Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 328 Unforgettable

Although some time has passed since the Indonesian tsunami that occurred on December 26, 2004, Muggle TV stations are still broadcasting news.

On January 5, 2005, which was the first day of work for the Ministry of Magic, all EU countries held a 3-minute silence for the victims of the tsunami. As of now, 200,000 people have died, and the US flag was flown at half-mast for a week.

The most direct reason why Europeans took such an active part in disaster relief is that the number of foreigners killed was European. When the tsunami occurred, tens of thousands of European tourists who were on vacation, together with the locals, experienced "the most tragic and destructive natural disaster in human memory" for a century. In addition, the overwhelming coverage of the European media has also aroused general public sympathy for the affected countries. With the same cruelty, this tsunami caused the rich western countries and the poor Asian countries to suffer the same disaster. Some European media also issued an appeal that "everyone is Asian". The British Muggle Prime Minister even asked the Ministry of Magic to provide help.

Pomona wondered whether the cultural exchange would be particularly luxurious under such circumstances, so they didn't look at those gorgeous dresses. There are many high-end stores in Harrods, just like Mrs. Malkin's robe shop, after selecting a style, it can be customized according to the customer's size. Pomona chose a clothing store, but she gave up looking for a clothing store that sells oriental elements, and turned over and over again, they were all cheongsams. She plans to use western styles for clothes, and oriental patterns for patterns, which have something in common with the West—plants, and Chinese people also like to use herbs to treat diseases.

The oriental beauty drawn on the promotional poster is wearing a long dress with flower patterns, and she plans to use magic to transform those patterns into it.

"Oh, my God, what a disaster." Mrs. Malfoy was shocked when she saw the scene of the disaster on the news. Ron and Astonia were also shocked. There was almost no news about the disaster in the wizarding world. Well, the Leaky Cauldron is an important passage from the wizarding world to the Muggle world, and now that it's been destroyed, it's even harder for news from the Muggle world to come in.

Ron's goofy look made passing Muggle girls laugh at him, and it took all of Pomona's strength not to turn their high heels into two rabbits.

It is very pleasant to go shopping on weekdays, but she thinks that some people should put some books in their minds, don't just think about clothes and hairstyles, the merchants like them very much, the clerk pulled the price tag, took the Clothes that make them look beautiful in the past, flattery can sell for several times more than its original price, especially for blondes, Astonia is treated as one of those "cute little fools" up.

"Lucius bought a new wand?"

Pomona asked Narcissa Malfoy during the fitting.

"To be precise, it is not a new wand, but inherited from Abraxas. Ollivander was imprisoned in Malfoy Manor for a while." Narcissa said softly, "I heard about the accident with the elm wand , made the least stupid mistakes, but Lucius was stupid again, right?"

Elm wands like masters who are personable, magically gifted, and born noble, capable of performing very advanced magic in the right hands, thus making this wand popular among those who espouse the ideal of pure blood. quite popular among them.

The Malfoys are half-bloods pretending to be pure-bloods. There have also been dark wizards in history who regarded Muggles as ants, but they couldn't turn a blind eye to real death. Lucius has never carried out a killing mission. Draco is not a person who can kill at all. They are the kind of useless bullies who look fierce, especially Master Malfoy. He usually speaks with a barbed attitude and is tough and arrogant. Under certain conditions and around people, she will become very considerate. This kind of proud and pampered character is caused by the old mother in front of Pomona.

"It's all right." Pomona said annoyedly, "whether he has Lily in his heart or not, he will sleep in my bed at night, as long as he doesn't fool around with other women in the future."

Narcissa obviously thought of old Malfoy's history of cheating, and her face was immediately filled with disgust as if she had eaten a fly.

You almost ruined my wedding night and I ruined your marriage.

Pomona smiled happily, looking at herself in the mirror in the silver-white dress, which was like a blank piece of paper that could be drawn on at will.

At this moment, a song rang on the radio in the mall.

I see trees of green, red roses too

I see them bloom for me and you

and I think to myself what a wonderful world. I said to myself: what a wonderful world!

I see skies of blue and clouds of white

the bright blessed day, the dark sacred night

and I think to myself what a wonderful world. I said to myself: what a wonderful world!

the colors of the rainbow so pretty in thesky

are also on the faces of people going by

I see friends shaking hands saying how do you do

they're really saying I love you.

I hear babies cry, I watch them grow

they'll learn much more than I'll never know

and I think to myself what a wonderful world

yes I think to myself what a wonderful world. So, I said to myself: what a wonderful world!

The voice of the singing man was hoarse, but his singing voice was full of joy and hope, which made this heavy Friday a lot lighter.

"Fleur is cleaning the old house of the Black family." Pomona looked at Narcissa Malfoy and said, "I've already bought all the things I want to buy, and I want to go back to do housework, what do you think?"

"I'm fine." Narcissa was wearing a long black sequined dress, not like a cocktail dress, but more like an evening dress. She was well maintained, her figure was still slim, and she looked very beautiful. "The three little ones What should I do?"

Pomona looked at Ron who looked panicked outside the fitting room. Astonia, who obviously had an angelic face, was smiling like holding a devil's fork, and Hermione Granger, who was showing embarrassment. , she felt that peers should be easier to get along with.

"They can have fun on their own, we do what we have to do." Pomona stepped down from the red blanket and went back to the fitting room to change. I'm about to move, can you help find a place to resettle?"

"We still have a few empty castles."

"Is there any in Norway?" Pomona asked. "I heard Draco say that he always wanted to study in Durmstrang."

"Going so far all of a sudden, I think they will be very uncomfortable." Narcissa pursed her lips, "Just settle in an English castle."

"Does the Black family have a family cemetery?" Pomona thought of the Lestrange family's cemetery in Paris, France. The family cemetery is not open to the public. After all, every family has enemies, and some families have enemies. According to the custom of burial with the wand, the Dark Lord dug up the tomb of the White Wizard and took out the Elder Wand. Some secrets were brought into the grave and should not be dug out.

However, the tomb of the Lestrange family was used by Grindelwald as the site of his speech. Even if all members of the family died, the concealment spell and dispelling spell would not disappear. How did he do it?

"Of course." Narcissa said coldly, "but since they have become portraits and want to be with living people, they are with living people. I don't want to put them in the cemetery."

"Okay, I'll listen to you." Pomona said perfunctorily, "I forgot to tell you one thing, Severus removed your sister from the Black family."

Narcissa didn't speak for a long time.

"If my father was still alive, he would do the same," Narcissa said softly. "She would not be Black."

But her blood was still Black's.

Pomona looked at herself in the mirror. She didn't have any scars on her body, including her private parts, unlike Harry Potter, who had a lightning-shaped scar on her head.

She still didn't believe that Harry's scar was left by black magic. She preferred to believe that Lily used all her strength to leave the mark of the contract on Harry's forehead in order to protect him.

Muggles often say that wizards often make deals with the devil. Could it be that she signed a contract with some kind of ancient demon god, sacrificing her life to protect Harry?

If so, who taught her?

The curse of reappearing from the bones, morsmordere means mother killer in Norwegian, Harry Potter's current reputation is all bought by his mother's life, if he is complacent about it, then he is a man with a hairy heart witch.

Harry had a warm heart, like his mother in that way, not like Pomona herself, who was cold and hard and turning into a gnawing rock cake.

The little bit of motherly love she had was spent on young Severus, she faked the crime scene for him, just like Mrs. Crouch disguised as Barty Crouch Jr. to go to Azkaban . She had made it look like Tobias Snape was missing, and she couldn't let that Muggle ruin the life of Severus Springs, the potions genius, even though that Muggle was Severus' father.

"Look at what you've done," Pomona whispered to herself in the mirror, with red marks all over her body that looked like some kind of rash.

This was undoubtedly a sin, and no matter how much Narcissa loved Draco, she would never sleep with him. They were not related by blood, but the essence of that relationship was the same as that of a mother caring for a child. She filled Erin's lack of attention for him.

History's most accomplished potions expert, Zigmuntbach's mother didn't take much care of him and called him Mushroomface, which was a terrible mother, too. But Zygmuntbach was very successful, although he ended up with an eccentric personality, living in a deserted place with mice and sheep.

If Pomona hadn't dragged Old Bat out of the cellar to show him the light of day, onto the Quidditch pitch, he might have turned into some weird dark creature.

Siegmund thought that the funniest thing he had ever seen happened when he was in Hogwarts. His opponent poured the love potion on himself, and he became infatuated with the Potions teacher at the time. He thought it was So ridiculous that he thinks about it every time he needs a laughing potion.

Severus hoped she wouldn't hide herself, which wasn't the same way Grindelwald taught pure-blood wizards that wizards rule Muggles.

No matter how much he achieved in the future, in Pomona's heart he would always be the potions master, and she would be the stupid student who spilled the love potion on herself.

"You're such a fool, Hufflepuff." She shook her head with a smirk, and put her clothes back on to cover the spots.

Poisonous mushrooms will not change their spots, some people are so hard to change their nature.

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