Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 3425 The Path of the Creator (IX)

As a famous saying goes: Geography is the stage of history, and people are actors on the stage.

The 20th century map of Albania is very different from the ancient one. For example, in the Epirus era in 168 BC, Albania still occupied the territory of Italy's "heel", and the Bay of Corto was also within its territory.

Georgiana asked her maid to prepare a bath for her and sprinkle rose petals on the water. The biting coldness was relieved a little with the hot water, but it also made her feel how cold her heart was, as if even the hot water had become cold.

She rested her head on the edge of the bathtub. In Slavic fairy tales, there are wandering wizards who are believed to have special abilities. In the Carpathian Mountains, it is said that they can control storms and rains, and even ride dragons in the clouds. They will impart knowledge and find students during their wandering.

The group of "witches" are said to be "taltos", which are mediums in Hungarian legends, able to communicate between the world of the living and the "other world". They actually listened to the words of a wandering wizard and worshipped the "snake-dragon" next to an ancient ruin.

As the name suggests, the snake-dragon is a dragon that looks like a snake. It is well known in Hungary. But it is not like an evil dragon, and there will be dragon slayers to kill it.

It is said to bring good luck and prosperity to the whole family. On the contrary, if it is killed or harassed, bad luck will come.

The snake-dragon often helps learned midwives and doctors. Apollo represents medicine because his son Asclepius asked the snake to wrap around his staff, so the "single snake staff" represents medicine.

But in that area, erudition is not a good word. Or to put it this way, people believe that learned people will teach people to do bad things, such as those who can cure diseases for sheep because they have signed a contract with the devil.

Udine is located on the border of the mountains. Although Attila razed Aquileia to the ground, people still rebuilt it. At least there is a bishopric there, and the religious trial should be held there.

When Pomona came to the wizard village in the Alps, "black wizards" and "healers" could live together in relative peace.

Some people are born as if everything is ready for them. They don't need to beg, and they can get what others can't get no matter how much they pray.

Except for magic. This "gift" is not like Dudley who yelled at his parents and they could go to the department store to buy him back.

For Pomona in the 20th century, she couldn't understand why "purgers" existed at all.

In order to survive, some "shared talents" claimed to be "guarantors of the harvest" and fought against wizards. Even werewolves could call themselves "wolves of God" and only bite wizards.

In short, those mediums were caught by the villagers during the ceremony, and because they were worshiping "snake dragons", they were regarded as worshippers of "Satan".

It is normal to want something but not get it, and loss is also painful. Albus understood the feeling of loss because of Arianna's death, and woke up from the big dream outlined by Grindelwald.

She understood this truth, and also understood that war would definitely bring loss to people, and that could not be forgiven by a light apology.

But Bella would not be thrown into the water by a group of villagers to test whether she was a real witch. Killing was a "pleasure" for her, and the survivors in that village were lucky.

Dragons are terrible. The four little Muggles didn't know about this and asked Slytherin to wake up the dragon.

There are more "brave men" who go to slay dragons and never return.

Rather than saying that she has wisdom through learning, it is better to say that she has some brains, and it is pitiful that she is not much. She knows that it is impossible to surpass Rowena Ravenclaw, even if she wears the crown of Ravenclaw.

Helena is the daughter of Ravenclaw. She is given high hopes. People hope that she will inherit Rowena's wisdom, and she also hopes that she can surpass her mother.

She went to Albania. Georgiana initially thought Helena went to Apollonia.

Severus once took Pomona to live in a bunker left by the Nazis. There were trees all around, but no olive trees or laurels.

She didn't know where that was, but if Voldemort wanted to kill his followers, especially those with better brains and capable of research, it would probably not be far from the "scene".

She tried to recall the clues, but was always "disturbed". She gradually felt her heart warm again.

There were footsteps outside the screen, and a man could be seen outside through the gap.

She subconsciously looked down at the rose petals in the bathtub. Marie Antoinette couldn't even see her body from her maid, and she had to cover herself with a bath towel when she got out of the bath.

"During Maria Theresa's reign, witch hunts and religious trials were prohibited." Julian Ouffral's voice came from outside the screen. "The queen thought it was not conducive to the rule of the Habsburgs, especially since the trials could be organized by judges of the feudal court."

Georgina recalled that in 1782, two years after Maria Theresa's death, the "last witch" case broke out in Switzerland. Anna Goldi was accused of witchcraft by her employer and lover, who was a judge of a secular court.

"I'm listening." Georgiana said.

"There are also anti-religious trials in the Habsburg court, but... although they can stop witch hunts, they can't stop vampire hunting, which has become a scandal throughout Europe." Julian said.

"Vampire?" she asked calmly.

"That's ridiculous," Julian said dismissively.

Georgiana raised her hand and turned the hair on her temples. "Rousseau said, if there is any history in this world that has been confirmed to exist without a doubt, it is about vampires. Have I ever told you that I am a vampire?" expert?"

Julian said nothing.

"They have nothing to do with Cain..." Georgiana said.

"I'm not interested in mysticism, Georgiana. You wrote a letter to the First Consul. How can I know what you wrote?" Julian asked.

The content of the letter is private and she doesn't have to say it.

"There is a legend in the East. There are mulberry picking girls from two countries. Their mulberry gardens are on the national border. The two got into a quarrel over the mulberry leaves, and the two sides got into a fight. Then they told the villagers, and the village occupation became Municipal wars turned into provincial wars, and provincial wars turned into national wars. This story tells me one thing. As St. Augustine said, the main consideration of righteous people is that war should be waged by those who can legally wage war. "Private warfare can be legitimately waged by anyone, including agents."

She said so much, but Julian did not speak, which reminded her of the two bishops hiding in the darkness she met last time.

"The power of public war lies in the hands of the state, Democritus said, and we should do our best to protect those victims of unjust oppression rather than ignore them, because the former approach is just and kind."

"Do you really care about those women?" Julian asked.

"Solon put forward the principle that if everyone in a country regards harm to others as harm to themselves, this country will be a happy country." Georgiana said helplessly, "I know an Auror, She was a stranger to an orphan, but she felt the same sympathy for his misfortune and punished the person who oppressed him unjustly. "

"I thought you came for peace," Julian said, walking toward the side of the screen as if to cross it.

"France and the United States signed a treaty to end the 'quasi-war'. Waging a just war requires procedures." Georgiana said calmly, "Do you think Anna Goldi's case complies with procedural justice? Professor."

Julian's footsteps stopped.

"Resorting to judgment is a method worthy of admiration. Have you ever encountered a student who cannot be taught? No matter how you communicate with him, you just can't communicate?" Georgiana asked.

"Have you ever encountered it?" Julian asked.

"Meeted more than one," she said tiredly.

Not only did Ron say that the Inferi was "solid," but he also threw the pods of the knotweed at her head twice, and luckily she was wearing a hat.

During the Battle of Hogwarts, Peeves threw the pods of the knotweed at the Death Eater's head, and the seeds burrowed into his head like the scarabs in the movie.

It can only be said that Pomona's head and hat are really "irrefutable".

At this time, she looked at the water in the bathtub. The red petals were floating on the water, looking like a pool of blood, which reminded her of the vampire countess and the inferi soaked in the sea water.

Those Inferi were originally flesh and blood, made movable by magic, but they were not life.

Voldemort's second body did not disappear from decay like his normal body, and it was also strange that his first body disappeared.

Avada Kedavra does not damage the corpse, and the deceased appears to be asleep.

Unless Lily's "rebound" changed some properties of the Death Curse, causing the flesh and blood body Voldemort received from his parents to be annihilated in an abnormal way.

Just like Grindelwald's ring of fire, it burns the less determined followers to ashes.

He did not disappear, but "left" with his soul in a way that could not be observed by the eyes.

She was so fascinated by the thought that she actually stood up from the bathtub and walked out. When she walked outside the screen, Julian had his back turned to her.

She really couldn't understand this guy, so she picked up the silk nightgown on the shelf and put it on.

"I'm wondering where to place them. They can't live on the boat forever." Georgiana said. "What do you suggest?"

"I'm here to ask you, do you plan to meet the Great Elder tomorrow?" Julian asked.

In fact, she had never thought that women who had been tried would be regarded as witches even if they were found not guilty in the end.

"Will the French accept them?" asked Georgiana.

"Don't think about it, goodnight," Julian said, and left her room.

She sighed silently and turned to look at the bathtub. There was nothing unusual about it.

Harry almost had a magic riot because of what Maggie said. If he was a real wizard, even if he couldn't be like Bella, he could at least pull many people to death together. How could he wait obediently to be burned at the stake?

She used a silent and wandless spell to hide the water and roses in the bathtub. In this place without sewers, it would take a lot of effort to process the wastewater.

It was so late and she didn't want everyone to have to worry about it.

"Come from nothing and go back to nothing." She said looking at the empty bathtub and turned towards her bedroom.

At this time, a dried rose petal fell from her body to the ground, as if it was evidence that the bath water just existed.

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