Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 3372 The Tide of the World (7)

The girl's cry came from the school hospital.

At first she thought it was Myrtle, but when she came to the door with Valerian in her arms, she found Severus standing next to a hospital bed where Madam Pomfrey was busy.

"Drink this," Madam Pomfrey warned, "if you want to remember what you've learned this term."

The girl shook her head vigorously.

"What happened?" Pomona wanted to see who had come to the school hospital for treatment.

Severus turned his head, his robe spread out, blocking her view like a curtain. Before she could understand what was going on, she was taken outside the school hospital.

"What is this for?" she exclaimed.

"The Forgetting Potion, with double the Lethe water." Severus said, letting her stand against the wall, his cloak covering her, insulating her from the cold outside.

She was a little groggy and almost forgot that the person lying inside was her student.

"Why did she drink the forgetfulness potion?" Pomona asked quickly.

"Many ingredients in the Forgetting Potion are healing." He touched the valerian in her arms. "Forgetting is a kind of healing."

She almost believed him.

If you forget the main ingredient of the potion and the water of the Forgotten River does not come from the underworld.

Who would think that the underworld would be a good place to recuperate?


If sleepy beans are not cooked at high temperatures, they may produce effects similar to the forgetfulness potion.

What if the juice is squeezed out and clarified so that it looks as clear as water, and then sold under the name of Wangchuan River water?

There is no Forgotten River in the world, but many people are misled into thinking that there really is Forgotten River, and then they keep looking for it.

After resting, she remembered something. She was not ignorant about the Mysteries of Elosis. It was once as popular in ancient Greece as the Dionysian sacrifice, and it was different from the "official" sacrifices such as the Dionysian sacrifice. It was more inclined to Open to the public, anyone who desires salvation can attend.

But so many people participated in the secret ceremony, but no one leaked the content of the ceremony. Some people said that they participated in the secret ceremony for the afterlife, because Persephone is the queen of the underworld, so why sacrifice Meter? Wouldn’t it be better to worship Pluto and Queen Pluto?

Georgiana lay on the bed and sighed.

Georgiana didn't even dare ask Caroline what she had drunk last night, and when Caroline started spreading that story around, she walked away, completely forgetting that Caroline was a pregnant woman who needed protection.

Socrates once said that some families in ancient Greece were punished and went through hardships due to the wrath of the gods. At this time, madness would befall some members of the family, and they would avoid disasters through purification rituals.

There is a legend that Homer became blind because of writing epic poems. He completed the purification and restored his eyesight by writing "reversal poems".

The so-called good life is worth remembering. "Mind" means "good memories" in Old German.

In fact, there is another way now, and that is to create a memory potion. It cannot enhance memory, but it can recall forgotten things, even if those memories may make her feel painful.

"It's too much pain, let me help you."

She heard a whisper in her ear that sounded a lot like Isidora's.

She had never met Isidora, she only saw this gifted witch in a memory. Isidora thought that as long as all pain was eliminated, the world would become a better place.

Then she thought of the black sea of ​​flowers, the dark wizard, his kiss, and his voice.

Everything was wonderful, until those green eyes flashed in her head like Avada Kedavra.

After losing her daughter, Demeter became inattentive to farming, causing the earth to lose its vitality.

Wherever the dementor passes, even the plants will wither, and all good feelings and happy memories will be sucked away by it.

Meter must have been depressed after losing her daughter. The underworld was originally desolate and barren. When Persephone arrived, the power of seeds began to revive. Elysee, the paradise land of the underworld, was full of fruits and grass, full of light and joy. And here is the palace of Pluto and Queen of Hades, where sinless people can live a happy life in the beautiful and peaceful Elysee Paradise.

But Merter didn't know that she called her daughter's name over and over again, but unfortunately she couldn't hear it in the vast underworld, where there were prisons for the Titans. She thought the underworld was like this everywhere.

Later, her call may have been heard by Zeus. Hades had become accustomed to the darkness in the belly of his father Uranus, so he was not so attached to the sun. Zeus was able to live on the top of Olympus and feast with the gods all day long. .

It is also possible that Zeus noticed that the underworld is not like the underworld, and the human world is not like the human world. The originally vibrant human world is lifeless, but the underworld is singing and laughing.

Although Zeus came forward to allow Persephone to reunite with her mother every year, every time Persephone returned to become the queen of the underworld, Meter returned to pain. Originally, the three goddesses of time symbolized spring, summer, and autumn respectively. The Mediterranean climate did not have the cold winters of Northern Europe.

As the Greek world continued to expand, the influence of mythology expanded beyond the Greek regions, and people knew what winter was like, so there were more winters.

Janus's two faces, one young and handsome, represents rebirth and the future, and the other old, represents death and disappearance, once represented "time".

Whenever Karna was about to run away, Janus would not point his warning staff at her face, but would ask her, "Why did you leave me? Don't you love me anymore?"

Karna stayed, and later she took her husband to a ball of fairies, holding hands and dancing in a circle.

Janus's serious love made Karna feel happy, and she stayed with him to amuse the serious guy.

Death is serious business, and the underworld is not a nice place, unlike the world ruled by Zeus, where everyone wants to be.

Pluto is not as passionate as Zeus, he only has one queen. When she left and returned to her mother, the underworld became the same as before. In other words, the underworld itself has not changed. The Elysee Paradise is located between hell and the human world. The guilty people can continue to move forward, while the innocent people can stay in the paradise and wait for the Queen of Hades to return with Pluto, carving out a small area by the river of pain. A small paradise.

"Madam, there's a letter." Ferrell said after walking into her bedroom.

"Read it to me." Georgiana said tiredly, turning her back to Feryl. She didn't seem to see any words now.

"This... okay." Felicity hesitated, and the only sound she could hear in the room was the sound of her opening the letter.

"A beautiful woman with a lot of jewelry has no shortage of followers wherever she goes." Ferrell read in a clear voice, "I seem to be locked in gold-plated shackles now, and I am jealous of those who are with you. You You don’t write to me anymore, what’s blocking you?”

Then Feryl put down the letter.

"It's over." Felicity said.

"Go get a pen and paper," Georgiana said tiredly.

Felicity immediately did so.

After Feryl left, Georgiana sat up slowly.

With the light coming in from the window, she looked at her ankles outside the silk sheets. There were shackles on her ankles. Although they did not have chains and restricted her freedom of movement, they could make her use of magic less smooth.

When she turned into a swan, the shackles broke free and no one tried to put them on her again.

"What jewelry do I have there?" she whispered, lifting the covers.

Fortunately, Milan didn't have a wake-up ritual. She stretched herself facing the window, and a new day began.

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