Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 3257 Till Death (Part 2)

Among the many gems, Georgiana chose a blue gem.

"What a good choice." Jeweler Nido praised it, "I think so too."

Georgiana lowered her head. The new necklace style she chose was a pendant similar to the Eye of Horus. The teardrop-shaped peridot could be set underneath, like a tearful eye.

She felt that the combination reminded her of something bad, so she put the gem down and picked up a yellow-green tourmaline with a color-changing luster, like a feline's eye.

Nido didn't seem to like her choice very much, but she was a guest.

Then he put the design drawings and materials into the box.

Tourmaline is also not a very expensive gemstone, and Nido seems to have known her hobby.

Rousseau once said in "On the Origin of Human Inequality": I believe that every animal is a sophisticated machine. Nature has equipped it with feelings to make it active, protect itself, and prevent itself to some extent from being disturbed. Or destroy. I think humans are also such machines. The difference is that when operating the animal machine, nature is the only operator, while humans are the free operators. Animals decide by instinct, while humans rely on free will. Therefore, animals cannot deviate from the track designed by nature, even if it is beneficial to them. On the contrary, humans often deviate from this track, even if it is harmful to him.

This was different from the distinction between humans and animals generally accepted by wizards, but she still somewhat agreed with Rousseau's point of view.

Some people will do bad things when they are free. This does not mean that freedom itself makes them bad. Augustine also said that doing good things also requires freedom.

During the Revolution, a French ship sank. The British did not take the opportunity to kill them, but rescued them.

The people the British rescued might one day become their enemies and take their lives, which would be harmful to them in the long run.

But maybe next time it will be the British's turn to be in the water waiting to be rescued.

The Latin word "beast" is bestia, and "animal" is anima, which can also be understood as soul.


Just when Nido had put away his things and was about to leave, Georgiana said.

"Do you need anything, ma'am?" Nido asked.

"Show me the sapphire," said Georgiana.

Nido was not impatient at all and took out the gems he had collected.

When she pointed the gem at the sun, she discovered that it was blue-violet.

"What gem is this?" asked Georgiana.

"Zoisite," Nido said.

"What is that?" asked Georgiana.

"If you don't know it, I don't know who else does," Nido said. "I got it from someone else. That's what he called it."

"I'm very interested in it. Please bring the insider next time." Georgiana handed the stone to Nido.

"You can keep it." Nido didn't answer. "What do you want to do with it?"

I want to grind it up and paint the walls.

Georgiana thought to herself, but even if this stone is not as expensive as lapis lazuli, the cost of repairing such a room is still staggering.

"Just find the person," Georgiana said.

Nido followed the order and left, and Georgiana took the stone and looked at it again, and saw that its color no longer looked like Bonaparte's eyes.

His eyes were lighter in color, like the wine-colored sea.

Homer's epic describes the color of the sea as the color of wine. Was there blue wine in ancient Greece?

She turned the stone so that it turned purple, looking like the color of wine.

There were footsteps outside the door, and soon Aliji and Bougainville appeared together. Although Bougainville was not wearing a uniform, he stood as straight as Aliji.

"Long time no see, guardian," Georgiana said, smiling at Bougainville.

"I will escort you to Italy." Bougainville forced a smile. "Dieppe doesn't need me."

She didn't understand what Bougainville was saying.

"The Anti-Smuggling Bureau will work with the navy to clean up the smuggling dens in Dieppe." Dragoon Arigui said.

Georgiana's first thought was of the cold reception Bonaparte had received at Dieppe, although she was able to get over it at the time. At that time, many fishermen in Dieppe were arrested by the British navy. In British prisons, if you have a craft, such as tooth carving, you can live much better than prisoners who don't know anything. The jailer will sell it and exchange it for After paying, you will get hot water and a bed.

"You really shouldn't go." Georgiana looked at Bougainville like an explorer and said, "You should do what only you can do."

Then she took out a piece of paper and listed what Bougainville needed to do.

First, determine whether Amiens and Paris are on the same longitude.

Second, draw a nautical chart with the meridian passing through Paris as the baseline.

She felt that these two things would keep Bougainville busy enough, not to mention converting units into meters.

She handed the paper to Bougainville, who was stunned after reading it.

"Can't it be done?" asked Georgiana.

"No." Bougainville said after a while. "You are really different from Countess Bombada."

Georgiana couldn't say whether she should be unhappy or not, because the Countess of Bombarda was one of Louis XV's "favorite concubines". She had a great influence on France's domestic and foreign affairs, but she was also responsible for her indulgence and extravagance. He was still very young when he introduced Bougainville to the king.

"I think your experience and brains are more needed than your armed strength, captain, if you trust me as a lookout." Georgiana said.

Bougainville wanted to say something, but Arrighi suggested that Georgiana go check out the house in the Marais.

She had not wanted to go. The house Mr. Martin gave her was too close to the Italian Embassy. But now she is going to Italy soon. If she were an ordinary citizen, she would have to go to the embassy to apply for a visa or something.

So she had to put down the book and left with them.

Bougainville also served as a dragoon when he was young. He and Arrighi rode in front, one on the left and the other on the right. Julian Ouvral's carriage followed behind. People kept looking sideways along the way, as if they thought there was some important person in the car.

Soon they arrived in the Marais district and stopped in front of an Italian-style mansion.

This house was once a hotel run by an Austrian. After the marriage between Germany and France, many Germans came to France like the British today, and they stayed in this hotel opened by a Bavarian noble.

Georgiana got out of the carriage with Julian's help. It didn't look too bad, as if its owner had just left.

The main entrance is behind a row of arcades. The door is black with exquisite reliefs. The door is also very heavy and requires two people, Aliji and Bougainville, to push it open.

As soon as you enter the door, you will see the "lobby". As a former hotel, it should be able to accommodate many people and can now be used as a dance floor.

The "lobby" is covered with glass, allowing sunlight to shine in through it. There are three giant crystal chandeliers on the supporting steel frame structure. She is really worried about whether the steel frame can support such a heavy weight.

On both sides of the "lobby" are symmetrically arranged guest rooms, and further inside is a restaurant. The smell of German sausages seeps into the cracks in the wall.

Through four floor-to-ceiling windows, you can see a lawn with a sculpture of Artemis.

"Like it?"

Echoes echoed in the empty hotel.

Georgiana turned around. Bougainville, Arrighi, Julian, and Matilda had all left. There was a person standing on the second floor. He was the one who spoke just now.

In fact, if you look closely, you can see that his eyes are not as beautiful as blue ones, they are just a very common blue color.

"How much do I have to pay to get the happiness I have right now?" said Georgiana.

The First Consul of France smiled.

"I asked you if you like it?" he said gently.

She wanted to say that if she liked it, the price would be too heavy and she didn't want it.

A smart weigher would do this.

"I like it," she whispered, and it would make him happy if she said that.

Now he was satisfied - the satisfaction of a ruler.

He walked down the stairs to the "dance floor" and asked her to dance.

She wanted to say that he was so busy with business, but when the words came to her lips, she did not say them out and walked towards him.

There is a kind of factual appeal in Roman law, which is like someone losing another person's ring. He does not possess the ring, but it changes the fact that the original owner of the ring has control over the ring.

Leon took off her black swan necklace but did not throw it away...

Excessive spirit of sacrifice is sometimes not only useless, whether it is political or other aspects, but also makes a mess.

Severus had given her a ring that she could use at will if she wanted to see him, but she always felt that he had big things to do and "considerately" refrained from using it so as not to appear too willful.

When a person wants to see you, nothing else matters, but if you don't see him for his own good, it will harm him.

He misses you so much, don’t you miss him? I miss you so much that I can't do anything. Nothing is more important than meeting.

There was an old couple on the Titanic. They hugged each other, lay on the bed, and waited quietly for the water to come up. They were not like other people and mice looking for a way out on the ship with nowhere to escape.

They felt no fear, they only saw each other, and could only hear each other's voices in their ears. The gunshots and screams disappeared.

Maybe they were discussing a trip they took when they were young, their children's childhood, or something else interesting.

"I hope you don't mind," Georgiana said softly. "I took the necklace to have it repaired."

"I don't mind." He smiled charmingly and held her hand. "Let's go upstairs and have a look."

Then he led her off the dance floor.

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