Death is not like waiting for someone. If the person is late or fails to make an appointment, you will probably know the reason.

Presumably only death row inmates and seriously ill patients would know the exact date of death from judges and doctors.

If you actively choose to die, you can at least be mentally prepared, but if you die passively, it is unexpected and difficult to accept, because death is not within our control. It will make many of our life plans go to waste and all our efforts will be in vain.

Archbishop Visconti of Milan had a large estate in Lomellina, south of Milan, but he died without leaving a will.

Ciconiala mentioned that when he met Bonaparte privately in Paris, a man named Smancini signed a petition in the newspaper with 39 other patriots, hoping that the first The government stopped the Austrians' violation of the Treaty of Campo Formio.

After the Battle of Marengo, Smancini returned to Italy and became a member of the Democratic Party. He was once the Chief of Justice and Police of the Republic of Cisalpine, but he pursued radicalism and his attitude towards Catholicism was almost the same as that of France. The inheritance left by Archbishop Sconti was regarded by him as "religious property". Although the confiscation and purchase of religious property were not allowed after 1801, he still partnered with others to purchase this vast land.

Smancini has been excluded from government and executive positions, but he is still a member of the legislative body and has one of the highest vote rates in Upper Canton.

Archbishop Visconti cared for the faithful, calling them the most useful and popular part of human society. Before Napoleon came to Lombardy, the archbishop led the clergy in selling religious items and holding public prayers against the French Revolution.

But Napoleon didn't do anything to him. When the Pavia riot broke out, he asked Archbishop Rosales to go with him. He first distributed leaflets and then enlightened the peasants. However, the Pavia people did not trust him. They trusted Archbishop Rosales more. The Reverend Archbishop Visconti.

Unfortunately, the seventy-year-old Archbishop Rosales died during this action. Then Bishop Visconti issued a pastoral letter asking the people of Milan to be loyal to France and pray publicly in all churches. Then he began to engage in education. .

The "religious representative" Gabrio who came today is the elder of Milan Cathedral. Not only because he can speak French, but his outstanding performance allowed the archbishop to take him to Lyon. When the Jacobins were in power, he coordinated the conflicts between the Jacobins and the church, showing balance and prudence. In 1797, when the archbishop refused to deliver a speech "for the cause of liberty", he was besieged by Milanese Republicans. It happened that Napoleon signed the Treaty of Rioben, and Gabrio persuaded the archbishop to attend the banquet.

Although the banquet was unsuccessful, as the archbishop refused to celebrate Mass in front of the Statue of Liberty, at least there was no public vilification.

When the Austrian and Russian coalition forces invaded Milan, it was Gabrio who was taking care of the wounded who had to be abandoned by the French. He seemed to have known that Bonaparte would not give up everything in Italy so easily.

After the Battle of Marengo, Talleyrand invited Bishop Visconti to serve as archbishop, but he did not attend on the grounds that he had taken refuge in Padua. After the Agreement of Luneville, he extended a helping hand to the Western Chalpin Republic. When Talleyrand invited Archbishop Visconti to attend the founding ceremony of the Siberian Alpine Republic, another bishop-minister had already hinted at Talleyrand, Archbishop Visconti. Already wishing for a cardinal’s robes.

Machiavelli once said that the main foundation of all countries, whether they are new countries, old countries or mixed countries, is good laws and excellent armies.

After facing the siege of the Spanish and Papal States armies, the Republic of Florence was defeated and destroyed. The Medici family returned to Florence.

Law must require violence, but at the same time violence also needs to be restrained. Montesquieu mentioned the need to legislate for legislators in "The Legislator".

In the myth, Heracles came to a neighboring country. The king valued this strong young man very much, so he ordered his 50 daughters to serve him. It is said that he slept with 49 of them "that night".

Assume that there are 8 hours a night, and each of the 49 daughters is divided into less than 10 minutes on average...

Later, Hercules went crazy and killed his children, so he decided to go into self-exile, and this was how the famous Twelve Trials came about.

Montesquieu believed that the law should be based on the national spirit of a nation, with customs, rules, and practices as its two wings. In some places, there is polygamy, so the law must obey the customs. Is polygamy legal?

The apostle Paul inherited the teaching of monogamy and did not allow divorce. Don't people buy big diamond rings just for "eternal love"?

Montesquieu also said that legislators have limitations, and Georgiana's limitations as a half-blood Veela are here.

Of course, she's not a legislator, she's just a fool.

It's just that there are a lot of poisonous plants in the garden, and as a fool, she doesn't recognize them, adds them to the teapot, and when he dies, she will cry at the funeral.

Who would suspect such a pussy? She didn't even know that her husband had another woman outside, and she cried so sadly after he died.

Oh, when it comes to dividing property, the illegitimate children will not be able to get a single word of it. For people who are looking for fun, they would rather strangle it and throw it away to save them trouble. Little Tom Riddle is also an illegitimate child, but the relationship between old Tom Riddle and Merope is not even about having fun, and of course there is no hope of getting the old Riddle's recognition, even if little Tom looks exactly like him.

The Civil Code stipulates that a father can recognize an illegitimate child, and this legalization is only secular.

From the beginning, canon law clearly distinguished illegitimate children from legitimate children, but did the pope also have illegitimate children? The earliest fiefdom owner of the Principality of Parma was the illegitimate son of Paul III. After the 12th century, church law only dealt with the legality of marriage, and the subsequent legality of heirs became a negotiable and ambiguous state.

"Ready?" Julian asked the "actress" like an agent if she was ready.

Georgiana nodded, and then he opened the door.

There was a priest standing by the window of the room. He was wearing a little white hat and looking at the Grand Theater opposite with his hands behind his back.

Soon he noticed someone was coming, so he turned his head. His eyes reminded her of the bishop she had met once in Venice.

He said that when he was a child he visited the Mithraic altar, which was underground and dark inside. In the darkness, he seemed to see several Roman soldiers. They did not want to die, and it was not easy to survive until they were discharged.

Rebirth was a fundamental idea of ​​Mithras, so they sacrificed oxen.

Just when he was scared, a light group appeared and took him away from that place.

In fact, if you think about it, Napoleon also put on a good show before the Battle of Marengo. He reviewed a group of old, weak, sick and disabled in Dijon and deceived all the spies in Europe.


Georgiana burst into tears, shocking Julian.

"You have to make the decision for me. People outside are spreading rumors that I am a witch."

The scene was very silent for a while, and Georgiana could only cry and talk.

"It was obviously an avalanche, but they insisted on saying that it was me. How could a weak woman like me be so capable?"

"You want to confess?" Gabrio took a long time to find the ability to speak.

"I didn't make a mistake, what do I have to repent for?" Georgiana wanted to wipe her tears with a handkerchief, but realized she didn't have one, so she stared at Julian.

Silently he took his handkerchief out of his coat pocket, and Georgiana took it and wiped it with it.

"You have to help me," Georgiana said as she wiped her tears.

"This is your true intention, Mrs. Sèvres." Gabrio said with a smile through gritted teeth.

Where did we end up? The drama has just begun, how could the trump card be revealed so quickly?

But she was only responsible for crying, so Julian had to ask them to sit down and chat, and then ran away quickly, as if this was a cave with monsters living in it.

Gabrio looked at her speechlessly, like she was a thorny problem.

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