Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 3313 Shadow of the Mountain (8)

"You shouldn't have let those Madhus do that."

The moment Georgiana stepped out of the castle, Rabastan Lestrange appeared.

"What shouldn't I do?"

"The goblin told me that if the avalanche is caused by nature and has nothing to do with you, the tunnel and the things inside have nothing to do with us." Lestrange said.

Georgiana wanted to say that those were external possessions, so forget it.

However, Lestrange looked very dissatisfied, as if it was not just about the ownership of the treasures.

Pomona did not participate in that war, but many wizards who followed Grindelwald thought they could rule the world.

They want too much, just like many people who want to join the war. They want honor, status and the same treatment as other senior officers, but they forget that they may be hit by the first bullet and lose their lives.

There are also many people who don’t want to join the army, not only because they are reluctant to leave their relatives, but also because they are afraid of death. How can there be no death in a war?

"If they have doubts, deal with it like the goblin rebellion in England." Georgiana said calmly. "Do you understand what I mean?"

The expression on Lestrange's face became slightly calmer, but he was still angry.

Kindness will be seen as weakness.

She hoped that the goblins would give up the treasure after hearing the warning. They could have lived well without knowing the tunnel.

Just then, a carriage drove in and stopped in front of her and Lestrange.

Then Katharina opened the car door and walked out. Behind her were two Italians, one wearing a tuxedo and the other a general.

"Why are you back?" Georgiana looked at the two people in the car and asked Katharina.

"I brought Vice President Melchi and General Tellier." Katharina said lightly, "They just have something to talk to you about."

"Do as I just said," Georgiana said to Lestrange, then looked at Katherina. "I knew you wouldn't leave me."

"Maybe one day I want to be the president's wife, and I will bother you then." Katharina said jokingly.

Georgiana smiled slightly and looked at Melchi and the Commander of North Italy who came out of the carriage.

"I'm sorry to see you at the gendarme's place," Georgiana said to the two.

"No, this is a nice place," Melch said. "It's quiet."

She took the three of them back to the office, asked Margaret to prepare coffee, and then sat on the side of the desk.

"Tell me, or do you want to chat?" Georgiana said, looking at the two standing people.

General Tellier took a letter out of his coat pocket and placed it in front of Georgiana.

She knew without looking that it was from Napoleon.

"What did he ask you to do?" Georgiana looked at Trier and asked.

"His Excellency the President asked us to rectify our defense and investigate how we allowed the gangsters to bypass the business road." General Tellier said solemnly, "After the Turin Fortress incident, General Murat asked us to concentrate our forces. Don't stay in the 'little fortress' any longer."

Georgiana looked at Melchi, who smiled awkwardly.

"Please write the report truthfully." Georgiana said helplessly.

General Tellier saluted her, turned and left, leaving Georgiana and Melchi alone.

At this time, Margaret made the coffee and placed it in front of them.

They were silent like people on a first date.

"You also want to complain to Mullah?" Georgiana asked.

"I don't think General Murat is our biggest problem, ma'am," Melch said humbly.

"what is that?"

"The fate of France and Italy. After Piedmont is annexed, will it be our turn next?" Melchi asked.

"I can't give you a definite answer. I'm not good at comforting people." Georgiana took a sip of coffee and then said, "Your land combined is not as big as Louisiana."

"There is no content in the French constitution about annexing other countries' territory." Melchi said seriously.

"Tell me, what do you understand about the Constitution and liberty?" asked Georgiana.

Melchi cautiously did not speak.

This was the speech she had prepared long ago, although she was speaking to Melchi alone now.

"I think you should have heard of King Henry VIII of England. He compared himself to the head of the country." Georgiana said, "The country is the body. In English and French, the constitution is constitution. This word comes from the Latin constitutio. , meaning human body composition, I remember there was a sculpture of Saint Bartholomew in Milan Cathedral.”

"Have you been to Milan?" Melchi asked.

"No, I've never been here once." Georgiana smiled. "But I have been to Venice and saw the Anatomical Theater in Padua. To be honest, I thought it was quite scary."

"I see what you mean," Melch said. "We must obey the command of the mind just as the body obeys."

Georgiana shook her head.

"It is order, Mr. Vice President, it is the order brought by the Constitution and the common values ​​​​that achieve overall action. The constitutional order is based on social consensus. A unified and stable constitutional order is the basic condition for the effective protection of citizens' rights. I am here to travel. , of course I hope to see a peaceful and orderly Milan, but for the sake of peace and order, it violates the values ​​​​that people follow. For example, the freedom and equality that the French say are replaced by absolutism, and the constitutional order is gone. In Lyon When the People's Republic of China was founded, the First Consul said that if you were allowed to draft your own constitution, debates and riots would never be avoided, so he gave you a Constitution. Now if some people are unwilling to accept this 'gift', then go back to the time when the People's Republic of China was founded. The question is, if you formulate your own constitution, it will definitely cause controversy and riots, who will stop this?"


"No, it's the military police!" Georgiana interrupted Melchi. "Does Shannan Republic have military police now?"

Melchi wiped the sweat from his brow.

"You have two choices now, either you set up your own gendarme and protect the constitution you got from Napoleon. Rousseau once wrote in Letters from the Mountain that freedom is not about doing what a person wants, but about not doing it. What others force him to do is just like you rejecting the President's two planning projects in Milan." Georgiana stood up, "Everyone wants to do what he likes, but if what he does makes others unhappy, This is not a state of freedom. Unlimited freedom will bring destruction. The Constitution protects the limits of freedom, but it will not protect people who lie about a fire in a theater."

"What's another option?" Melchi asked breathlessly.

There was a knock at the door.

"Come in," said Georgiana.

Du Bois walked in with his limp, and Melch looked at him.

"If you don't know how to establish a military police, you can ask him." Georgiana sat down again. "If the other party wants to amend the constitution, and you also have intentions in this regard, you can sit down and talk. The premise is that the other party must stop distributing leaflets and causing panic. , destroying the constitutional order."

"I think we don't have that much time." Melchi looked at Georgiana. "General Mulla plans to send General Leckie to arrest Captain Ceroni."

"Lecky is one of your people?" Georgiana looked at Du Bois.

Du Bois shook his head.

"You are really stable." Georgiana stood up again, picked up the sword inlaid with the Prince Regent's diamond, and took away the pink box containing Bonaparte's clothes.

Du Bois suddenly smiled.

"What's so funny?" she glared at Du Bois.

He said nothing, and respectfully asked Georgiana to go ahead.

Before leaving, she called Augereau, although she wished very much that he would not be needed.

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