Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 3349 Athena wearing a helmet (Part 2)

In the novel "The Godfather", there are many wonderful plots that are not described in detail in the movie.

For example, "hero" does not mean "mafia" in Sicilian dialect, but expresses great beauty in its own unique way, such as a handsome face, a tall tree, and a handsome woman. On the contrary, "police" is the worst curse word for Sicilian people.

Mike Corleone, who grew up in the United States, did not understand. It was not until he returned to Sicily and came to the land where his father spent his childhood that he gradually understood why people like his father would choose to become members of the underground society. Ministers of peace, not ordinary members of a legitimate society.

The province where the town of Corleone is located is located in the interior of Sicily. He lived in the house of his single uncle as a guest. His public identity was that of a housekeeper, managing a large estate for a prominent Sicilian family. Very few outsiders settled in Sicily, and even originally People living in Corleone Town have also left, but whether they go to the United States or Brazil, it takes a certain amount of courage. Many people would rather live on the mainland.

This uncle ensured that the poor would not seize uncultivated land and refused the Roman government to build dams there. His way of making money was to sell water to residents from the artesian wells he controlled. The dam would destroy his business.

The height of the stone walls in Sicily is no more than three feet, so even if the shepherd bodyguards are carrying wolf hunting rifles, they will not use the stone walls as an ambush point for assassination. Unfortunately, it was of little use. The police officer's solution was to arrest all men suspected of being a mafia and then deport them to a slave colony island.

Judging from the content of the book, Sicily has achieved a "high degree of autonomy". This tradition still exists in the United States. Corleone has concluded practical peace agreements with various organizations in the underground world. The author believes that it is like the U.S. Constitution , fully respecting the internal authority of each member in each state and city. Georgiana felt that these peace agreements were more like treaties between the Hittite Kingdom and various kingdoms, because the Hittites were surrounded by surrounding countries, and even those dependent countries still had the possibility of rebellion. The reason why Mike fled to Sicily was because he shot and killed members of another family. They wanted to bring a "new order" to the underground world, abide by the rules of supply and demand in the market, and provide the "goods" that customers wanted, not just what they wanted. Lyon refused to cater to the market like that.

There is an image at the beginning of the film, a hand holding something like a marionette controlling "father" instead of "god". Assuming that the market supply and demand relationship is an "invisible hand", then whose hand does this control the father belong to?

The problem of the Dalmatian coast has existed since ancient Greek and Roman times. In the 11th century, Venice bought it from King Ladislav I of Hungary for 100,000 Venetian gold coins. The king's attention was in the northeast.

However, the Venetians did not really "tame" this land. It is said that there are many bare mountains and rugged rocks on the Dalmatian coast. This is because the Venetians cut down the wood on these lands and used them to build palaces. foundation".

Without trees, the soil would be easily washed away by rain, and agriculture would not be developed there. In the 18th century, the Holy Roman Emperor granted several Dalmatian cities, including Trieste, free ports. One of them, Rijeka, became a free port during the reign of Maria Theresa. It became part of Hungary and became Hungary's only outlet to the sea. It gained autonomy in 1779, and after passing Rijeka it entered the Dalmatian coast.

In short, the letter did not make Murazhen agree to "turn around". Apart from personal factors, the occupation of Taranto Bay was also related to the Ionian Sea.

When he was gone, only Georgiana and Denon were left, and he looked at her in silence.

"What conditions did Chiconyara use to get him to agree?" Georgiana asked.

"A sculpture," Denon said quietly. "A sculpture of Athena."

"I thought he liked Venus better," said Georgiana with a sneer.

"The Greek Athena holds a shield, and that Athena wears an ancient Roman helmet." Denon said helplessly, "I told him it was Milva, but he said no, it was Athena wearing a helmet. Do you want this sculpture to be returned?”

"I'm going to rest for a while. I'm too tired today. Call me in two hours." Georgiana said.

Denong hesitated to speak.

"I know that time is running out now, so we need a clear mind even more." Georgiana said indifferently, "Following a leader who has lost his clear mind is a terrible disaster."

Denon was silent, saluted her, and then Georgiana went back to her room.

After passing Dalmatia, it was Albania. She lay on the bed and sighed.

After spending enough time in Sicily, Mike understood his father and realized that for a person with a soul, poverty, fear and abjection were too terrible to bear.

Severus, on the other hand, wanted a pure soul. He once questioned Dumbledore loudly, but he still endured everything.

Bearing and being unbearable... It's okay to have Hercules hold the sky up for a short time, but holding it up like Atlas all the time is a punishment.

Titans have endless lifespans, and Atlas longs for Medusa's gaze and turns into a mountain.

On the contrary, human beings pursue immortality.

When she was half asleep, she dreamed of Hogwarts, and the mountain troll who once rode a horned beast and wore a helmet. It was trapped by a student using a dark magic called "Ghoul Boots" , stopped its earth-shattering charge, and the village that was facing destruction by him was saved.

Then she remembered the plot in Homer's epic poem, in which Athena was instigated by Hera and punched Aphrodite in the chest.

Then she thought of the Gray Lady, Ravenclaw's diadem, and the Bloody Balor.

And handsome Tom Riddle in Slytherin robes.

He probably believed in the existence of souls, so he thought of making a Horcrux, even if it meant cutting off his own soul.

Do you ever feel like a puppet, Tom?

What is the difference between being a marionette and being a chess piece in a chess game?

She actually preferred to be like that, lying on the lawn outside the Quidditch pitch, listening to the distant sounds, closing her eyes in the gentle wind.

It's a blessing to be buried in Hogwarts, don't you think, Albus?

I found a good cemetery for you.

I have also changed a lot, because I am no longer ashamed to wear new clothes.


She looked over and saw a little girl looking at her.

She wanted to say, I am not your mother, I am still the little girl lying on the lawn.

But she burst into tears before she opened her mouth.

What's there to cry about?

You can obviously live a happy life, didn't you ask for it?

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