Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 3409 wolf king (middle)

In the setting of Dante's Divine Comedy, hell is set up to punish the souls of those who have not repented until death. The souls in purgatory are different. The crimes they committed during their lifetime have been forgiven after repentance, but their bad roots are still there and they must go through Only through painful training can we eliminate it and ascend to the kingdom of heaven.

Pomona was curious whether Dumbledore would be sentenced to purgatory or hell after his death.

After a brief distraction, she returned her attention to the current affairs.

The feeling of riding a broomstick is different from riding a magical animal... It was windy and raining heavily that day as it is now. Dementors shuttled between the dark clouds. They not only created a cold wave, but also evoked The painful memories that people hide deep in their hearts make it impossible to concentrate.

"Need help?" asked the lying man, his greasy black hair spread on the white pillow, looking unattractive.

When Harry rides Buckbeak, the "power source" comes from another life and is not affected by Dementors.

What Harry needs to pay attention to is how to control Buckbeak, and of course don't forget to cast the Disillusionment Charm on it.

"Open your mouth," Snape said.

She obeyed and he put a candy in her mouth.

"What does it taste like?"

"Strawberry coconut flavor...are you giving me Bibi's multi-flavored beans?" she asked belatedly.

He smiled as if his prank had succeeded.

"What if I taste something strange?" She punched him viciously.

He took over the rest, and the kisses and the roaring fire in the fireplace chased away the chill from the wind, and she began to feel warm again.

Buckbeak is a smart bird. The first time Harry rode him on the Black Lake was during peacetime. He could fly close to the surface of the lake and catch two of his favorite fish "with his feet". That experience It should be pleasant for both it and Harry.

When the kiss ended, she touched the terrible scar on his neck, where Nagini had caused it.

"Do you think they'll succeed?" Pomona asked.

"Who are they? What is success?" he whispered in her ear.

"Deathly Hallows, and Horcruxes." She turned her gaze to his eyes. "You don't have any interest in these types of things, do you?"

He seemed to be bored, and she lay down on her half of the double bed again.

She stared at the ceiling in a daze. Perhaps Dumbledore still had some conscience. He collected the Deathly Hallows, but did not think of keeping them for himself. If the legend was true, if he collected the Deathly Hallows, he could become the master of Death.

"That boy is stupid." Professor Snape said viciously in a calm tone, even the Cokeworth accent appeared.

"Who is that boy?" she asked with a smile.

"Who do you think it is?" He ran his fingers through her hair, like combing a cat.

She answered vaguely, feeling a little sleepy.

"Let's continue to live in seclusion and don't go back." He seemed to be discussing with her, "There is nothing to look forward to there."

She felt that what he said was wrong. Maybe those children could create a different future.

"They...can't teach..." Snape's voice became farther and farther away, and she fell in the darkness, as if she had fallen off the broomstick.

She hoped the ground would be soft enough, or that someone would be able to counter-spell her like Dumbledore had done.


"Let's go." Fei Lier said to the boy with a pair of big ears, who was holding all his luggage in his hands.

The boy, or call him Leo, looked at the orphanage behind him with nostalgia. Only the dean and a few nuns were standing at the door. The nuns waved to him, and then Leo was carried by the soldiers. Got the carriage.

He sat opposite Georgiana in a regular manner, his slender little hands waving helplessly, and his eyes looking at her were full of fear and curiosity.

Georgiana said nothing, picked up Newton's book and read it.

Magenta finally got a little smarter...just do it without any prohibition by law.

Georgiana did not forbid him and Chiconyara from visiting her, so he could leave his residence.

Nietzsche said: I am light, I wish I were night! I am surrounded by light, but this is my loneliness.

Like Umbridge, she would not issue educational orders at every turn, prohibiting this or that, but she would not take the initiative to remind them.

The children were originally law-abiding, but Umbridge's excessive behavior, no matter how slight, would cause considerable harm. The children no longer showed respect and respect for her and the education orders she issued. obey.

Magenta's approach was a bit risky, so why not Georgiana? What if he and Chiconyara were really important figures related to the riots?

It's just that Chiconyara was bolder... If he hadn't had the courage, he wouldn't have been able to persuade the Savoy royal family to abdicate and even run to Paris. At that time, the Directory explicitly refused his entry, and before the Brumaire Coup began, he dared to defy the Directory's prohibition and go find Bonaparte, who had just returned from Egypt.

She looked at the formulas in the book, but what she thought about was the map of Slovenia.

In mathematics, there is a four-square problem, that is, there are four colors on a map, representing different regions, and adjacent regions are not consistent.

Bonaparte may really want to try that food reserve plan worth 1.2 billion. Some countries in the Rhine region replaced soldiers with food in exchange for greater benefits.

The next level above the prince is the elector. If the neighbor next door is originally at the same level as you, and he becomes a prince, do you have to salute him when you meet him in the future?

Some regions did not have the opportunity to upgrade their titles, and they still needed a certain level of strength to raise troops.

During the period when the Ottomans and Habsburgs fought for Hungary, when the Ottomans did not completely withdraw from Hungary, the Hungarian nobles and lords had to compromise with the Habsburgs and give up some of the power to freely elect the king and the Golden Bull, which led to the Habsburgs occupying Hungarian land after the Ottomans withdrew and regarded the Turkish-occupied areas as their own spoils of war.

The Hungarians had been patient, and after the Spanish Succession War ended and the Treaty of Utrecht was signed, Hungary announced the restoration of the power to freely elect the king and the power of the Golden Bull.

When the Habsburgs fought a war with Hungary in 1707, Hungary simply declared independence.

In 1687, just after the Ottomans were driven away, Austria imposed a "food tax" on Hungary. A nicer way to put it is that it was open robbery. Austrian soldiers went directly to the serfs' homes and robbed all the military rations, war horses and fodder.

Later, the Habsburgs allowed the Hungarian nobles to redeem the "spoils of war", that is, to redeem their own land from the land committees that were granted to the Austrian nobles. The serfs sold their oxen, land, and even their wives and children, and handed them over to the nobles to pay a huge ransom, just to avoid being enslaved by Germany.

In theory, Hungary should have produced horses, but after this incident, it was difficult to find a four-wheeled carriage in Hungary. Instead, Alsace and Lorraine produced more horses, and "Cartouche" could easily form a horse bandit there.

Compared with the reform of agricultural production methods, the Germans tended to occupy more land and squeeze the farmers.

What does it feel like to be unable to teach?

It's fine if he doesn't understand how much 2+3=, but if Snape gets a little emotional, Harry will have a look that says "you're going to beat me up". He doesn't say "I'm going to tell my dad" like Draco does. He and Snape go against each other in class.

Neville is another "unteachable" person... I heard that a Muggle parent broke his hand bone while tutoring his child. I hope he can endure the bitter taste of the bone spirit.

Georgiana looked at the little boy opposite her. He could understand such difficult math, so I wonder how he would learn French?

Hermione, who seemed easy to teach, also had a rebellious day. In order to help her friend, she cleared all her parents' memories of her to avoid endless troubles.

"Do you think Dumbledore looks at us like we look at those students?" She said to the person next to her with a smile.

Firiel looked at her in surprise.

So she pretended to be calm and continued to read the book in her hand.

The little boy raised his hand and turned the book in a different direction.

"You hold it the wrong way." Firiel said with a smile.

Georgiana simply closed the book.

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