Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 3421 The Path of the Creator (V)

There are many exquisite buildings in Milan, which are also bathed in the sunset like Napoleon's "Oriental Gate Palace", but present different styles.

Or to put it this way, the "Oriental Gate Palace" is the only dome building, while the others are Gothic and neoclassical.

Somehow she thought of Constantinople and Hagia Sophia, which were also dyed golden by the sun in the tourism promotional video and looked extremely magnificent.

If the course of history is followed, after Lufkin finds a way to hold a Quidditch World Cup in the UK, the next Quidditch World Cup will be held in Siberia. At that time, someone will use black magic to make the trees in the Siberian forest "come alive", even in the no-man's land, it will cause huge casualties, not to mention that Siberia is not completely uninhabited.

The victory of the war is only the beginning of a more difficult task. Attila also studied in Rome, but he did not become a Roman. He rushed all the way from the Hun Empire to the Eastern and Western Rome. The vast empire soon split after his death and quickly disappeared in the long river of history.

Before entering Italy, Attila had gathered troops in Pannonia. Pannonia now refers to Hungary, Romania and Serbia, Czechoslovakia and parts of Austria. It was conquered by the Romans in 35 BC and divided into a province. Around the 4th century, some Huns from Siberia used Pannonia as a base after conquering the Germans and confronted the Roman Empire. In the second year after the Battle of the Cold River, due to the great reduction of Roman military strength, the Roman legions had to withdraw, and the province of Pannonia ceased to exist. Later, the Rouran people, who had close relations with the Huns, entered the area.

Hannibal was also seriously injured after crossing the Alps, and recruited Gallic tribes to attack Rome together. After Attila set out from Pannonia, he quickly advanced westward along the ancient military road and finally reached Aquileia.

Aquileia is located on the Istrian Peninsula. It is the intersection of many roads and an important fortress leading to Italy. Attila besieged it for 3 months but failed to capture it.

At this time, the food and grass carried by the nomadic riders were almost exhausted, so Attila allowed the Huns to plunder the towns around Aquileia, in order to obtain supplies and isolate Aquileia.

Some people called Attila "God's Whip" and some called him "natural disaster". At this time, Italy had not recovered from the famine of the previous year.

Under this Hun disaster, not only the Romans, but also the Goths suffered. The Visigoths were famous for their architecture and artistic style. Unlike the Ostrogoths, they were always ruled by the steppe tribes. It was not until the death of Attila that the Ostrogoths took the opportunity to get rid of the rule of the Huns and established the Ostrogothic Kingdom in Dalmatia, the Italian Peninsula and other places.

However, before the emergence of the "human" species, the Pannonian Plain was once located under the seabed. At that time, it was still called the Pannonian Sea, which was connected to the ancient Tethys Ocean. The junction of the two is equivalent to the current Bavaria and Vienna Plains.

In the Miocene, the Pannonian Sea and the Tethys Ocean were isolated. In ancient times, the Himalayas and the Alps were connected, and the Pannonian Sea was distributed along this ridge and existed for about 30 million years.

In the north of the current Alps, there was a Hallstatt civilization, also known as the ancient Celtic civilization, which mainly traded in salt and iron. Even now there are many salt mines in Switzerland, and sometimes fossils of mosasaurs can be excavated from the minerals. Although they are water dragons, their tempers are comparable to Hungarian hornets.

When the Himalayan orogeny began, the eastern section of the Pannonian Sea disappeared, and there were traces of the existence of the Tethys Ocean intermittently along the Yarlung Zangbo River. The last time I went to XZ, Pomona met a Muggle expedition team who were studying stones, and she learned a lot from them.

As the Tethys Ocean disappeared, the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau rose, and the climate in South China changed, becoming more suitable for human habitation.

What does it matter if this knowledge is learned? The dragons that existed in the past are not only dead, but also fossilized.

Pomona also saw the book "How to Slay a Dragon" in the Hogwarts Library, but the book was of no use to help her deal with the Princess of Wales.

On the contrary, Pomona's former colleague, Muggle Studies Professor Kerry Di Bubage, called on the Daily Prophet to share wizard knowledge and magic with Muggles.

She is a kind and loving person, but in order to make the Philosopher's Stone, the Duke of de Reis bled 300 children to death. If the Duke of Reis didn't know what the Philosopher's Stone was, would he still try to make it?

The lighting plan of burying "gas tanks" under street lights was rejected by Georgiana. Not to mention whether the current metal processing technology can reach such a high strength and withstand the pressure generated by compressed gas, it can be transformed into a bomb like the Kenis Street bombing at any time by people with ulterior motives.

St. Augustine said that some people abuse things, some people make good use of things, and those who abuse things are obsessed with things and hold on to them. That is to say, the things that should be controlled by him instead control him, and he believes that things are good in themselves.

Mrs. Blackwood gave birth to a Squib daughter and felt that her perfect and happy life was destroyed because of her daughter. But how can a happy family be without children?

Merope even thought that after having a child, old Tom Riddle would be responsible for her and stop using love potions on him.

It would be better if she continued to use drugs on old Tom Riddle until he was poisoned to death. The trouble is how to let young Tom Riddle obtain the inheritance rights of old Tom Riddle. Little Tom's grandfather can refuse to recognize this grandson and marriage, even if little Tom is obviously the son of old Tom.

Merope has never received education. She has stayed at home since she was a child and has not had much contact with outsiders. Otherwise, she would not have sold the ancestral locket for 10 gold galleons.

Then wouldn't it be better for women not to go to school and not know the ins and outs of these laws? Wouldn't she be unable to think of such a vicious plan?

Or to put it this way, she understands that men will not marry her for children, and responsibility and children are not "equal"?

Children are not the chains that maintain marriages. Of course, not everyone thinks so. Josephine thinks that a marriage without children is "unreal". Because of the children, Bonaparte returned to her.

The War of the Spanish Succession, the War of the Austrian Succession, and the War of the Bavarian Succession were all due to the lack of an heir. The Roman Empire is different. Adopted sons and sons-in-law can become heirs. However, Eugene no longer has the right of inheritance. Lucien told her not to mention it.

Homo is a person of flesh and blood, but people in Roman law are "caputs", not "personas", let alone "homo".

The current French Civil Code, or the Napoleonic Code, breaks the shackles of the status system and recognizes the legal "personality" equality of all people. However, the kinship relationship in the family still has feudal remnants. The husband and father are the heads of the family and enjoy the patriarchal power. The wife should obey the husband, otherwise there would not be a guardian around Georgiana from time to time.

Free status, citizen status, and family status constitute "status".

Free status is at least not a slave, and citizen status is a Roman citizen and non-citizen.

If a man and a woman do not get married, they cannot form a family and form a husband and wife status.

Childbirth is a natural matter between husband and wife, and husband and wife can also not have children, so there is no father-son relationship.

If one of the spouses wants to have children, but the other refuses to cooperate, or even one of them has duotai without authorization, such as Jane in the Godfather, who had a miscarriage without Michael's knowledge. Michael was furious and beat her, divorced her, and even prohibited her from visiting their children.

Suppose there is such a country that allows women to have the right to have duotai autonomously and writes it into the constitution. Even if this country recognizes that women are "people", they can represent themselves, have their own legal status, have independent personalities, and can be responsible for their own actions.

Secondly, her right to have children is prior to her husband's. Having children is a right, not an obligation. There is freedom to have children and freedom not to have children.

Jane told Michael that she did something very "blasphemous" and it was based on religion.

In other words, in a country that allows women to have autonomous duotai and writes it into the constitution, whether to have children or not is no longer a "binding contract". Women no longer need to be like women in the 18th century or Jane in the movie, because duotai is punished as a murderer, and the "obligation to have children" will be invalid due to the restriction of personal freedom.

If there are mothers who bring their daughters into this world because they are sure that this world is beautiful, there are also other mothers who are sure that there are other reasons why a life is not suitable to come into this world.

As a species breeding and conservationist, Scamander would certainly consider this issue. He protected the last pair of fertile horned camels.

When Georgiana had nowhere to go, it was Mrs. Tarian who stayed with her, although she also had other purposes, at least not to drive Georgiana away.

She spoke for those people, would they let her go back to Paris?

Madame de Stael always wanted to go back to Paris, she needed Paris, but Georgiana didn't need it so much. Maria of George IV lived in Nice for a while, and now Georgiana also wants to go to Nice after everything is over.

Aryan girls are also victims of the Nazis' control. They are in the "population farm", not only losing their personal freedom.

What is the unrestricted reproduction of personal freedom?

She hopes that Merope can think about this issue, instead of using "kidnapping" to get what she wants.

Not all French people are the same as that "Spartan", at least Julian agrees with some of her ideas.

However, the Napoleonic Code does not apply to the Princess of Wales.

The thought of her sitting in an open carriage, scattering roses along the way, made Georgiana feel sick to her stomach.

In Journey to the West, the gods said to Sun Wukong, "Great Sage, please take back your magical powers."

She also wanted to say the same thing to the Princess of Wales, but unfortunately she thought the Princess would not listen, and it was unlikely that she would ask the British to take her back.

After all, even if you don't look at her status as a princess, she gave birth to a princess, the future Queen of England, who dares to touch her?

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