delicate surgical procedure that must be done as gently as possible to soothe the victim, otherwise he will become angry and punish. This careless and clumsy operator. Once when people were cutting down an oak tree, "the tree let out a scream or groan, as if the spirit of the tree was wailing, and it could be heard a mile away."

Old farmers in some places in Austria still believe that the trees in the forest are alive, so no one is allowed to cut them with a knife without any reason. According to their ancestors, trees feel the pain of knife cuts just like injured people. When cutting down a tree, first pray to the tree for forgiveness. In Upper Palatinate, old woodcutter still quietly prayed to the tree spirit for forgiveness while cutting down the tall and lush trees.

In order to create Orcs, Saruman cut down many trees that were not only alive, but also very strong. Their roots penetrated deep into the ground, and it was not easy to push them down. The tree shepherds heard their wails.

Saruman didn't seem to hear it, even though he had the power to summon wind and snow to put the Fellowship of the Ring into trouble.

Pomona looked at Yawen in the illustration. This elf princess is a half-elf. She has the right to choose whether to become a mortal or an immortal elf. Her father Elon participated in the battle 3,000 years ago, but his appearance remains the same as at that time.

Once she chooses to marry the mortal Aragorn, she must give up the elf's immortality.

The open pages of the book rustled in the wind, as if to remind her.

She picked up the book. It was written by Nietzsche. When did she open it?

She looked intently at the words written on the book: Don't lose yourself in love.

In fact, according to the setting in the book, as Sauron became stronger and stronger, the power of the elves became weaker. Yawen, also known as the "Evening Star", chose to leave Middle-earth with his people and arrived in the Western Land of the Undead. Will this era continue?

"What are you reading?"

Pomona looked up. Snape had returned.

"Why so early?" she asked casually. She hadn't prepared dinner yet.

"What are you reading?" he repeated, walking up to her.

"The Lord of the Rings." She closed Nietzsche's book and hid it under The Lord of the Rings.

He put his hand on the back of the chair behind her and bent over the book in her hand.

"What's interesting?" he asked softly.

She was in a trance for a moment, feeling like she was enveloped in the scent of sage on his body.

"I'm thinking of Gandalf and Saruman," she said, as if reading a line. "And Robinson Crusoe."

He turned his gaze to her.

"Do you know what Robinson Crusoe is?" Pomona asked.

"A man living alone on a desert island," Severus said.

"He is the son of a rich man, but he has two brothers, one of whom is a soldier." Pomona said. "He has never learned any trade since he was a child. He only has some wild fantasies in his mind. His father tried to let him He went to study law, but he only thought about going to sea. I guess he didn’t think about the dangers of the journey.”

Pomona subconsciously stroked the book.

"Do you think the journey to the Land of the Undying will be smooth sailing?"

He actually could have sat down opposite her, but he didn't. Instead, he leaned closer in order to hear more clearly.

"He was so strong that he resisted his father's wishes and disobeyed his orders, just like he continued to fight on the desert island. Saruman collapsed. He chose to become Sauron's accomplice, even though Gandalf reminded him that Sauron would not fight with him. Sharing power.”

"Is there anything else?" He leaned closer to her head, as if he could smell the "fragrance" emitted by her brain after it was overheated.

"Robinson made pottery on the island by exploring on his own. Although it looked ugly, when he saw that it could withstand the fire, his joy and joy were incomparable. You know if someone else lived alone on the island What would you do on a desert island?”

"You think Saruman is weak?"

She didn't think so. Saruman made a wise choice. Sauron had a better chance of winning at that time. On the contrary, humans, elves, and dwarves were still arguing in secret meetings when they were desperate enough to put their hope in a hobbit.

"He destroyed the forest to make the orcs." Pomona said sadly. "Do you think he would be as happy as Robinson when he saw the pottery pot when he saw those 'creatures'?"

"I think it has nothing to do with happiness." Snape said slowly.

"What does it have to do with?" Pomona asked.

He pondered.

Snape's appearance was not good-looking...but she really wanted to know what he was thinking?

"Regret is useless." He said after a moment. "Robinson thought his father was right. As long as he could survive the voyage and set foot on land again, he would return to his homeland and never go out to sea again."

"What's wrong with the prodigal son returning?" Pomona asked.

He laughed.

"What did you tell me just now about the difference between Robinson and Saruman?"

She recalled.

"You are like the wind, too changeable." He said helplessly.

"Do you think I am fickle?" She said angrily.

He looked at her with a very complicated look.

"Go to hell!" She stood up and didn't plan to cook dinner tonight.

But he blocked her way out.

"Do you also think darkness is evil?" he asked expressionlessly.

She looked into his eyes, his lifeless eyes without any reflection.

"Do they need to be eradicated, as the book says?" he asked again.

"Those black knights were once wise rulers of the human kingdom." Pomona said, raising her hand to touch his young face. "They were bewitched by greed, not darkness, and became the Ringwraiths."

He looked at her calmly.

"The Eye of Sauron burns in his dark kingdom, as if it is the only light." She whispered, "Even if it is the 'light of evil'."

There was a hint of smile on the corner of his mouth.

"You said there is no mercy in the darkness, but I think there is freedom in the darkness." She withdrew her hand. "Do you think I am right? Leon."

He showed a surprised expression, but fortunately asked her who "Leon" was.

She "woke up". At this moment, she was in Milan. "It was already dawn." She returned to the observatory for stargazing.

In mythology, the hundred-armed giants were imprisoned in the underworld, as if it was dark and cold there.

The garden outside may not be as beautiful as Avondale, but you can hear birds singing, and it sounds peaceful.

She left the recliner and walked to the window. The darkness had faded, and the green trees and flowers swayed in the wind in the sun.

In fact, Frodo is more like Robinson Crusoe. He has been fantasizing about going somewhere else since he was a child, and he can be very calm when he leaves the peaceful village.

Further away is the Alps covered with snow.

I don’t know which is more difficult to climb than Mount Carranras in Middle-earth.

But at least there is no need to worry, there are Balrogs underground.

Since entering the Moria Mine, Gandalf has become less reliable. He forgot the code for entry and the way out.

The entire Fellowship of the Ring stopped because of this, and losing Gandalf was painful for everyone. They not only lost a powerful wizard, but more importantly, they lost a leader.

“Do you think Harry Potter should survive?”

One day after the war, Snape stood by the window and asked her.

"Where do you think he will lead us?"

"What's the point of asking this?" She said while tidying up the secluded wooden house. "Dumbledore has been cursed and cannot be removed. You know his condition better than I do."

He didn't speak for a long time.

"Are you going to stand there all the time?" She complained breathlessly. "Or do you want to come and help?"

She covered her heart and closed her eyes, as if to drive away the fantasy in her mind.

Everyone thought he was dead... She was like the person walking against the flow of traffic, thinking he was still alive.

She could bury Dumbledore, so why couldn't she bury him?

After a long while, she finally had the strength to hold the beech wand, pointed it at her head, and extracted a silver thread of memory from it.

"Others say I'm stubborn, but you say I'm fickle." She said to the memory, then turned around to find a container and put down the memory.

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