Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 3370 The Tide of the World (5)

Since they didn't sleep last night, Georgiana and Denon left first. Caroline, who happened to be pregnant, also felt tired, so they left together.

Everyone on the carriage ride back was sleeping, but some were half asleep like Georgiana.

There was once a scholar who wanted to cross a river by boat. Because he was bored on the way, he asked the boatman many questions.

He kept telling the boatman, "You are really unfortunate. You haven't learned this or that."

Suddenly a wave came and the philosopher fell into the water. The boatman asked the philosopher on the boat, "Can you swim?"

The God of Death in the fairy tale was guarding a river, but unexpectedly three brothers with magic appeared and they used magic to build a bridge. The God of Death hurriedly ran out and gave each of the three brothers something.

Competition is fierce, especially to become a high priest, and Helena is not the only girl with similar dreams. Helena wanted to outdo her mother, not capitalize on her fame... Helena may have "cheated" by using the Ravenclaw diadem.

If Barrow told others, Helena couldn't stay, so she hid the "physical evidence".

She wanted to leave here, not because she was tired of anything, or for other reasons, she just wanted to figure out what happened.

Tom Riddle's handsome face disappeared in Godric's Hollow. Avada Kedavra did not have such an effect. Instead, it was the Philosopher's Stone that decomposed Quirrell's body.

Albus said that it was the power of love that protected Harry. If love was really so powerful, why did Dumbledore and Grindelwald still separate?

It's not that she doesn't believe in love, but she's not superstitious about it.

There is no universal antidote. The Philosopher's Stone is the purest substance in the world, just like the tears of the Phoenix.

It has a purifying effect... The "artificial phoenix tears" in the labyrinth may be a by-product of an alchemist trying to create the Philosopher's Stone.

Luck is very important, and Nick Flamel was lucky enough to have it, so he created the only Philosopher's Stone, but it was destroyed by Albus Dumbledore.

It was worth far more than an individual life. Who gave Dumbledore the power to destroy it? Because he is the president of the International Confederation of Wizards?

Voldemort's intention to use the Philosopher's Stone to create a body was only the least of the many misfortunes brought about by the Philosopher's Stone.

What's more, Voldemort's soul may not match the perfect body made by the Philosopher's Stone, because his soul is incomplete.

From time to time, one or two suspicious-looking people would appear on the dark streets of Milan. She felt that she and Zabini were not of the same kind, maybe because she couldn't do such a thing.

Revenge was a good reason. Frederick the Great used this reason to sack a palace, but an officer refused.

No matter how legitimate that reason is, it cannot conceal its essence.

She would have enough hair left, maybe shaved like Polina, so that she could make enough Polyjuice Potion so that she would have a "stand-in" when the time came. An accident can be caused to make "Georgiana" disappear from this world, and she does not exist in the first place.

She would not want to go back to Paris like Madame de Staël. The Parisians drove her away, so she went further.

The last time she gave Severus a clue so that he could find her, this time she not only stopped giving clues, she also wouldn't "cheat"...

Forget it if he can't find her. Maybe he doesn't understand her that well and doesn't even know where to find her.

Fate only allows people to meet each other, and those who are destined to meet are destined to meet.

"Don't you think Canova's sculpture is more inclusive?" Dumbledore said opposite her, with the sleeping Caroline next to her.

Canova once tried to carve a "David", but his David was different from Michelangelo's and Bernini's.

If there was something he felt was not perfect, he could do it again. David, who challenged Goliath, had no chance of doing it again.

In fact, in "Pluto Abducts Persephone", Pluto does not need to wear a crown, or the style of the crown is wrong. The crown of ancient Greece was woven from olive leaves.

However, it is impossible to change the crown of Hades, which may ruin the entire work, especially the dents on Persephone's thighs. People marvel at this skill of turning marble into flesh and blood. Why bother to do it for something that no one cares about? Crown of Hades and cause the entire work to be destroyed?

Works that do not allow for mistakes are completed by people who cannot make mistakes. Bernini's works have always been dynamic, with flowing clothes and hair. Michelangelo's David stands like a pillar, but the "inside" of his body The blood is flowing, and those blood vessels are carefully sculpted.

"That's not my masterpiece." Georgiana said words that others could not understand to the invisible person.

"What about the book about souls?" Dumbledore asked.

She sighed.

"Are you giving me an excuse to stay?"

"Don't give up so quickly," Dumbledore said.

"Laocoon tried to remind everyone not to let the Trojan horse in. He tried his best. He could leave Troy like Aeneas instead of taking his own child and being bitten by a snake with him."

"Theodora." Dumbledore said softly. "She told Justinian..."

"I know what she said."

"You are too emotional right now." Dumbledore said. "Calm down."

"I'm not Harry, you can't control me." She said coldly, "You've lived enough Albus, why would you let someone who loves life die?"

"It's immoral to let someone fall in love with you, pretend to be in love with someone else, and then dump them," Dumbledore said.

She looked at him in disbelief.

"Janus was once a young god. He fell in love with Karna, the woodland nymph. Although, as I just said, she makes others fall in love with you, pretends to be in love with others, and then dumps them. Yes." Dumbledore said.

She was trembling and speechless.

"Her tricks are useful for others, but they can't be used against Janus. Even if he turns around, he can still monitor her and not give her a chance to escape, because he has two faces." Dumbledore "He was different, and Karna didn't find it objectionable. Socrates was a wise man, but I guess if anyone had said to Janus, 'She gave you freedom,' he would have cursed 'Fuck Socrates.' The price of being able to go anywhere is to go nowhere, because love is serious."

"I also have a famous saying to tell you." She gritted her teeth and said, "If kindness is not respected, the best way to resolve interpersonal relationships is to fall out!"

"Do you think you are kind?" Dumbledore sneered. "There are also kind witches, but are you a witch or a half-Veela?"

Her mind buzzed.

"What makes you think you are not the same kind?" Dumbledore asked.

"Has your tongue been blessed or kissed by the devil?" she said subconsciously.

"Didn't I tell you a secret?" He smiled and said, "You seem to be troubled by a problem."

She was terribly uncomfortable.

"Don't be too emotional. It's good to remember the face behind you when you use that key. No power can be abused." Dumbledore said.

"You solved a problem for me." She said painfully, "But I don't want to..."

But when she looked up again, Dumbledore was no longer there.

The carriage stopped, the door was opened again, and Caroline and Denon were also awake at this moment.

"Are you here?" Caroline asked without noticing, as if she had really fallen asleep just now.

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