Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 3406: Eternal Living Fire

The wind passed through the open window and gently blew over the corner of the map.

Georgiana was tempted to throw the Iron Crown on top so those maps wouldn't blow away.

However, she didn't have the iron crown now, and it wasn't that easy to take off, so she put the pink sword on it, which was easier than the crown, although the sword also had diamonds embedded in the crown.

Murat also had a diamond-encrusted sword, which was a gift from the King of Naples. According to Caroline, Murat would take it with him every time he went to battle, and since getting the sword, Murat has not been on the battlefield. Been injured or sick.

Georgiana sat on a chair and looked at the maps held down by the sword. They were "struggled" as if they wanted to break free.

Philelle had heard in Egypt that the British landed from Thessaloniki and smuggled sugar from Caribbean plantations into the mountains on mules. This smuggling line has existed for many years, and not just because of the Allied War.

Sugar can be consumed by an ordinary peasant woman in the UK, but it is still a luxury product in Germany. Germany does not have colonies in the West Indies and other places. In addition, due to the toll taxes and duties paid through various states, it is still not available to ordinary people. Because Only then did someone study beet sugar production.

Once people are used to "sweetness", it will be very painful for them to stop eating sugar. Thessaloniki was once the capital of Macedon. It was built by Cassander, the husband of Alexander the Great's half-sister, and the city was named after his wife.

Compared with shipping by sea, it is certainly more difficult to carry mules over mountains and ridges...

The office door opened again, and Luigi walked in alone.

She felt he had been around more than Bougainville, her nominal guardian.

"You think he's here to tell you something?" Luigi asked.

She didn't think so, it was more like he wanted to provoke Napoleon to start an all-out war on Europe.

"I discovered something interesting." Georgiana said, walking to the map drawn by the British. "Look."

She pointed at Agam with a slender wooden stick. "Its dimensions are about the same, but its accuracy is much different." Georgiana said, pointing to the diagram drawn by the Viennese, "It's 20 degrees different."

Luigi was confused.

"I guess the prime meridian used by the British is the one that passes through the Greenwich Observatory, so where is the prime meridian of the Viennese people?" Georgiana said as she walked to another larger world map. Next to him, he pointed with a wooden stick, "Here."

"Cape Verde? What happened to the island?" Luigi asked.

She didn't expect that Luigi didn't know about the "Pope Meridian", so she told him that history.

"In other words, the Holy Roman Empire is still using the meridian determined by the pope hundreds of years ago. This makes me have to think about the relationship between them and the pope. Don't forget that the current pope was elected in Vienna." After Georgiana finished speaking, she placed the stick on a stand as if it were a billiards stick.

"You guessed this just because of a map?" Luigi blinked in disbelief.

"I originally thought that Nabooni asked Brera to measure the arc of the longitude from Rimini to Rome in order to determine it as the meridian." Georgiana looked at the map of Italy not far away and said, "There is also the longitude from Amiens to Paris. "If the longitude position is changed, it will be the same as the two maps we saw, and it will not only be the drawings, but also the instruments and equipment."

"Okay, I get it, now what?" Luigi asked.

In fact, she doesn't know either.

"What are you going to do with that bird?" Luigi asked.

Only then did Georgiana remember the falcon.

Compared with parrots and birds of paradise, it is indeed cool for girls to raise falcons, but raising an eagle does not mean that it is "tough".

"You can keep it for me first." Georgiana said exhausted, "I once kept a turtle as a pet, just because it didn't need my care."

"I thought you would be in a better mood if you went out for a day. Nabooni would be happy every time we come back from Giza," Luigi said.

"Then you have to move the pyramid here first." Georgiana said sarcastically, smoking a cigarette in frustration.

"Have you ever ridden a camel?" Luigi asked. "The Ottomans had camel cavalry."

Georgiana looked at him in surprise.

"No one wants to ride a camel, it's much more cool on a horse," said Luigi.

"Are you trying to cheer me up?" Georgiana asked.

"Does it work?" Luigi asked.

It wasn't to the point of laughing out loud, but she felt a lot better, at least she didn't need the companionship in her hand so much.

So she put out the cigarette.

"Tell me about Egypt," said Georgiana.

"Didn't my cousin tell you?" Luigi asked.

"I want to hear another perspective," Georgiana said.

Luigi thought, as if trying to find something interesting to talk about.

At this time, she remembered that she could also be happy playing dog sledding, but it was just dog sledding. Why did she find it so fun?

"Do you really want to be Cleopatra?" Luigi said after thinking for a long time.

"To be honest, I didn't think of your relative as Caesar at first." Georgiana smiled.

"Who do you think he is?" Luigi asked.

"Remarriage partner," said Georgiana.

Luigi's eyes widened in disbelief.

"I am not the recognized Mrs. Smith. Mr. Smith has something else..."

"I've heard that." Luigi said impatiently. "Many people are guessing how beautiful she is."

"I think it's not a matter of appearance." Georgiana said calmly, "First love is the most beautiful."

Luigi was deep in thought.

"Where we used to live, we could only see the sea. Going to Egypt was the first time I saw the desert." Luigi said after a moment, "It's like some people see the sea for the first time in the port. It was very fresh at first. It gets boring after a while.”

She smiled and shook her head.

"Eleanor is very similar to you in many places. She also likes to be with scientists." Luigi said, "But you are different."

"What's different?" asked Georgiana.

"It's like a different world." Luigi looked at her with a smile "Do you understand?"

She really didn't understand what Luigi was talking about.

"Write him a letter. I think no matter how busy you are, you still have some time." Luigi said.

She didn't say anything. She felt like a sponge that had been squeezed dry and no more water could be squeezed out.

"I have almost forgotten what it feels like to love someone." Georgiana said numbly, "He has no shortage of people to accompany him in Paris."

She used to think that it would be nice if there was someone as "reliable" as Rhett Butler, but Rhett Butler didn't help Scarlett go home. He left her midway, and she had to walk the rest of the way on her own.

The Queen has many "royal prerogatives", but when she wants to exercise these powers, it will trigger a protracted "war."

She stood up slowly.

Now she had another reason to hate the tower.

"Because you've forgotten what it feels like to love someone, so you're so indifferent?" Luigi asked. "Why aren't you jealous?"

She looked at him in shock.

"The Englishman thinks you don't love him anymore, do you still love him?" Luigi asked eagerly.

"who is he?

Perhaps this "he" was self-evident to Luigi but not to her.

"To love too deeply is not good for physical and mental health." She said with a smile. "Jealousy will be like a burning fire and make me feel painful. Some people tell me that I am self-abuse, so I want to make my life easier."

Luigi looked at her in disbelief.

"You won't get what you want from me." She imitated the bishop she met in Venice and said, both to Luigi and to Lily.

People can live without love, but they love too deeply but cannot get it. In the end, love turns into hatred, and Barrow kills Helena in a rage.

Then she walked away.

Since Heraclitus said: One cannot step into the same river twice.

Then adapt to this different world.

As long as we don't change beyond recognition in order to adapt to the new world, who would believe that one day Leviathan will come ashore in order to survive?

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