Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 3457 Shelter from the Wind (VI)

The Shurangama Sutra says that when Ananda passed by the residence of the daughter of Modanga, he was caught in a great illusion and almost broke his precepts. At this time, the Buddha was at a banquet and sensed that Ananda was in trouble, so he transformed into Buddha light to remove the evil curse.

Then Ananda saw the Buddha again, and he did not hide the fact that he almost broke the precepts: If I love and enjoy, I will use my mind and eyes to see the superior appearance of the Tathagata.

The Buddha told Ananda, as you said, the true love and enjoyment is due to the mind and eyes. If you don’t know where the mind and eyes are, you can’t conquer the dust and labor.

The ancients warned the king to move with pleasure, and to be fierce, and to "move with light".

When marrying a wife, you should pay attention to etiquette rather than decoration, and so on and so forth.

Most people will eventually seek benefits and avoid harm, including Georgiana herself, who didn’t want to go to the stinking ditch. But if the secret passage really leads to the granary, she will also go to the place she didn’t want to go. Running towards what you like, running will also be much more energetic, just like a galloping horse.

There were originally two bronze horses outside the Sforza Castle. They were placed on the fortress at the entrance. Now the outer wall has been demolished and they have been placed indoors.

They are not as big as the 85-ton bronze horse that Sforza asked Leonardo da Vinci to design. In addition to the difficulty in determining the center of gravity, the casting process of that bronze horse also encountered difficulties.

The Portuguese royal family renovated the palace, which attracted many artists. A French priest solved the technical problems from clay sculpture to bronze casting and cast the largest bronze statue in Portugal at that time.

The bronze statue is of the king himself, but it is still far inferior to the bronze statue in Rhodes. The ancients also had very outstanding skills. In fact, if you think about it carefully, the time when Dujiangyan was built was about the same as the time when the Pontine Swamp was formed.

As long as you find the right method, you may not need too much manpower to achieve your goal.

Georgiana stretched out her finger and gently shook the bronze horse. It still had a stone base. Maybe the bottom was not flat enough. With just a little force, the whole sculpture was shaken by her push.

When Bonaparte told her a story, he said that there was a soldier who stuck his bayonet between the stone pillars of the ancient Egyptian temple. The pillars made by the ancients were tightly fitted, and his bayonet barely penetrated. Just when he was about to pull out the bayonet, a gust of wind blew over, and the seemingly motionless pillars actually swayed with the wind, and the bayonets between the pillars also swayed.

Wooden buildings with mortise and tenon structures can withstand earthquakes of very high magnitudes. This does not mean that the building itself is completely immovable. It is flexible and will shake with the earthquake without collapsing.

This was not considered at all when Lisbon built palaces and churches. Lisbon was not a place where earthquakes often occurred. In the 1755 earthquake, Lisbon, which was built at great expense during the reign of John V, was almost razed to the ground. For a long time, people would rather live in small wooden houses.

At this time, there was a priest who published a pamphlet saying that the real cause of the Lisbon earthquake was God's anger. He was originally a person trusted by the king and queen, and even John V asked to die in his arms when he died.

After the king died, he went to Brazil for a while. Since post-disaster reconstruction was difficult, the Duke of Pombal ordered him to be hanged and then burned at the stake, becoming the last person to be burned at the stake in the Portuguese Inquisition.

Before the Lisbon earthquake, the Jesuits were not as powerful, powerful, and influential anywhere in the world as they were in Portugal and its colonies.

The king asked citizens to pay less salt and straw taxes to build the "Free Water", but asked these wealthy priests to pay taxes, which can be understood as "equality of all classes under the protection of the royal power", but the priests, including the archbishop, refused to pay taxes as usual.

This was in Lisbon, under the king's nose, and it would be even more impossible to control it in such a far place as Brazil. What's more, the Jesuits monopolized the livestock industry. The king sent the governor to build a royal ranch in a place with similar conditions to provide war horses for the army, but it went bankrupt due to poor management.

The Book of Ezekiel says: If a shepherd only feeds himself, eats fat, wears wool, and slaughters the fat, does not treat the sick, does not bind the injured, does not find the expelled, but uses force and strict control, how can the flock be strong?

Moreover, there was a period of time when the price of fur was very high. Not only beavers in North America, but also cattle in South America suffered. Some ranches even slaughtered pregnant cows and sold them after skinning.

The biggest beneficiaries of the Treaty of Methuen were wine practitioners, and the Duke of Pombal intended to set up several specially trained trading companies to strengthen the royal family's control over the import and export flow of goods.

So in 1758, when Jose I was assassinated, the Duke of Pombal brutally suppressed the Jesuits and the old nobles in the name of the Jesuits' involvement in the conspiracy.

When Portugal calmed down, it was Brazil's turn. Portugal's shipping in India gradually weakened during the expansion of Britain and France in India. In comparison, Brazil was much better than India. After the Treaty of Utrecht, the land ownership on both sides of the Amazon was recognized.

Compared with gold and silver, the monks were more interested in sugar, cattle, horses and cotton, because these things could be used to clothe the missionary villages and live a civilized life for the natives.

However, the Buddhist ideas of reincarnation and karma also influenced Portugal. John IV, the founder of the Braganza Dynasty, was said to be the reincarnation of Sebastian I.

John IV did not take another name and add "I", but continued the title of John III, the grandfather of Sebastian I, and replaced "Spaniard" to become the legal heir of the Kingdom of Portugal.

Louis XIV and the Habsburg emperor married Spanish princesses respectively. Since there were Catherine of Aragon and Juana of Castile, their husbands could also "regent" Spain.

In other words, Anne Boleyn used the inheritance law to exclude Mary, the daughter of Catherine of Aragon, making her an illegitimate child. Not only could she not inherit the throne of England, but she could not inherit the Kingdom of Aragon.

After the signing of the Treaty of Madrid in 1750, there were rumors that the Jesuits would establish a country similar to the Papal States in Paraguay, or follow Henry VIII and completely break away from the Roman Curia. The priest who was burned to death was arrested in Brazil.

If it weren't for the Pope's protection, those Jesuit monks would also be tried in the Inquisition. After these monks were expelled, Pombal began to receive education and replaced theology courses with natural sciences.

There were many feudal states before the great voyages. People in the castle and those outside the castle lived completely different lives. The ancient Greek city-state was a community.

It is happy to be with someone you like, even if the other person is a dark wizard, although Severus may not understand her as well as Grindelwald understands Albus.

But no matter what kind of pleasant illusion, it will end.

Dumbledore lost his sister, and the pain kept him awake, instead of using the time converter to go back to the day of the accident like Harry.

He still wants to change the world, but not in the way of Grindelwald.

Umbridge also wants to make changes, but she just wants to make the "disobedient" children "obedient".

In addition to what Aristotle said, there is another point, that young people will choose the people they are willing to follow.

Except for the "Dumbledore Army" organized by Harry, most students are hypocritical to Umbridge, otherwise how can there be more and more types of water plants in the portable swamp.

Sometimes pretend to accidentally throw the seeds in, and sometimes throw them in under the cover of others when Felzi can't see them.

Just like the wind blowing through the weeds, they fall down when the wind is strong, and when the wind is over, the weeds will rise again.

If the request is reasonable, people will comply or cooperate. Louis XIV may not have as much gold and silver as Portugal and Spain, but he can use the corvée in the feudal system to force the people to build the Palace of Versailles for him.

The predecessors left behind not only the legacy, but also the huge debt. If you want to be a king, you have to bear the debt. If you don't become a king, you don't have to be in debt. Is there anyone willing to do this?

If it were Georgiana, she would use gold to buy food instead of using gold to buy Nordic wood for scaffolding. The premise of industrialization must be sufficient food security.

Hunger can measure a person's nature. Some people will eat people because of hunger, while others would rather die.

Some people will eat leftovers, even if the person who gives the food is like calling a dog, and some people will not eat "beggar's food".

However, before the storage method of wheat was innovated, the grain under natural conditions was only stored for about three years, and it might be longer in dry areas. France is not as dry as the Iberian Peninsula, and there is not so much gold and silver as circulating currency.

"I moved out, what about your promise?" Georgiana looked back at Zoisite sitting in a wheelchair.

"Wait." He sighed, "Let's see if the Count keeps his word."

"Not you..."

Before she finished her words, the closed door opened, and Caroline, who was pregnant, came out first.

She was smiling and her face was flushed, and Paulina followed her, her face also smiling.

In any case, victory can make people happy. Just like Bonaparte said, this country is not stable enough to not need victory.

Even if the Italians are unhappy.

Melzi saw Georgiana and forced a smile.

There is a group of young Italians who fight for Italy's freedom.

Colonies will always be pioneered, and pioneering certainly requires a lot of manpower and material resources. When encountering fertile but difficult to conquer places like swamps, ordinary free people will avoid them. Only the slave owners of large plantations can do it.

Now Bonaparte's direction is getting closer and closer to Emperor Yang of Sui and the French "beautiful man".

After Emperor Yang of Sui, many things were done by the Tang Dynasty.

Fire meets wind, which is enough to set the prairie on fire.

Some things can't be rushed.

But his term was only 10 years. Of course, if he had followed the historical trajectory and sent troops to Russia in 1812, such a defeat would have been enough for him to step down whether he had served in office or not, unless he was elected for life.

In this way, only killing the "tyrant" can end his rule.

"We won, in Osoppo," said Caroline.

"Where is that?" asked Giorgione.

"A small town north of Udine, where Agim set up an ambush..."

Caroline was still talking, but Giorgione's mind had drifted elsewhere.

"Fate" appeared in her mind, although she would never say that this was "fate's arrangement."

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