Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 3377 The Tide of the Earthly World (XII)

There is also a music hall called the Elysee on Montmartre. It was built in the 18th century. It was used for small theater performances, but now it is used by young people to dance waltz.

Just opposite this music hall is the newly planned slaughterhouse. In fact, you can change to a place with a lower population density and closer to the water source, so that you can spend less money when buying land.

The slaughterhouse costs a lot not because of the construction of the ground building. Even if it is built according to the scale of a temple, even the marble is imitation marble. How much can it cost?

Bonaparte didn't dance waltz before, but now he is dancing, so the speed of waltz popularity is faster.

In addition, male workers will go there to dance for a while after get off work. French "boxing" is kicked with feet. Bonaparte also took Georgiana to watch it once... In short, in this or that club, whoever lifts his legs high is very admired.

There were people dancing and screaming in the slaughterhouse, but it didn't matter if the music drowned them out, especially since there was a wall that hadn't been completely demolished.

"How come you knew that?" Georgiana asked her maid Margaret.

"Everyone knows it." Margaret said as a matter of course, and took the clothes to be changed behind the screen.

"Why didn't I know?" Georgiana asked.

"You asked me, don't you know now?" Margaret said.

She felt that this seemed to be some kind of weird cycle, but before she could think about it, the sound of military boots came from outside the screen.

"Wait, you are not allowed to go in!" Mary yelled.

Then there were messy footsteps, and soon Georgiana saw the figure of a soldier in a blue coat through the gap in the screen.

He had a strong smell on him, which soon filled the whole room.

"Madam, I heard that you didn't see us." The soldier said outside the screen.

"At least I didn't invite you to my bedroom." Georgiana quickly put on her skirt and walked out from behind the screen.

He was a 30-year-old chasseur major with a red feather on his hat like a basilisk's feather.

"Who are you? Who asked you to come?" She asked coldly.

"I am Colorandi from the Nice Mountain Troops, the Avarène Cavalry Company. We have also asked General Augereau about this question. Now I would like to ask you, why do you think the Seignis Pass has a higher priority than Nice?" said the light cavalry.

Georgiana recalled the map she had just seen. In addition to the firepower network spread over the river, there were some thick horizontal bars of unknown meaning near the mountainous area. Now it looks like a cavalry or infantry formation.

"I didn't say that the Seignis Pass had a higher priority than Nice... I didn't expect General Augereau to look for you." Georgiana whispered.

"Are you disappointed?" Colorandi said politely in a not very polite tone.

"What are you disappointed about?"

"We didn't mobilize as you wanted, so that we could do what you couldn't do in 1799." Colorandi said.

She reacted a little, and then she realized who Colorandi was talking about.

In 1799, the anti-French alliance tried to land in Nice. At that time, the British Navy was responsible for the main attack. Napoleon's defense line prevented the offensive at sea, but not on land. The Austrians briefly occupied Nice, although the French later recaptured it.

She didn't even feel absurd, because she had been treated as a spy for more than a day or two.

The Ovarre family is a noble family that has lived in Nice for generations. They have led an elite force of Nice mountain troops for generations since the 12th century. They are nicknamed "Blue Devils".

Napoleon was very popular among young soldiers in Nice. When they heard that he was arrested, they even planned to rescue him from prison.

Even when Napoleon was the commander-in-chief of the Italian Army, he was only 26 years old, about the same age as those "children".

When he walked into the tavern, many people recognized him at a glance, not because his portraits were everywhere.

Robespierre was called "the incorruptible", in the eyes of those people, did she become the scourge of "corruption"?

"I'm just a woman, how dare I ask about your men's affairs." Georgiana said softly.

"We can't dismantle the original defense line for the new defense line. Besides, General Augereau can also find the garrison in Lyon. Please tell him." After saying this, Colorandi saluted her at attention, and then walked out of her bedroom like a nutcracker.

"What an impolite guy." Marie said to Colorandi's back.

"At least he didn't drag me out." Georgiana said calmly, she didn't dare to imagine what the vase would end up like.

In order to sign the Treaty of Campo Formio, Napoleon smashed a teapot of Count Korbutz.

Peace is such a fragile thing.

She sat on the couch in the bedroom, trying to calm herself down. She had not received any definite news yet, whether Murat went to the "north" or to Naples in the south.

Aristotle said that the word "injustice" seemed to apply to people who broke the law, and "justice" meant legality, equality, or fairness.

Justice is the primary virtue in heaven and on earth, and it seems to be embodied when punishment is equally applied to all criminals.

Voldemort believes that there is no absolute good or evil in the world, the only difference is the strong and the weak.

The battle would not have been dragged into the consumption of the Thirty Years' War and the Eighty Years' War if Napoleon had lost the Battle of Marengo...

It costs a lot of money to set up a standing army, and Cheroni still receives a salary. In peacetime, many officers are as idle as him.

But in wartime, there are not enough people to use. Even if the reserve is mobilized, the French cannot fight for a British woman like Georgiana.

In contrast, the Germans did not fully fulfill their obligations in the contract, but the Honor Stone Fortress was completely outside the scope of the contract...

In troubled times, there are limits on what a person can do, even a military genius like Bonaparte. The picture is very beautiful, and it amazed her as much as when she first saw Snape's notes.

But that kind of appreciation is useless... There are rumors that Minister Evangeline led wizards to join the Crimean War, but wizards can get citizenship if they participate in the war?

They are also homeless people, and those in Britain were made into inferi by Voldemort to guard his Horcruxes.

At least Voldemort kept his word. He recognized that the strong ruled the weak, so he kept making himself stronger, even if he used extreme means. Aging would make him weaker, so he pursued immortality.

Who wants to live in such a world forever?

Because he didn't want to, he participated in the Battle of Hogwarts and destroyed the man who once made the wizards believe that he was the one who brought hope for revival and freedom.

The fable of the bees also said that honor is a monster that is caught in the wind and fabricated out of thin air.

She closed her eyes, but she seemed to see the slaughterhouse decorated with a bull's head.

What's wrong with seeing the symbol of the bull in the workshop where the cow is slaughtered? She believed that no butcher would associate it with the god Apis, or they didn't even know what Apis was.

This is the scary part. When the butchers were slaughtering those animals, could they hear the music coming from the concert hall next door?

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