Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 3270 The unpredictable light (1)

Georgiana had fantasized about building a railway to Spain and Portugal, but she forgot one thing.

The bridge from the Botanical Garden to the Bastille was built voluntarily by the people. They were extremely enthusiastic when they demolished the Bastille, and they were equally reckless when using those stones to build a bridge for people to trample on.

Leoncourt served as a senior official in the Seine department, and he built whatever Bonaparte asked him to build. In addition to Via Rivoli, concurrent projects include Via Castiglione, the Auditorium and the Wine Market.

Among them, the wine trading market suffered fire and floods in 1802. In addition to wine trading, it also served as a strategic reserve granary. She asked Leoncour to stop the renovation project of Castiglione Street that had not yet started, and moved Gref Square to All the sand was put into pockets and used as sandbags for flood control.

There are many residents on that street, and it will definitely cost a lot of money to move them. The flood of 1801 almost flooded the Elysée Palace. If they had lived in the Tuileries, they would have been flooded, but they were living in the greenhouse of the Grand Trianon and were unaware of it.

It is definitely safe to build a breakwater, but if it is built, it will destroy the scenery of the island. Then tourists will no longer come. How can the tourism industry develop?

The best way is to expand coral reefs and let them act as breakwaters. However, human activities will affect the formation of coral reefs. It takes tens of millions of years to form and only a hundred years to destroy them.

This kind of temporary flood defense wall made of sandbags is in line with people's aesthetics. If it is demolished after the flood, it will not damage the scenery of the Seine. However, every time it has to wait for the peak of the flood to come, it requires an early warning mechanism and a dedicated person to take charge of the command.

Of course, the Tuileries Palace and the Louvre must be protected first, followed by the Quai d'Orsay. How can we direct the flood control when the base camp is flooded?

This place is now divided into two halves. The west side belongs to the Anti-Smuggling Bureau, and the east side belongs to the Seine River Management Bureau. When it was originally built, I did not expect to accommodate so many people. Originally, it was only responsible for the canal project.

In the future, a communications department will be added here. It is expected that there will be more than 100 people. Seventy offices are simply not enough space. Georgiana has to donate her room and continue to live in the botanical garden.

But when she made this suggestion, no one agreed and they were busy trying to persuade her to stay. Some people were even willing to rent an office outside or share an office with others.

“The space is squeezed into space.” said an accountant, who was responsible for counting the confiscated smuggled goods and making a book.

Dubois was famous for being ruthless when he was the director of the Anti-Smuggling Bureau, but smugglers were almost like pirates, and people nowadays have no concept of criminal law. From 1731 to 1771, 162 smugglers were convicted in Valencia. were sentenced to death, and 65 of them were sentenced to rotation.

Dubois, unlike Fouché, had been a priest, and Fouché often entertained guests in his office and salon, albeit in dirty linen shirts. DuBois didn't do anything "civilized", he just gave gifts.

After the Revolution, many tortures were banned due to the Declaration of the Rights of Man. However, during the Directory era, it had abandoned its past commitments when it re-taxed consumer behavior. The executive government also restored tariffs on salt and tariffs on tax collectors' city walls. It was also restored in 1798.

If it was just hydrological monitoring, Bonaparte would not draw the map himself. There are so many academicians of the French Academy and the School of Bridge Engineering.

Every hydrological station needs a stationmaster. There are so many officers in Les Invalides. Although they are disabled, their discipline and loyalty are enough. If they don't understand engineering, they can find someone who knows how to do it. Just like Du Bois, he If you don’t understand the law, just hire a lawyer to handle the smuggling court matters. Anyway, so many students graduate every year.

Le Brun had worked with Maupp before, reforming the High Court. It is a lot of common sense to use a lawyer to defend yourself, but after using the principles of natural justice, people do not necessarily need a lawyer to defend themselves. They can defend themselves.

Another reason is that under the principle of natural justice, the defendant can cross-examine witnesses. It cannot be like a witch trial where the defendant does not know who has accused him.

Pomona had made a joke with Severus in Venice by putting the letter containing his whereabouts into the box that had been used to inform the Council of Ten.

For them at that time, it was already part of history. But Bernadotte was recalled from the front line because of a secret letter. The content of the secret letter was originally a secret, but it is no longer a secret. Many people are tired of the revolution for many years. Barras plans to become the Grand Duke himself and bring Louis to justice. When the eighteenth came back, Bernadotte had the same idea. This potential royalist member went to Rennes, where royalists were everywhere...

The steel imported from the UK is mainly used in arcades and other buildings where people will walk underneath. No matter how poor the quality is, it will not even prevent rain.

In addition to government orders, private individuals will also raise funds to build arcades. The Paris Hall is built with steel imported from Britain. It was originally going to be expanded until Georgiana was kicked out of the Tuileries.

This time she had to go, even if Bonaparte roared like a lion, there were still people whose faces remained unchanged.

No one knows when she will come back. Maybe she will stay in Italy forever. So she'd better take care of everything before she leaves. She can't leave her post without permission and go back to Paris like Murat, even if she has no position at all.

Mantua Fortress is surrounded by water on three sides and touches the land on one side, which is very suitable for fighting more with less. What's more, when it came to the second relief of Mantua, there were 23,000 Austrians in the fortress, and Napoleon had very little strategic room for maneuver.

Before that map of the Cotton Belt, "strategic room for maneuver" was the same. Today's cotton textile merchants want Cotton Belt planters to measure their land and estimate how much cotton they can produce each year.

Edgeworth brought a lot of benefits to Ireland in the name of her guardian. Linen was not a fabric restricted by the Woolen Act, but Europe produced linen, and European countries did not need Ireland's "high-grade linen" that much.

But Edgeworth provided new textile machine technology, or blueprints that were better than the machines sold in Britain. French weavers had bought British machines before, but the results were not good.

Edgeworth would have faced death threats beforehand, and in fact he did receive one on his way home from his wedding.

When cotton production cannot be increased, blind expansion will face shortages of raw materials. For a period of time, cotton was bought before it could be cleared at the port.

However, American planters would not easily agree to survey their land, even with the threat of bank loans.

According to France's 1793 Declaration of the Rights of Man, ownership is the right to enjoy and dispose at will of one's own property, one's own earnings, the fruits of one's own labor and diligence.

Article 544 of the Civil Code says: “Ownership is the right to enjoy and control an object in the most absolute manner, but the object shall not be used in a manner prohibited by laws and regulations.”

Both definitions can be traced back to Roman law definitions: they both recognize that everyone has an absolute right to an object; as for the restrictions added by the Code - but not to use the object prohibited by laws and regulations - Its purpose is not to limit ownership, but to prevent the dominion rights of one owner from interfering with the dominion rights of another owner.

Fox felt that it was impossible to take back the North American colonies, and Americans did not want to be dominated by the British in any form.

In the face of patriotic enthusiasm, other loves must be placed in a secondary position. Louis XVI was executed for treason.

In the opera written by Gordin, Charlotte, the assassin of Marat, once sang: He is a good man, but a bad king.

Facts have proved that her worries are too unnecessary, and she will always have the power to restrict him.

So, be a victorious general. After all, most people love victory and success. Don’t hang out with losers.

Accept your fate, my lion.

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