Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 3274 The unpredictable light (5)

The Florida Strait Current is the most powerful warm current in the world. The Gulf of Mexico's warm current starts here and sweeps the entire Atlantic Ocean with warmth. It carries more than 100 times the heat emitted by all the rivers on the earth.

The north and south equatorial ocean currents continuously enter the Gulf of Mexico from the Caribbean Sea, forming a clockwise ocean current flowing out of the Florida Strait. A huge flow suddenly pours into the Strait, especially after it combines with the Antilles Warm Current from the southeast, the force becomes even stronger. .

This is what is written in the textbook. Pomona does not teach geography, so she can only remember so much. Before coming to this world, she did not even know where Nassau was.

Napoleon had a teacher who was once a light cavalryman in Nassau, and later became an instructor at the Bridge Engineering College in Nassau, located in the Rhineland, Germany.

Nassau in the Bahamas has been a gathering place for pirates since the discovery of the New World. Some of the pirates are outsiders and some are farmers living in Nassau. They rob ships or lure ships to follow them around the rocks until the ship unfortunately hits the rocks. Later, they went to rob the wrecked ship. Spain and France once regularly sent their fleets to attack and flatten Nassau. However, people who ignored the rule of law would come back after Nassau was completely destroyed and rebuild the port city again.

In 1718, Britain declared the Bahamas a direct colony and appointed Roger Wood, a former plunderer, as governor. Then the governor drove all the pirates out of Nassau, reestablished the law, reestablished social order, and A new fort was built.

During the American Revolution, the British who opposed American independence moved to Nassau. Georgiana felt that it was difficult for the French to get this place, but it was easier to be "seduced".

There was basically no need to unpack the luggage they brought back last time, because this time they were going to the Mediterranean, where the climate was very warm, so there was no need to bring heavy clothing suitable for Belgium.

But she still took away two pairs of men's clothes, which she thought might be of use.

By the time she packed her luggage, the sun had already set, and she looked back at the small house where she had lived for a while.

In fact, she still had a lot of things to do. She left Matilda and Leila in Paris to take care of herself. One of them was in charge of Bagadir and the other was in charge of Vulcan. Although Leila was young, she Much smarter than Margaret. Margaret seemed content to be her maid, without much ambition.

However, she was still swept away by a "torrent" and left the Botanical Garden and returned to the Seine River Authority again.

When she came back, there were guests. It was Ma Qi who had been waiting here for a long time. In addition, he also brought a girl.

This girl was very ordinary, with flaxen hair in braids, no outstanding facial features, and a frightened expression. However, her father had saved Georgiana's life in Rouen, and she was his last flesh and blood.

"You are short of manpower here, take her with you." Then Ma Qi handed the girl named Mary to Georgiana.

As Napoleon's adjutant, Mazzi was now responsible for the work of the Cadastral Bureau and the establishment of the Communications Office. He found an office closest to the Tuileries as his own office, and then took out a set of equipment. By the window.

"What is this for?" asked Georgiana.

"Experiment," Mazzi said, then lit the candle and placed it behind the Fresnel lens.

After a while, there was light coming from the direction of the Tuileries Palace. Maybe the light was not strong enough or the distance was a bit far, so it looked a bit blurry.

So Ma Qi took out the telescope. He took out a piece of paper and spread it on the table. He held the telescope in one hand and recorded on the paper with the other hand.

"Did you help him like this at school?" Georgiana asked.

"No, I'm not familiar with him," Mazie said, writing a letter on the paper.

How long does it take to send a letter?

Georgiana felt that they should improve, so she found a chair and sat down, thinking about what else had not been done.

"When he was in school, he always washed his own clothes," Mazie said. "We all paid the washerwomen to do it for us."

"To save money?" said Georgiana.

"People outside wash clothes as well as washing them themselves, and if they have important things in their pockets, they won't return them," Mazie said.

She couldn't imagine it.

"Will you wash him?" Ma Qi asked.

She prefers to throw clothes in the washing machine unless they have to be washed by hand.

"Which of your girlfriends does your laundry?" Georgiana asked.

"He told me that victory is achieved through perseverance," Mazie said.

Georgiana found it unbelievable.

"If he just wants to find a girlfriend to do his laundry, he can find a simpler way." She said coldly.

"Don't forget to write to him," Mazie said, "and don't forget to think of him."

"I should give you a pair of wings, Cupid," Georgiana said sarcastically.

"The boy named Fresnel, he refused to join the army." Mazie said. "He also told us that he did not want us to use his technology in the war."

Georgiana was silent.

The equation used to make nuclear bombs was actually originally created for time travel.

She still couldn't think of a way to stop Grindelwald, except by killing him, but who could assassinate a dark wizard as powerful as him?

"I'm going to create a flood defense project under Paris, and you..."

"Shh." Mazie signaled Georgiana to be silent.

She waited impatiently, and after a while Ma Qi handed over the note.

P a r a d i s

This is French paradise.

She originally expected a more disgusting message.

"What do you want in return for him?" Ma Qi asked.

With such efficiency, she felt it was impossible to deliver a message that was too long.

But she still wrote a string of characters.

After writing it, Ma Qi took it and read it.

"Arcadia?" Mazzie muttered.

"Utopia," said Georgiana. "And it's also where Hermes was born."

"Because he is responsible for delivering messages?" Ma Qi asked.

"What would you like to drink?" Georgiana asked the Messenger.

"Coffee will do," Mazie said.

"Drinking coffee so late?" Georgiana asked.

"Do an experiment." Ma Qi said seriously.

So Georgiana ignored him and asked the people from the Administration to prepare coffee for him, while she went to see the new maid.

When she returned to the suite, Bertin was looking at Mary as if he were looking at an uncarved stone.

Even the Regent's Diamond is inconspicuous when it is first dug out. It needs to be polished and designed to become a work of art.

Georgiana no longer cared about that. She returned to the study and found the letter that had not been completely destroyed in the luggage she had just packed.

It was partially scorched by the fire, and looked like a note spit out from the Goblet of Fire.

Now her letter paper has gone through encryption and various special processes, and it is almost the same as banknotes.

But her letter should be the same as Marie Antoinette, which can be exchanged for a necklace of 5 million francs.

She put the letter back in the drawer, took out the book with the letter number, and showed it to Ma Qi.

This is not a missed question, it is just a reminder that in addition to letters, there are numbers, so they should not forget it.

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