Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 3263 new castle (5)

The history of the Bonaparte family is no longer a secret. They probably moved from Genoa to Corsica in the 15th century. Before the 13th century, Corsica had been a wrestling ground between Genoa and the Republic of Pisa.

But after the thirteenth century, the Republic of Pisa declined, especially after it was annexed by Florence, which was in urgent need of access to the sea. Corsica was actually controlled by Genoa.

Prussia only had an outlet like Danzig, which Frederick the Great snatched from Poland. How could they have territorial disputes with the Republic of Batavia?

Boston opened the first rift between the New World and the Old World. However, after the American Revolution, the war in Europe was not over yet. Originally, William V of the Orange family opposed participating in the war, but the Netherlands still participated. The final result was that the Austrians William V of France was driven out of the Netherlands.

He had a Prussian wife, Wilhelmina, who was upstaged by Catharina, the wife of the Batavia envoy to Amiens. In order to regain power, she went to The Hague with a high profile to summon the regent to support William V of Orange.

Recall that Prussia, under the leadership of Frederick the Great, had such a great influence in Europe that even France and Austria chose to marry in order to face its threat.

Talleyrand told an unknown British person that he bet that the Republic of Batavia would not open its territorial waters to Prussia, and the British said that he saw the degeneration of history.

It can be seen from Talleyrand's letters that he was angry. He said that one of the two strings of his bow was broken, but he could not tell who gave him the anger. On the surface, it seemed that it was Napoleon's whim. Let him hand over the power of the Italian Deputy Privy Seal.

In fact, he could have written directly to Georgiana, but instead he asked Joseph to deliver it, and Joseph was about to go to the United States to discuss the land purchase case.

"His Royal Highness" Talleyrand also has the title of leader of the Electors. Even he saw that the 4-year-old Duke of Alba had a headache when he saw Stuart in his surname. How could Georgiana have the ability to take care of so many things? No business, take that kid with you.

Oh, by the way, there's also Italy.

Luceber died in November, but the news of his death was not announced until January 1. Murat saw the news on January 7 and wrote back on January 14, saying that he wanted to Taking Luckber's place, he fought in the yellow fever-ridden bush of West India.

The court life in Milan was basically a prison for Murat. He would rather take risks in the dangerous climate, but Napoleon felt that it was more valuable for him to stay in Europe.

So far, it is still within control. However, three months after the speech in the Senegalese Road, rumors that had been silent said that the Italian Republic would be merged into France, and 30,000 French troops would soon enter Milan.

Napoleon invited the King of Sardinia to take over Piedmont, but the King of Sardinia rejected Napoleon's invitation. He feels that his life is pretty good now and there is no need to get involved in this laborious game.

The sculptor Antoine Houdon, who came to the Botanical Garden last time, accidentally called Pauline the princess. He had married Pauline to Leclerc because Leclerc had performed well in the Battle of Toulon. At that time, he had not Thinking that I would be in this situation now.

Polina originally didn't like Leclerc, and she didn't want to leave Paris to live with him in a station, whether it was the Rhine or elsewhere. This time she was forced to board the ship to Saint-Domingue.

At first people lied to her, saying that Santo Domingo was a picturesque and safe island, the people were very welcoming and so on. Unexpectedly, when she arrived at French Point, she was "greeted" with cannonballs from the shore.

Even the Swiss mercenaries couldn't stand that kind of scene, let alone a Parisian girl who liked fashion. Pauline fell ill quickly, but it wasn't yellow fever. As summer came, the smell of corpses began to permeate the air. Leclerc The headquarters had to be moved to a nearby island called "Turtle Island".

Polina got better after landing. She once pretended to be pregnant and tried to go back, but the lie was exposed by a doctor sent by her family.

Polina had been jealous of Josephine and wished she could live as luxurious a life as she did. On this turtle island, she could only watch a dance called "Chica" performed by the indigenous people. Even if there was no war on the island, she was in great pain.

The only thing she could do was write letters to her former friends, collect the plants and animals on the island, and then lie on the sofa and complain endlessly.

Leclerc finally couldn't bear this kind of life and wrote to Napoleon. Napoleon taught his sister a lesson and gave him a jewelry box filled with various exquisite jewelry.

This didn't really change anything, but Polina complained less, and her character gradually became more cheerful, and she began to comfort guests who were worried and afraid of the spread of war like a real governor's wife.

At the worst time of the war, Leclerc once chose to evacuate, and the docks were crowded with people fleeing for their lives.

Paulina, who was crowded in the crowd, seemed to have figured out something. Even though four people tried to pull her, they still failed to send her to the boat. She returned to Leclerc and waited until he fell ill with yellow fever.

It took 10 days from the time of infection to the onset of the disease. On November 8, she boarded the ship and returned to France with Leclerc.

Napoleon has been in mourning for Leclerc since he returned to Paris, and Pauline also shaved her head. No matter how beautiful the goddess is, it is impossible to see guests like this, so the door of her house is always locked, with only a few friends and sons accompanying her. she.

The ancient Greeks had to entertain even uninvited guests. In "Alcestis" written by Euripides, Admetos would still host a banquet for Heracles even if he had just lost his wife. .

Georgiana's arrival was a little abrupt, but she was relieved to see Delmid in good health.

The last Frenchman who was transported back from Egypt was quarantined in Marseille for a period of time, but Paulina was not quarantined. She had been in close contact with yellow fever patients.

Even if she was fine, Delmid was so young, and he was one year older than Murat's son and still couldn't beat him.

It's okay, but when she calms down and finds herself in an awkward situation, she can't just turn around and leave.

In the end, Polina decided to leave Georgiana and Joseph to dinner together, and then she and Joseph complained about Caroline.

Caroline also wrote to Paulina about her daily life.

"She also has a car!" Paulette said, grabbing Joseph's arm willfully. "She always talks to me about her life of debauchery, as if she thinks I don't live enough hard life."

Joseph didn't say to buy one for Paulina, and kept being perfunctory. Mrs. Michelot pulled Georgiana aside and asked if he could take her with him to Italy this time.

"Yes, of course." Georgiana agreed without hesitation, thinking about getting a car for Paulina, since they would need to take a car after landing in Pisa anyway.

Later, she remembered her last trip to the Alps. She had planned to find some flowers and plants to start a perfume and essential oil business.

However, after Henry Petty came, he used the timber from the Alps to build transportation and carriages. After all, he was a descendant of the former British Chancellor of the Exchequer.

The biggest difference between the United States and Santo Domingo is that they have ships and a navy. In 1801, they also participated in the eradication of Berber pirates.

The reason why the United States has shipbuilding technology is wood. After the timber in Britain was heavily cut down during the Cromwellian period, there was very little oak that could be used for shipbuilding. Therefore, colonial shipbuilding had economic significance. Although wages were high, the cost of wood was low enough. Cover salary costs. This advantage was continuously strengthened and improved from 1675 to 1775, becoming a "source" of the colony's prosperity.

Leclerc had participated in the Brumaire Coup, and he and Murat commanded the bombardiers.

Now all he had left was his heart in a golden urn, which Delmid wanted to call daddy.

So she felt that the Prussian officer who dared to disobey the king's order was a good person.

Before Georgiana came, Delmid played with marionettes alone, and now she took him out to play.

Children should still play with their children. I wonder if there is a park nearby.

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