Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 3432 Winter King (VII)

Leonardo da Vinci was not only a painter and scientist. In 1502, Duke Valentino, the illegitimate son of Alexander VI, obtained the right to rule Imola. He brought Leonardo da Vinci to Imola and asked him to draw a map of the city for him to facilitate planning.

Most of the city maps at that time were "mountain view maps", and the map maker looked down at the entire city from the mountain. This way of drawing is certainly beautiful and "realistic", but it also has many disadvantages, such as some buildings being blocked or out of proportion.

The map drawn by Leonardo da Vinci is a "bird's eye view" map, as if he was looking down from heaven.

However, there were no flying devices in that era, let alone satellites, and even hot air balloons.

At least, he did not keep this technology private. In the collection of the Ciconiara family, Georgiana found some city maps mapped in the way of Leonardo da Vinci. These maps do not have "wind roses" like sea charts, but most of them have a disk divided into eight equal parts. It seems that this is the secret of Leonardo da Vinci's mapping method.

Leonardo da Vinci said that a painting with a sense of perspective looks like a relief, but it is actually flat to the touch; a mirror is also a flat surface, and with the help of contours and shadows, a mirror can also make an object appear in relief.

But unlike a mirror, the colors you have can create more powerful light and shadows. If your composition is appropriate, then you can definitely create a beautiful painting.

On these maps, Georgiana Anna can't see the undulating land, after all, most cities are built on flat places.

However, she now thinks of Phoebe, who was cursed by the portrait. Bill thought there was an advanced space expansion spell in the portrait, even though the painting was just a plane that looked perspective.

I heard that Corsica was full of mountains. In the 18th century, the mapping technology of France used triangles. Napoleon, who was still a military student, created a new mapping technology. After the Battle of Toulon, he was forced to be idle because of the involvement of the Jacobins. During that time, he discovered the Napoleon theorem.

As Kant said, the material world gives people a pair of chaotic sensory materials, and the composition of knowledge depends entirely on the "innate form" in people's minds to process and organize.

The triangle and the circle form a wonderful and harmonious beauty in Napoleon's law. Georgiana sent them back as a gift with the letter. She hoped that Bonaparte could understand.

When the letter was finished, she breathed a sigh of relief.

In the past, Pomona did not understand Albus, or rather, she wanted to get what she wanted like a child, and would make a fuss if she didn't get it.

He later told her that he no longer tried to judge the right and wrong of her actions. At that time, she thought that he had never loved anyone at all, so how could he understand love?

He actually loved someone she had never dreamed of.

"Jian" means walking with a limp. It is more difficult to climb a mountain with a lame leg than a normal person. When faced with a dilemma, some people choose to give it a try, while others choose to retreat. How to choose determines a person's fate.

Some people choose to give it a try. Napoleon made sufficient preparations for his first crossing of the Alps. During his stay in Genoa, he mapped the local terrain and knew very well how to go ahead.

However, not everyone understands that the "Sui" hexagram is not about going with the flow, but about measuring the current situation and finding someone to follow.

Voldemort once tried to "persuade" Harry to join him in front of the Mirror of Erised. Eternal life is very tempting to many adults, especially those who are declining from the peak of their prime.

However, the 11-year-old Harry is still a child. Rather than saying that he is naive and romantic, it is better to say that he has not experienced the feeling of having whatever he wants.

What does an orphan want most? Harry's parents both died at the hands of Voldemort. Voldemort, who was immersed in his own world, seemed to "forget", just like once the logic of 2+3=5 is formed in his mind, he can ignore the reality.

It is more obedient to use inexperienced people. At least Harry does not always disobey Dumbledore like Severus.

And Harry will disobey Snape like Severus... "Be a boy, lose a husband" means getting one and losing one. People can't have everything.

Josephine chose Charles, a dragoon who was "very close" to her, although she said that she asked Charles to find out whether the parliament was planning to make unfavorable plans against Bonaparte.

If you misjudge the situation at the time and make the wrong choice at the beginning, the problems that arise later will be very serious.

Getting an obedient "boy" means losing someone you can trust and rely on, and this person will have a hard time from then on because he has to make all the decisions.

If Bonaparte had listened to Muller's advice in Malta and occupied Sicily instead of Egypt, perhaps the situation would not be like this now.

He is only in his 30s this year. Most men of this age like beautiful women, sports cars, and other things that can bring speed and passion.

At the same time, people of this age will choose to give it a try when they encounter difficulties, rather than "retreat and seek advancement". He didn't know the mountain road of the Alps in Geneva, but he took the army to cross it.

Dumbledore knew that he was not Voldemort's opponent, at least he was not completely sure that he could win by dueling like he did against Grindelwald.

So he chose Harry, and his little Expelliarmus scheme... Or maybe he didn't think too much about it, and just went with the flow, letting Draco take the Elder Wand away from him.

As for who Draco defeated or challenged after his death, it was not in his control. Everything was left to fate.

He miscalculated many steps, such as he did not expect Barty Crouch Jr. and the mysterious man, as well as Pomona. She finally chose love and gave up her talent, like most talented witches.

"Don't waste your talent."

This sentence seemed to linger in her mind and came out of her mouth.


Georgiana came back to her senses, and the "illusion" in front of her just now disappeared, and Filier was standing in front of her.

This Greek slave girl did not wear that kind of ancient Greek long skirt. With the tailor Bertin, at least the maids around her did not have to worry about buying clothes.

From silk to linen, there are all kinds of fabrics, and the patterns are also the latest. Bertin did not put on the airs of the queen's tailor in the past and tell them what is beautiful.

She had experienced the days of debt collection and understood the consequences of offending customers.

"Do you want to sit for a while? Or do you want to walk in the garden with me?" Georgiana asked.

"No... why did you call me here?" Fili asked helplessly.

"I think you were scared about what happened two days ago. I'm sorry I just remembered it now." Georgiana said.

Fili seemed to be relieved, and the helpless and frightened expression was replaced by a smile.

"I was not scared... It seems that I have a new language to learn." Fili said easily.

Georgiana distinguished Fili's expression, as if to see if she was pretending.

"I think you were more affected by what happened that night. Are you okay now?" Fili asked.

It's not that she is "well", but that the biting cold no longer has the ability to freeze her soul.

Although the fire of revenge is burning, it at least brings some "warmth" to fight against the cold outside.

It's just that she found a new "heat source", even though she now knows that Bonaparte is not a loyal man.

The governor in "Dangerous Liaisons" did not choose the widow Madame Merteuil, but married a young bride in a monastery. He thought he was marrying a "blank sheet of paper".

Josephine at least provided Napoleon with "connections", and Napoleon used the mercury veins he discovered to maintain this relationship.

It's a bit dirty, but it's much better than that idiot governor. If Georgiana was Madame Merteuil, she wouldn't use Viscount Valmont, or not use Viscount Valmont like Madame Merteuil.

There are many ways to kill a man's political future... It's just that "Madame Merteuil" doesn't want to live in hatred and rack her brains for revenge.

She subconsciously learned from Dumbledore, isn't it because he ruled Hogwarts?

"I don't want to see anyone fall into that desperate situation again." Georgiana looked at Filier, "What about you?"

"I don't want to either." Filier said firmly, "Whether it's water or fire, it's a dead end."

"War is unjust, but necessary war is just. When violence provides hope for salvation, violence is just." Georgiana handed the letter to Filier, "Go back to Paris and give this letter to the First Consul."

"If I leave, you..."

"In the past, the First Consul would send back the captured battle flags every time he won a victory. I want you to do the same thing. There are also some things you need to report. This place is not short of people who can speak French, but it lacks someone who can speak."

Filier didn't argue this time. Her obedient appearance made Georgiana speechless, as if Georgiana had also become a "boy".

"Be careful and safe, this road is not peaceful." Georgiana said after the explanation.

"I will." Feilier said, just as she was about to turn around and leave, she suddenly turned back and said, "Why don't you set up an intelligence station like a hydrological station?"

"Thank you for your reminder, I will find a way." Georgiana said with a smile.

Feilier left with her "mission", and when she left, Georgiana sank into the chair.

Perhaps, Severus did not look at the beautiful woman driving the red Ferrari next door while driving, but kept looking at the "past" in the rearview mirror. She couldn't trust a driver who didn't look at the road ahead.

She chose Dumbledore instead of Voldemort for the same reason. Voldemort's way could not solve any problems, but deepened some problems and created new problems.

At least now she felt that it was not the right time to build a hydrological station, and language was just a tool. It was useless for a person who lied sincerely and was unwilling to communicate to speak the same language.

"Did it take you so long to get the brandy?" Fredley appeared at the door and said with a smile, "Or did you send someone to get it?"

Georgina also smiled, "I drank it all by myself, let's drink something else."

"It's almost noon, let's go to eat." Fredley said, "I know a good restaurant."

She really hasn't gone out to eat for a long time.

"You may have to wait for me for a while, I need to change my clothes." Georgiana said.

Fredley agreed happily, without any impatience.

And she was thinking about the issue of "clearing the scene", after all, she didn't want to encounter assassination.

But what's the point of going out to eat like that?

While changing her clothes, she thought, it would be nice if she was a girl who spent all day thinking about how to make herself more beautiful. She wanted to be smart even though she didn't have much brains. Just like Bonaparte said, she was asking for trouble. She used the wrong method to solve the geometry problem. He solved it in a few simple steps. No wonder she thought the problem was so difficult.

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