Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 3454 Shelter from the Wind (Part 3)

This is a dark space.

If you are buried in snow, remember to spit. Even if you can't tell up, down, left, and right, the saliva will still fall due to gravity, and the same goes for the blood in your body.

The ghosts in Dante's hell are all frozen in the Ptolemaic ring. Crying is not allowed for these sinners. Sorrow can only be turned inward, because once they cry out, the first tears will freeze into ice, like crystal. Completely fill the eye sockets under the eyebrows.

vexilla regis prodeunt inferni

This Latin phrase was spoken by Virgil and means that the banner of the King of Hell is advancing.

The handsome seraph Lucifer turned into a three-headed monster in hell, with two wings under each face. This not only divided the original six wings into three parts.

But rather than studying angels, she was more concerned about the three sinners in the mouth of the King of Hell, one of whom was Judas holding the money bag in "The Last Supper".

Last time she asked if a person should be forgiven if he repented on his deathbed.

Judas regretted it when he saw Jesus being arrested. He followed him to the place of trial. Even when the verdict was about to be pronounced, Judas could not help but feel the pain of conscience and shouted in the judgment hall, "He is not guilty, please." Release him."

He even knelt before the Savior, but the Savior did not say a word to condemn Judas.

Judas could not see the Savior being crucified, so he left Jerusalem in despair and hanged himself on the outskirts of the city.

Everything in front of her suddenly changed, as if it had been blown away by the wind, and then a forest appeared in front of her.

At first she thought it was the forest in hell where the storm banshees lived, but after closer inspection she discovered that it was the tropics.

A soldier walked at the front holding a flag, followed by many people. Although they were in ragged clothes, they were chatting happily and holding mining tools in their hands.

After a while, a group of "Indians" appeared in the forest. They seemed to emerge from the ground, holding bows and arrows in their hands, and attacked the people who were following the flag.

During the melee, a money bag fell to the ground, and the gold coins inside spilled out and fell into a pool of blood.

At this moment, she thought of Judas again. Where did the thirty silver coins go?

Just as she was thinking about it, there was a low hum in her ears, which sounded very pleasant, like the wind blowing through silverware.

She followed the sound and looked over. There was a person in the dark, throwing the silver coins in his hand, as if playing a game.

"Do you want to go to heaven?" asked the silver coin player.

She laughed.

The first person Dante met in Purgatory was an old man. His appearance seemed worthy of people's respect. His beard and hair were very long, much like the elderly Dumbledore.

He was in no hurry to leave, and went to heaven after being washed in purgatory.

This man had a wife named Marzia. When he was alive, he would comply with any request she made. However, he did not expect that after her death, she stayed in Lingbo Prison and did not cross the Evil River to meet him. .

The old man said that she could never tempt him again.

But if that was the case, why would he stop by the boundary river?

In the time of Numa in ancient Rome, if a Roman man already had enough children to support but another man had no children, he would usually "borrow" his wife to a friend so that the friend could also have children.

This is not wife sharing. The wife's ownership still belongs to the original husband. When the loan period is up, the wife will return to her husband. This custom also existed among the Spartans. Some Spartan men wanted children, but did not want their wives to live alone. When the children grew up, father and son would go to the battlefield together to compete for glory.

Pomona remembers meeting an international student in Venice. Her mother didn't want to get married, so she used artificial insemination to select a man she had never met before and gave birth to her.

So she can completely understand why Marzia would rather be in hell than go to purgatory to reunite with the ex-husband who lent her. After the two of them accepted the test, they rushed to heaven together.

When she was alive, after her ex-husband's friend died, she tried her best to return to him, just to "live" her earthly body, even though her soul was already immersed in Lake Cochitus.

"Your hands and tongue are as pure as a flower."

The man playing with the silver coins laughed.

"Noble and virtuous housewife, I will be your guest tonight."

She was so shocked that she subconsciously stood up.

Then she returned to the Sforza Castle, but on the sofa opposite her sat the bejeweled Caroline and Paulina.

"While you were asleep, we asked around." Polina said, "The Torlonia child you mentioned..."

"Alejandro," Georgiana reminded.

"He is the third son. There are two brothers before him, named Marino and Cano, but his father likes him more, like the 'second eldest son'." Polina said.

"I heard that they have a villa outside Porta Pia in Rome and a large estate on the Via Appia." Caroline said.

"The second eldest son?" Georgiana looked at Polina and asked.

"He loves to travel and he just came back from England recently," said Carolyn. "It is said that his residence is like the ambassador to London."

Georgiana sat back on the sofa and looked out the window.

Alessandro looks to be in his 20s at most... But wasn't Napoleon only in his 20s when he was a general?

"Anything else?" Georgiana asked.

"He has three traveling companions, one from Piedmont, one from Tuscany, and one from Bologna, all of whom are future ministers of state." Caroline said.

There is a saying: All roads lead to Rome, and some people are born in Rome.

The Pia Gate is located in the Aurelian Walls, which surround the Seven Hills of Rome and is almost the core area where secular people in Rome are allowed to live.

As for the manor that Caroline said was "very big", it was really big. She and Murat were going to buy the Elysee Palace in France.

"Do you know why he came?" Georgiana asked.

"It is said that he traveled here." Caroline subconsciously touched her belly "Also, I seem to have seen him at the party."

"Didn't his father send him here?" Georgiana asked.

Caroline shook her head, and Paulina did not say anything.

Alessandro may be richer than all the Roman princes combined. Now that Paulina is single again, they have a chance in theory.

Napoleon is no longer the same as he was before, and his sister's marriage partner is more "valuable" than before.

However, Georgiana recalled the Alessandro she had just seen. He was very relaxed, as if he was really out for fun, without any other purpose.

Red-haired Anne's parents may have a "well-matched" marriage. Both of them are "young master" and "young lady", so who will give in to whom?

There are many girls chasing Sirius, but Sirius only values ​​James as a friend.

Trojan Prince Paris also chose to give the golden apple to Venus because he felt that true love was rare.

Now Georgiana also thinks it is difficult for Leo and Dermid to cultivate the kind of friendship between Sirius and James... After Napoleon occupied the Papal States, he not only took away a large number of artworks and emptied the church library, but also asked the Pope to pay a huge war reparations, enough for the Pope to remove the murals in the Apostolic Palace and sell them.

This is a crisis, but also an opportunity. In short, Giovanni Torlonia paid the money, the Pope did not go bankrupt, and then the Torlonia family could live in such a good place.

Rules are not only to be followed, but also to prevent everything and not let the smallest things get out of control.

Sirius and James violated countless school rules, and James even said that "rules are made for small people."

They can be irritating sometimes, but they are not bad people, except for the matter of Severus.

This account is not easy to calculate. Anyway, she doesn't think that everything that Lily and Snape brought to James can be "equalized" with everything that happened after the fifth grade Owls exam.

"Let's go, let's eat." Georgiana stood up, "We have a distinguished guest today."

"What kind of distinguished guest is a child?" Paulina said unconvinced.

The distinguished guest Georgiana was talking about was not him...

But she was too lazy to explain.

There is a sentence in Gregory's "Shepherd's Book": Is this kind of improvement he experienced a cliff to fall off?

Humility is to stay in a humble position, and you will not fall down no matter how you fall.

So the way to escape from hell is to go down, and when you meet the king of hell, the road to heaven is in front of you.

On the contrary, Lingbo, the first layer of hell, is the farthest from heaven.

So, the next question is.

Do you want to go to heaven?

Think about it clearly, because people you don’t want to see will also go there, how to greet them when you meet them?

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