Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 339 Poseidon's Chariot

Slytherin table seats are ordered, and their rules are completely incomprehensible to students from the Muggle world.

It is very simple and clear to sit in a good position with a strong background and a good background, and to sit in a poor position with a poor background and a low background. There is no such rule in Gryffindor and Ravenclaw. Hufflepuff is another rule. Pure blood, mixed blood, and Muggle breeds all have their own small groups. Justin's family background is in the Duke of Eton. Learning should be very good, but he has to be bullied in the wizarding world.

The rise of bloodism in schools cannot be controlled by just one or two deans. The parents of children in these families teach it that way, so what else can the teachers do?

Pomona had a terrible time when Harry was in sixth grade, and she hid in her office in the conservatory and didn't want to see anyone.

11 years from 1970 to 1981 there was nothing to celebrate first the Squib parade then the Death Eaters rioting Azkaban added Dementors when Warden still couldn't contain the frenzy she hated that" rock and roll feeling.

She is old and wants a peaceful life. Now it is the world of young people. During the New Year holidays, there are not many people staying in school. Everyone gathers together when eating, and Pomona deliberately sits between Lavender and Neville. between.

If it weren't for the old hat, Neville would have liked to have been sorted into Hufflepuff, his situation was the exact opposite of Harry Potter's, when that hat was hesitating between Harry going into Slytherin and Gryffindor Undecided, Harry was determined not to go to Slytherin because of Hagrid’s influence, Neville didn’t want to go to Gryffindor’s death school, the old hat insisted on assigning him to Gryffindor, and Pomona wanted to send him to Gryffindor. The broken hat was burned.

Hat embarrassment is an old term, specifically referring to those students who have been sorted for more than five minutes. True hat embarrassment is rare. It happens once in 50 years. There are many people who are close to hat embarrassment. Wei and Harry, as well as Hermione, also had sorting difficulties.

Pete Pedilou also took a long time to be sorted into Gryffindor, which also makes people question that hat, how is he like a Gryffindor?

In fact, Pomona seldom eats in the restaurant. Except for formal occasions such as the start-of-school banquet, she usually eats in her office or kitchen. Now she is acting as a villain in order to spoil a silly girl's relationship. That feeling is not good at all. Tonks liked her a lot, but she became estranged because she objected to Tonks and Lupine's relationship.

Oh, everyone wants to be a good person, who wants to be a bad person who ruins other people's good things? She suppressed her anger and calmly chatted with Neville, but what she was talking about was not herbalism, but the excellent goalkeeper in the Quidditch World Cup.

Even the old Bat has been a referee, and of course the fair and impartial Dean Hufflepuff is also "forced" to be a referee. She more or less knows some famous Quidditch players.

Neville couldn't even ride a broom, let alone the academy team. Lavender's ex-boyfriend Ron happened to be the Quidditch keeper.

Usually people would be happy when they talked about the Quidditch World Cup, but they seemed to be going through some kind of ordeal. Neville had never dared to resist strong women, which reminded him of his grandma.

As for Lavender, who finally decided to fight after being tortured for a while, Pomona looked at the girl in the pink headband in a serious manner.

"Professor, why is your wedding so simple? You don't even have ice sculptures. I remember that there were a lot of ice sculptures in the Triwizard Tournament." Lavender said with a pale face, and the stew on the plate didn't even move a few mouthfuls. "That ball It was very successful, but you didn't participate, is it because no one invited you?"

The atmosphere in the teacher's seat was indeed terrifying. The children sitting at the long table hid far away. Pomona took out her pocket watch and glanced at it. The pointer was still on the head of the troll, and no one could disturb them.

"Who did you go to the ball with, Brown?" Pomona looked at her with a smile. "Neville was with Ginny. You don't seem to have a date with Harry Potter."

This is an obvious fact, just like the horse-head and fish-tail sea monster that couldn't be moved into the hall because the carving was too big, damn Fudge is very serious about this, those employees of the Ministry of Magical Exchange will give her It's annoying.

"Why did you come to school alone, Professor Snape?" Neville asked.

"He's busy with other things." Pomona looked at Lavender.

"Oh, it's only the second day of your wedding, and you separated?" Lavender pretended to be relaxed and smiled.

"I'm going to the bathroom," Neville said grimly, but no one paid any attention to him.

"At least I have a wedding. Did you go to Ron's wedding? Lavender?"

"Why do you hate me so much?" Lavender asked puzzled, "What did I do wrong?"

Her question was bad because it wasn't her who did the wrong thing, it was Fenrir Greyberg, the werewolf.

"Do you remember Professor Remus Lupin? He was a good man, but he left after serving in the school for a year, not because the position of professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts was cursed, but because he was cursed." Pomona's face was stiff, and she said as coldly as Severus, "A law was passed in 1993. Werewolves were completely excluded. He couldn't find a job. If you don't want to be like him and almost sleep on the street, learn to control you." I heard Neville say that he can't control you anymore?"

"He told you this?"

"This is related to the danger of his life. Of course he wants to tell me that his magic power is not strong, as you know."

"You are here to be the teacher in charge now? He did a good job in the Auror office, but you told him to pass on the position of professor of herbal medicine to him, so he left." Lavender screamed excitedly, her eyes Turned green like a werewolf "Why are you here at this time?"

"I don't know, maybe it's fate. There are still things I haven't finished. I have to come back and clean up the mess."

"No one asked you to shoulder the mission. Who do you think you are? A great savior?" Lavender shot back bitterly.

"You don't like to eat these foods, right Lavender." Pomona said with a sneer, "I met another person who was bitten by a werewolf, and he liked to eat very tender steaks. Why do you force yourself adult?"

"I'm human!" Lavender said through gritted teeth.

"No, you are not anymore, you have to learn to hide, how much do you know about medieval wizards?"

"You mean I'm going to be hunted? That's ridiculous, it's the 21st century!"

"Nightmare will not disappear because of time, you are now the big bad wolf who eats Little Red Riding Hood." Pomona said coldly, "I'm talking to you about life and death, people who fall into madness are irrational. "

"Who do you think you are?" Lavender stood up "You can't control my life!"

Pomona only felt a fire rising, burning her heart ache.

"Stop being so stupid and take your problems seriously, Lavender!"

"That's what you really want to say, call me a stupid bitch just like Hermione!" the round-faced Lavender pointedly accused, "You have a lot of problems of your own, why bother with me?"

Pomona looked at Lavender, who wanted to slap the stupid girl right now to wake her up, when Severus' voice came from her velvet pocket.

"Pomona, whatever you're doing, call back immediately."

"Ah!" She screamed angrily, walked outside the restaurant, and took out the crystal.

"What are you doing?"

"Where are you?" he said coldly.


"Where are you going?"

"I want to make sure of one thing," she said deflatedly. "Dumbledore got one thing wrong. Harry is not a Horcrux."

"What is your basis?"

"Sybil's prophecy, in the House of Screams, if Tom's soul is on Harry's body, then you and Wormtail are both servants. The servants she mentioned should be plural, but the prophecy said singular."

"The prophecy is inherently inaccurate, aren't you being too picky?"

"This is a major event that affects the fate of many people. How can you think that this detail can be ignored?" Pomona jumped angrily, "Dumbledore judged that Harry was a Horcrux based on Sybil's prophecy, that night , Wormtail appeared."

"I'm not the master. Wormtail had contacted me before that night. I thought it was Sirius Black who leaked the location of the Potters." Severus sneered, "I was also deceived."

"Oh, hell." Pomona yelled. "That's the most unlikely scenario. The master is Sirius, the servant is Filch, and it's Filch who put Sirius in shackles."

"If it's Filch, then he betrayed his friend, who do you think he betrayed?" Severus said lazily, "I don't know who is more crazy, you or Dumbledore."

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