Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 3443 The Art of Knotting (Part 2)

The stage of an opera house is not just a high platform for performers to perform on.

Even though the opera house in the 19th century did not have so many lighting effects, there were also scenery and props, especially the curtain, whose weight required several adult men to pull the rope together, and a pulley structure would be used.

There are various transmission devices in Leonardo da Vinci's manuscripts, and they are not all for fulfilling dreams such as flying.

Not much is mentioned about Leonardo da Vinci's childhood. Although there is a story about painting eggs, it is mixed with too many true and false legends, and the authenticity can no longer be confirmed.

Regardless of whether this legend is true or false, in short, his father and family did not provide much help to the young Leonardo da Vinci, so for a while Leonardo da Vinci had to make a living by making stage props and set designs.

After the fall of Constantinople, many Platonists came to Florence. Plato was a very romantic person. He believed that men and women were originally one, but later they were divided into two halves, and the purpose of men and women in this life was to find the other half, etc.

Therefore, this kind of aesthetic topic is also popular in Florence. The stage props designed by Leonardo da Vinci include "The Feast of Paradise", "Orpheus" and "Danae", etc. Among them, "The Feast of Paradise" and "Danae" did not achieve great success.

Orpheus was not only a member of the Argos fleet looking for the Golden Fleece, but also was revered as the god of music because he was good at lyre and singing like Apollo. His singing could calm the sea and help sailors who were confused by the sirens' singing.

"Please sit down."

Julian Ouvrard pulled out the chair in the private room reserved for Georgiana by the Countess, as if it was his honor.

"Thank you."

She smiled and sat down slowly.

Then she looked up. Although the restored opera house was not brand new, it was at least not the way it looked after the gendarmes and Augereau rushed in. Of course, it might also be because they did not wantonly destroy the opera house, so the restoration work was not so difficult.

The opera house was filled with well-dressed guests. Before the opening, the theater was full of buzzing voices, but unlike Georgiana's last time at the Paris Opera House, people held telescopes or stood up in the box to watch her.

Curiosity does make people act, and people without curiosity will not leave the cave where they have stayed for generations.

Orpheus fell in love with a beautiful fairy, who fell in love with Orpheus and married him. However, not long after the fox, the fairy was bitten by a venomous snake while escaping from a suitor and died unfortunately. Orpheus, who lost his beloved, came to the underworld and wanted to bring his wife back to the world.

During the journey to the underworld, Orpheus's singing moved Hades, the king of the underworld. He and Persephone agreed to let Orpheus take his wife away, but there was a condition that Orpheus could not look back before leaving the underworld. Orpheus agreed to this condition and started the return journey with his wife.

However, when he was halfway there, Orpheus could not help but look back. At that moment, his wife was pulled back to the underworld again, and Orpheus was heartbroken. After his death, the lyre in his hand became the Lyra constellation.

Georgiana looked at the empty stage before the curtain opened.

Not only in Leonardo da Vinci's time, even in the 19th century hundreds of years later, there were no special effects on the big screen. The reason why Leonardo da Vinci's stage design was popular was not the visual impact he created, although visual effects were one of the reasons why many stage designers at that time attracted audiences.

The stage designed by Leonardo da Vinci was dome-shaped. As the gears turned, the "scenery" would go from near to far. At this time, "Pluto" came on stage again, as if hell had risen.

When Leonardo da Vinci described this scene, he said, "The door of Pluto's blessed land was open, and the roars of demons came from below, and the god of death, the goddess of vengeance, and the angels were all crying."

There is also "Elysian Paradise" in the underworld, which is very close to the entrance of the underworld. It is where Pluto and the Queen of the Underworld live. Instead of being scary and cold, it is like heaven.

Leonardo da Vinci's greatest innovation was to turn the static scenery into a dynamic one. The scenery was not only a simulated scene, but also matched with the story.

"What's the show today?" Georgiana asked Julian again.

As soon as she finished speaking, before Julian could answer, the curtain of the stage was pulled open and applause rang out from downstairs.

Judging from the stage setting, it should be a court play. The heroine stood in the center with a huge feather fan. The reason why Georgiana felt that way was because she knew the soprano. She had seen her last time when she was traveling in Belgium. At that time, she was wearing a tribute-level oriental silk.

"It's about Spain." Julian whispered to Georgiana, "Don Carlos."

This was the second time she heard this name. Zoisite had also mentioned it in the Sforza Castle before...

"What's the problem?" Georgiana asked.

Julian didn't speak, as if he was considering how to organize his words.

At this time, the soprano had already started singing.

The heroine was the queen of Philip II and the stepmother of Don Carlos. She fell in love with her stepson.

"This play is written by Schiller," Julian said, "but I don't think you are interested in watching the play, are you?"

"Please tell me what you want to say," Georgiana said.

"I think it's better not to say it directly." Julian paused, "Although it's true."

Georgiana looked at him.

"We all know how the Principality of Parma came about, but if we use that reason, I think Spain will be unhappy, and it will even have a huge impact on diplomacy. She is the last heir of the Farnese family, and France recognizes the inheritance rights of illegitimate children. Yes, this reason will not work.”

Georgiana opened the fan with a "whistle" sound and fanned herself.

"England will be happy to accept this reason. Do you think being the kid who reveals the emperor's new clothes will really be praised?" Julian said.

"Are you looking for another reason?" Georgiana asked.

"The key now is to get Parliament not to pass the king's proposal and not allocate funds for the war." Julian whispered, "How was your talk with the British ambassador today?"

Georgiana looked at Fredelli in the next box, who was chatting and laughing with the Italian Finance Minister.

"If the Prince of Wales had a child with Maria, would he have any inheritance rights?" Georgiana asked Julian.

"Don't you understand..."

"War was inevitable, but I guess the Yankees would be unhappy. Jay's Treaty gave Britain and the United States freedom of navigation on the Mississippi River, and it also meant that British warships could arrest American sailors at will."

"Can it still be like this?" Julian said in surprise.

This is what Pomona saw in the history books, and it was because of this incident that Madison signed the Embargo Act.

This bill had two consequences. First, it promoted the development of northern industry in the United States and laid the foundation for the Civil War 60 years later.

"How are things going in Gibraltar now?" Georgiana asked.

"After the Orange War, the Spanish fleet tried to occupy Macau, and the British East India Company sent troops to assist Portugal in resisting. However, the Portuguese did not allow the British to garrison Macau. They notified Guangzhou officials, who then stepped in to drive the British away."

"Have the Spaniards crossed the Papal Meridian?" asked Georgiana.

"Who knows, that line only crosses the Western Hemisphere." Julian said.

At this time, the lights on the stage came on. Although she had seen it once, Georgiana still felt it was magical. The palace was gone and replaced by a garden.

Normally the curtain should be lowered when actors leave the stage, but this switching scene also has enough "dramatic effect".

The second impact of the Embargo Act was the further development of trade between the Mediterranean and Malta.

The last time they attacked the Berber pirates in "North Africa", the Americans somehow ended up in Tripoli. The "Franklin" was captured by the Tripoli pirates and auctioned in Tunisia.

Although ships in the sailing era all used pulleys and ropes to adjust the angle of the sails, the control of Arab ships and Western European ships was still very different.

"How long do I have to stay here?" Georgiana asked weakly.

"At least wait until midfield." Julian said helplessly. "If you broke someone else's glass, you're lucky not to lose money."

She was bored to death, even though the opera was brilliant.

She looked at the play in front of her, but she thought of Da Vinci's Knot. It is said that Da Vinci was also good at mathematics.

Whether it is Celtic knots, Moorish floors, or Byzantine mosaics, they can all be understood as mirror curves.

This is not just a simple mirror symmetry. In an ideal world, after a series of consecutive reflections, the light will reach its starting point and form a single closed curve, which means that the knots must be calculated to make it coherent. .

"Can I ask, what is nous?" Julian asked while watching the show.

"Nous is a cat," Georgiana answered.

He looked at her in disbelief.

"You don't believe it?" She looked at him with a smile.

"A cat?" Julian repeated.

"What animal has four legs in the morning, two legs at noon, and three legs in the evening?" asked Georgiana.

"I know the puzzle," Julian said.

"Then what's your problem?" Georgiana asked.

Julian thought hard for a while.

She felt a little pitiful for him, so she told him bluntly.

"If you want to understand sacred geometry, you must understand geometry. Nabooni discovered the flower of life in Egypt..."

"Oh, it's because of the Sphinx." He said suddenly, "That's a cat."

She gave up and explained to him that in fact she was not that good at geometry and mathematics, and Bonaparte had to teach her. Just thinking of the dense patterns made her dizzy.

If only he were here.

At least because of him, she didn't need to cover her ears, force herself not to listen to what was said outside, and pretend that she didn't know anything.

Because she can't leave him.

"Are you familiar with the divorce process?" Georgiana asked.

"Who are you divorcing?" Julian the policeman asked.

This is really a strange question. Can a woman divorce someone other than her husband?

"Mr. Smith," she said calmly.

Julian didn’t speak for a long time.

"You don't love him anymore?" he said after a long time.

"Of course I love you, but I can't continue to live a life of self-deception." She looked at Julian calmly. "Someone told me that forgiveness can help me get out of trouble, but I chose not to forgive."

"Is forgiveness so difficult?" Julian asked.

"Yes, that's why we wizards have the Unforgivable Curse. If you use it, you will be imprisoned in Azkaban. No matter how much love you have, you can't forgive."

"What about me?"

She heard a man say that when she turned around, she found one of Isidora's teachers, who had killed her with the Avada Kedavra curse.

However, the next second, he disappeared behind the curtain.

"What's behind it?" Julian asked.

"Nothing, I saw it wrong." She said perfunctorily.

Harry had a "wonderful" year during his time at school. If Hogwarts was like an ordinary school, with only exams and study, would Harry still run to class regardless of everything?

Looking back through the mirror, even if he looked directly into the eyes of the basilisk, he would not die immediately. It would be better if Orpheus also brought a mirror.

It's a pity that fate did not spoil him, because he had too many things that mortals did not have.

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