Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 3243 The Responsibilities of Ministers (Part 2)

When creating the painting "The Death of Marat", it is said that David was the first to arrive at the scene of the crime. However, he did not rush out to report the crime or call someone. Instead, he sat down and finished the sketch.

Similarly, in the prison car transporting Marie Antoinette, David was also alone with her, but Marie Antoinette completely ignored David and kept her face turned sideways.

David likes to paint this kind of "historical moment".

Madame Récamier could lie on her couch for hours without moving, just so that the artist could paint her in her most graceful posture. But David painted Madame Récamier sitting up, like Ariadne who had just woken up.

Georgiana unfolded the black mother-of-pearl fan to fan herself. In fact, she was not hot at all, but since David invited her to be a model, her heart could not calm down.

After the Thermidor coup overthrew the Jacobins, David was imprisoned. When the Thermidor party was overthrown, he came out again. From then on, he changed from revolutionary themes to classical themes, and with the encouragement of his wife, he created "The Sabine Women."

She felt that the painting was already very good, why should she create it again?

Napoleon declared the French Revolution over because of the Constitution. The Louisiana Purchase originally faced "unconstitutional behavior." This problem was solved after the 97th meridian was drawn, because the land purchased was not large.

During the Salem Witch Trials, in addition to those who lived in isolation, did not attend church services in the town, or were notorious evildoers, there was also a woman who was not strange in terms of conduct or social behavior, Rebecca Nurse, but her husband was a landowner. He was a member of the Board of Surveyors and had a long-standing territorial dispute with the Putnam family, one of the plaintiffs.

Before Massachusetts launched its rebellion against Andros, who had claimed all the land in New England for the king, the New Englanders considered it a wilderness that had been conquered at great cost by the two generations of settlers.

When Britain won the Seven Years' War and obtained French land in North America, even though the king issued a proclamation, the New Englanders still occupied the land that was not surveyed or registered, that is, there was no cadastral.

It doesn't matter if you have a gun, as long as someone declares this is private land, you can drive away the trespassers.

In view of this situation, after Queenie and Jacob's love was exposed, MACUSA did not change the law to allow them to get married. Instead, they were expelled. Even Tina lost her job as an Auror.

"Who made you angry?"

She followed the sound and saw that it was Stanley whom she hadn't seen for a long time.

"Didn't you go to the Congo?" Georgiana asked.

"I found a new job." Stanley handed her a letter.

"Postman?" Georgiana said jokingly, but did not accept the letter.

"It's Monsignor Talleyrand's entourage," Stanley said. "He asked me to give you this letter."

She looked at him suspiciously.

"He knew I'd been to America," Stanley said.

Then Georgiana took the letter, sealed with wax, and Talleyrand's coat of arms.

She walked to a corner where no one was paying attention and read the letter:

The dazzling, graceful and luxurious Madame Sèvres, who is like a fairy in white descending from the earth, your smile is as bright and delicate as a blooming flower, charming and charming...

"Ugh." She resisted the desire to vomit and skipped the long list of compliments that probably took up a third of the letter.

"Originally, like you, I did not support the sale of Louisiana. Please forgive me for not telling you my position. The Americans must be resenting the diplomatic incident in 1797 and would think that I would interfere with it, but I think it is their fault. Because I don’t understand our country’s public service culture, no public service holder can directly receive direct remuneration from public service users. So with my meager salary, how can I pay the agent’s salary without going bankrupt? ? You see, I am always so busy, and always need people to share my burdens, and all they imagine is a farce. People have been clamoring for my excommunication since the Revolution, and last year the Pope gave me permission to return to secular life. power. Behold, great France, it will not deny a secular office to a man because he has a clergy. You know, madam, when a position is vacant it needs to be filled, but there are places that should not be filled by some venerable But pedantic people govern. Oh, you must think I am recommending someone. Really, the changes in Europe and even the world depend on a man's health and likes and dislikes. I just want you to remember to remind him that ordinary transactions are One hand pays the money and the other hand delivers the goods, and the 'goods' we sell this time are different. When the eagle leaves the battlefield, there will be many crows flying around. Be careful of the greedy ones, the total is only 60 million."

Talleyrand's words are a bit inconsistent. What does he mean?

Georgiana looked up.

"Your Excellency suggests that we sell them separately and not just to one customer," Stanley said.

She gasped.

"We've given up on North America anyway," Stanley said.

She was in a daze for a while.

"Now you have to convince His Majesty not to covet the 80 million francs offer. The total is only 60 million."

Georgiana's first thought was how much Talleyrand would embezzle.

"I don't think that line can be guarded against." It took her a long time to find her voice.

"You mean 31 degrees north latitude?" Stanley asked.

"Is this an experiment?" Georgiana asked.

Stanley remained silent.

She felt as if there was a power that she clearly didn't expect...

"Another thing to tell you is that Britain has established a naval base in Nassau, as well as Trinidad." Stanley said, "It's just like what Prime Minister William Pitt Jr. said."

"Nassau?" she asked confusedly.

Stanley told her about Nassau.

Nassau is the capital of the Bahamas. It was named after Orange-Nassau, where William III lived, in 1690. It is an excellent deep-water international port.

If a ship comes out of the Gulf of Mexico, it either takes the shipping lane between the Bahamas and Florida, or it goes through the Cayman Islands and out to sea from Trinidad and Tobago.

Then there is the waterway between Cuba and Santo Domingo, but that place is now blocked.

Although Britain did not succeed in cultivating anything by sowing seeds on small islands in the Pacific, spices were cultivated in Martinique, which grew better than in the Pacific, and that was Josephine's hometown.

"Weren't you a freelancer before? Now you have found yourself a master?" Georgiana asked, fanning herself.

"I just told you that I found a new job, and you asked me if I was a postman. What do you think?" Stanley asked.

She shook her head, turned around and accidentally saw herself in the mirror.

who is she?

"Georgina?" Stanley asked worriedly.

When women can't get love, they will turn to other places to get satisfaction.

When did you become like this?

She turned her head and looked in another direction. There was a young man and woman visiting the Louvre Museum. The smiles on their faces were sincere and happy.

Petunia was jealous of Lily, and her jealousy twisted her.

Jealousy is an original sin, and everyone is saying that jealousy is not a good thing.

But that kind of emotion is difficult to contain.

She looked up at the splendidly decorated ceiling, as if she were standing in a ruins painting and saw the sky above her head.

"Georgina?" Stanley asked.

"Do you know why there is light in Dante's Inferno?" Georgiana said, "It's not to give hope to the people in hell, but to see clearly what hell looks like with light."

Stanley said nothing.

She wanted to kill something now, but she left before she could do it.

Just like Isabella leaving Wuthering Heights, Heathcliff and Catherine tortured each other in that closed place.

The world is very big and needs longitude and latitude lines to locate it.

So Harry, why did you listen to others and end your young life early before you have seen this?

You are obviously such a person who loves life and life.

Letting such a person die will make you appear to be very persuasive, right? Dumbledore.

No wonder a "sage" like you went to hell.

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