Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 3468 Painter's Window (Part 3)

Although Leonardo was equally talented in the field of architecture and drew the Vitruvian Man based on the Ten Books on Architecture, there were other geniuses in his time, but most of them were overshadowed by Leonardo.

This included Donato Bramante, the architect who renovated the Church of Santa Maria delle Grazie and was invited to participate in the expansion of the Vatican.

His concept was considered to be the best ever since ancient Rome. Santa Maria delle Grazie was not so large at the beginning. It was built by Francesco Sforza to turn it into his own cemetery. Leonardo later painted The Last Supper here as part of the decoration.

The Last Supper is called a failed innovation. It has been facing the problem of preservation since it was painted.

However, the "Mulberry Hall" is not. It is located on the first floor of the northeast tower. According to Leonardo's notes: If you want to use some rooms for a dance for a large group of people, or for various jumping activities, these rooms should be located on the first floor, because I have seen buildings collapse and cause many casualties.

Grindelwald once planned to create an army of Inferi. It was not difficult to get corpses during World War II, and he did not even need to use murder.

Voldemort rose in the 1970s, when there was no war in Britain. In order to create a pool of Inferi to protect his Horcruxes, he targeted the homeless people on the street.

Both residents and tourists only want to see the beautiful side of Big Ben and Westminster, and the appearance of these homeless people will be very disappointing.

Old Tom Riddle had a girlfriend who also said that she was disappointed when she saw the shed of the Gaunt family, as if the beautiful rural scenery was ruined by that family.

Just like the garbage that affects the appearance of the city, I want someone to clean it up.

Voldemort understands human nature, but he may not be as "useful" as Grindelwald. His murders make it difficult to find evidence, and there are scapegoats. Who would doubt the genius with an angelic face and a promising future?

She thought Leo was a smart child, but in fact, when Murat's child was fighting with Delmid, he couldn't help at all - he understood too early what a child of the rich and powerful was, and who he was.

She might not like handsome boys, but she likes talented geniuses. This habit will sooner or later bring her big trouble, no, it has already brought her big trouble.

How much trouble do you have to cause to change this habit?

In front of you is a child in his 20s, about the same age as Harry. What evidence do you have to prove that he is talented? Is it just his father who thinks so?

So she stood in the center of the "stable", not the reception room of the former Duchy of Milan. The green mulberry tree painted by Leonardo da Vinci has been covered with thick white ash. Occasionally, golden knots can be seen in the places where it falls off. They are wrapped around the mulberry tree, as if tying up the tangled mulberry tree.

This kind of knot is also on the collar of Mona Lisa. Leonardo da Vinci was once very fascinated by this "art of knots". However, the knots on the ladies' clothes he painted were something that he, as a painter, could not touch.

His cautiousness did not bring him good results, so he left Florence and came to Milan.

Pisa is not far from Florence, and in order to get to Pisa as a seaport, Florence has never given up conquering Pisa.

If Pisa is a place of exile for Sforza in Milan, then Milan is also a place of exile for the Florentines.

Originally, there was a camp for mercenaries outside the moat, and in Florence, the "mercenary loggia" was the camp for mercenaries.

"Do you know why this place is called a pergola?" Giorgina asked, looking at the green that was faintly visible on the ceiling, "Shouldn't the pergola be outdoors?"

"It's indeed much cooler inside than outside." Alessandro took a step forward.

"I think this place is specially designed. What does 'vorticoso' mean in Italian?" Giorgina asked.

"Rotation." Alessandro said.

"The pavilion outside is for replicating. How do you think Leonardo made this hall rotate?" Georgiana asked.

He smiled in surprise.

"I'll show you something interesting." Georgiana took out Leonardo's manuscript and turned out one of them.

This is the base of a tower. Next to the base is a corridor with windows. In the perspective view, you can see that there is a staircase connecting the exit under the base and the corridor.

"Do you think there is a secret passage in this room?" Alejandro asked.

"There used to be wooden boards here, and there was an insulation layer behind the boards." Georgiana looked at the wall and said, "If there is a mezzanine, it can not only insulate, but the shaft can also blow cool air in. It's not the whole room that rotates, but the wind."

"I don't feel any wind." Alejandro said.

"This place has been changed, the wooden boards have been removed, and there is still so much plaster on the wall. And from the outside, this corner tower is round and square inside."

"So you guess there is a secret passage in this room." Alejandro changed his tone and repeated his previous words.

"Guess how beautiful it would be if it was restored." Georgiana looked at the ceiling and said, "This castle was originally built according to the ancient Roman city gate. 'Gioia' means joy."

Alessandro looked at the ceiling with her.

"How much do you think my diamond is worth?" Georgiana asked calmly.

"I'm not here for the diamond," Alejandro said. "Nice to meet you, Georgiana."

"How much?" she asked again.

Alejandro turned his eyes to her.

"What do you want to do with the diamond as collateral?" Alejandro asked.

"Repair this room."

"I'm afraid I can't give you a loan." He smiled and looked up at the ceiling. "After you repair it, how are you going to pay off the debt?"

"Don't you like art?" Georgiana asked.

"What you just said is very interesting. I will consider asking an architect to design such a pavilion." He looked at the murals destroyed by plaster around him. "It won't be difficult to find a new painter to create a new masterpiece."

She was not too disappointed. Jacob's bread did not impress the manager of Wells Fargo Bank to provide him with a loan to start a business.

The creative idea of ​​the magical animal-shaped bread he made later did not reach the point where people would invest without hesitation. However, who asked him to carry the bird snake eggshell that looked like silver?

Because there was collateral, the banker loaned money to Jacob, so that even if Jacob's business failed, the silver would belong to the bank.

Alessandro said he liked creativity... If Giorgiana restored the murals, charging admission might impress him.

"Leonardo da Vinci would not like you." Giorgiana said sourly, "You actually said he was replaceable."

"I didn't say he was replaceable, he was a very interesting person." Alessandro said, "If what you said is true."

"Artists don't care about history, they actually only care about their works being passed down to the world, which is the evidence of their existence, while Sforza people prefer to be remembered by history." Giorgiana whispered, "Compared to hymns, Ludovico is more interested in history books."

Alessandro looked at her with strange eyes.

"If you didn't come here for the diamond, why did you come here?" Giorgiana asked with a smile, "You are a smart child... The French Republic is not very friendly to the nobility and the church."

"Do you know the traffic conditions in Milan?" Alessandro asked, "I guess you must have never encountered a traffic jam."

She looked at him in surprise.

"How could I not have encountered a traffic jam?" she retorted. "Of course I..."

"Every time you go out now, someone will clear the way. Whether it is pedestrians or vehicles, they will get out of the way, so you have never encountered a traffic jam in Milan." Alessandro said, "The newspaper wrote about the solution to traffic congestion. Do you think the way Leonardo da Vinci dug underground tunnels is feasible?"

She was so surprised that she couldn't speak.

"And lighting facilities, I think, also need to build underground pipes, right?" Alessandro asked.

"You came for this?" Georgiana said in disbelief.

"If you want these investment loans, I can give you 60% of the diamonds, if..."

"Stop talking." She interrupted him. "You sound like a banker."

Alessandro laughed, and this smile didn't look like Cedric at all, but more like a cunning fox.

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