Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 3268 niche king (Part 2)

"Will the Seine River rise again this year?" Joseph asked Bougainville.

"The hydrological station has not received any news." Bougainville said, "Don't worry, your warehouse will definitely not be flooded."

While the two were talking, the waiter from the Sharos Mansion had already brought the appetizer soup and placed it in front of everyone at the table.

It was a plate of corn chowder, which is said to have become popular in Paris recently, but most ordinary families serve corn chowder. Paulette's cook added black truffles to it, making an ordinary side dish suddenly look expensive and luxurious.

"Please enjoy the delicious food and enjoy the hard-won good life." Paulette said elegantly.

After her announcement, everyone picked up their spoons and started eating, and Delmid sat in the chair specially designed for him without being taken away by the nanny.

He eats much better than his uncle.

Georgiana looked at Delmid and thought to herself.

Then he picked up the spoon and was about to drink the soup.

"Why don't you pull my son away from Ahil." Paulette suddenly came over and said, her expression completely lost the elegance it had just now.

"What?" Georgiana asked inexplicably.

"You saw him being defeated, why didn't you pull them away," Paulette said.

"He defeated Murat's son together, so I shouldn't have pulled them apart?" Georgiana asked in disbelief.

"How do you become a governess?" said Paulette.

Georgiana suddenly felt her hair standing on end.

Co-author In the eyes of this princess, she is just a tutor?

"Say hello to Caroline for me," Joseph said, "and tell her everything is okay with mom."

Paulette was diverted from the topic and turned to talk to Joseph.

Georgiana was so angry that she could hardly eat anymore. Even if there were truffles in the corn chowder, she not only didn't find it appetizing, but felt nauseous.

Across the river from the 20th-century Mitterrand Library is the Bercy area, which has now been transformed into a park. It is based on the case of New York's Central Park. The French Ministry of Finance building is in the park and can be seen through the windows of the library. arrive.

However, in the 19th century it was a warehouse district and goods distribution center, as well as a wine market. In 1910, there was a major flood in Paris. The Seine River poured into the storage facilities in this area, and many wine barrels were washed into the main river.

Pomona discovered that by looking at the documents in the library. At that time, the weather in Paris was as sunny as last year, and the flood came from upstream.

It was stormy and stormy in Brittany, and turbulent seawater hit the coast. Low pressure crossed the English Channel and brought heavy winter rains to northern France and the Low Countries. The soil was already soaked with water and could no longer absorb floods from elsewhere. .

This resulted in the swollen river overflowing the banks of the Seine and its tributaries in the second week of the New Year. The situation was similar to the winter of 1801. The difference was that the heavy rain should have been greater because Paris already had sewers and drainage systems in 1910.

Dredging the river can't solve this problem, not even building embankments. There is a small village called Troyes about 100 miles away from Paris. It has existed since ancient Roman times. The roaring river burst the embankments, and many villagers were killed. He woke up from his sleep and ran to higher ground throughout the night.

The people of Paris on the lower reaches of the Seine are still living a normal life, paying no attention to the damage to towns and villages. Even if they don't go to the Isle of Grande Jatte for vacation like the people in the painting, they are still debating whether schools should be separated from religion. Come out and have a debate.

If someone thinks carefully, the floods upstream will definitely cause flood peaks. The bridges in Paris also have the function of measuring water levels. There are four sculptures of soldiers at the head of one of the bridges. The speed at which the floods cover their calves and necks tells how high the water has risen. Soon.

At that time, there was an air compressor pump in Paris. Compressed air not only provided postal services, but also served as a power source for clocks in Paris streets and households. Because the compressed air station was flooded by the river, the clock time stopped at 10:53 pm.

She would remember this time because Harry took an adventure with the time turner in his third year. He returned to the hospital wing at 11 o'clock, and 10:53 was exactly seven minutes away from 11 o'clock.

At this time, Paris can enter a state of emergency, but it is not the soldiers who are fighting the floods, but the Paris police.

The author of the book believes that the then police chief Lei Ping was the prototype of Javert in "Les Misérables" written by Victor Hugo. Victor Hugo published Les Misérables in 1862. Lei Ping was not born at that time, but Javert and Lei Ping were not born at that time. Ping does have a lot of similarities.

Lepin is an upright policeman who hopes to bring security and order to Paris. In order to expand the scope of police management, he creates a bicycle police team that can reach the outskirts of Paris where thugs and villains lurk.

The Mounted Police have always been regarded as the king's security force, and they appeared briefly in 1870 because the city was already very chaotic.

No one in Fouche's police organization rides a horse. That is the power only the cavalry and gendarmes have.

At that time, many observation stations were set up upstream and downstream of the Seine River, and water level data were shared through briefings every day. When the weather was calm, the postal service or telegraph was used. In special circumstances, such as floods that washed away roads and telegraph stations, sharing data was necessary. It has become an almost impossible task. Even if the engineer risks his life by climbing the ladder to the observatory in the river to see the data, if he fails, the engineer will be washed away by the flood.

Georgiana thought of the Sharp system in the tower of Saint-Subiers Church. Would this device that uses light to transmit signals come in handy in such a situation?

Napoleon only had the title of president in Italy, just like Georgiana had the title of director of the Anti-Smuggling Bureau, and she had never been to the Seine Administration for a day.

Predicting the coming of floods does not require the same "eyes from the sky" as Grindelwald. She feels that this proposal should be passed because Napoleon also predicted the rise of the Nile River in Egypt.

She hoped that this would awaken a little conscience and a little humanitarian spirit in him. After all, the lion was still a beast. If he was still a human being, he should do something that a human should do and stop thinking about war and invasion all day long.

"I heard that Le Brun's daughter married the secretary of a theater manager in St. Petersburg." Paulette said to Joseph enthusiastically. "Mrs. Le Brun was mad and broke off the mother-daughter relationship with her daughter. Le Brun knew that Is this the case?"

"I only talked about business with him," Joseph said cautiously.

"Go and find out," Paulette urged.

"He knows what's going on, but he doesn't know what's going on. Anyway, mother and daughter won't go back to Paris." Georgiana said coldly.

The atmosphere suddenly became cold, like a cold wind blowing from the North Pole, blowing away all the breath of spring.

Georgiana felt that she and the Italians would get along badly and that the trip would end in disaster.

In order not to disappoint everyone, she left the table, although she didn't eat a bite of dinner, and she came here for dinner.

Bougainville said sorry and followed her. After all, he was her guardian. Without him, Georgiana would not have a carriage to ride in.

When she walked to the door of the restaurant, she felt her skirt being pulled. She lowered her head and found Delmid holding her legs.

"Are you coming back tomorrow?" Delmid asked, raising his head.

She couldn't think of anything to say.

"What kind of association are you going to?" Paulette asked.

"It's the Paris Agricultural Society," said Bougainville.

"Where is that?" Paulette asked.

"Saint-Germain-des-Prés," said Bougainville.

"How can that be done? There are all exiles there. What if my son is kidnapped by them?" Paulette said.

"What do you want?" Georgiana said coldly.

"Change another place." Paulette said. "There are so many palaces in Paris anyway."

"Yes, Your Highness." Georgiana said sarcastically, taking a bottle of champagne from Paulette's house when she left.

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