Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 3237 Golden Legend (6)

In the 20th century, Rivoli Street was a bustling commercial street and a street full of fashion.

But in the 19th century, or before Napoleon launched a coup and became the first in power, this street did not exist. It was originally called St. Antoine Street, connecting Grieve Square and the city. There is a beach where many ships carrying supplies go back and forth to unload their goods every day. Businessmen and residents often come here to buy things, forming a free market.

Not far from Place de Grive is the Rue Saint-Jacques, where many animals are slaughtered every day.

The name of Rivoli Street commemorates the 1797 battle in Rivoli, Italy, where Napoleon defeated Austria and achieved a key victory in the first anti-French alliance.

However, people on the battlefield did not know that the remaining Austrian soldiers fled into the Mantua Fortress. In order to rescue this lone army, the Holy Roman Emperor issued an edict and ordered the military to conduct a new campaign. For this purpose, Austria from the Rhine River region Troops were mobilized and volunteers were mobilized domestically to participate in the battle. In order to boost morale, the Queen of Austria personally embroidered military flags for the four volunteer battalions in Vienna.

After Napoleon became the First Consul, he transformed this place. First of all, the market where the unemployed gathered was gone. Instead, the unemployed gathered outside the city hall in Gref Square.

Last winter, the Seine River swelled and flooded many buildings along the bank, especially people living in basements. Therefore, the Seine River Management Bureau strengthened the embankments along the bank and also dredged some areas.

In order to hold the opening ceremony of the Saint-Martin Canal at the Quay d'Orsay, Bonaparte used part of the sand from Gref Beach to spread it on the Quay d'Orsay. In order to meet the deadline, Bonaparte was even willing to pay a much higher salary than usual.

In 1793, Genevieve's body was also burned in Place de Greve in Paris. In the past, people carried her around the city in the hope that she could protect the city from plague.

Geneviève's main enemy was Attila when she was alive. In order to resist his siege, she and some people quietly left Paris by boat and then transported food back to the city.

But Attila, the "Scourge of God", was like a plague... Anyway, only a few fingers of the saint's bones were left, and the priests fought desperately to recapture them. In the 20th century, Pomona heard that they were hidden together with the Crown of Thorns. The sarcophagus that once held the remains of the Saint in the Notre Dame Cathedral survived the waves of the French Revolution and was rediscovered in 1802 and moved to the Saint-Etienne Church.

Does God exist or not, and the universe is finite or infinite? What does it have to do with your bread today, your shelter tomorrow, and the money you need to spend on getting sick the day after tomorrow?

In 1870, the bronze statue of Napoleon erected in Place Vendome was pushed into the Seine River by the Paris Commune. She had seen this in the newspapers of the Paris Commune.

Dumbledore said that witches often waste their talents by falling in love.

But he didn't say that witches would be manipulated out of love and then exploited for their talents.

Queenie is like this, but she doesn't love Grindelwald, but falls in love with a Muggle. In order to marry him, he joined Grindelwald's organization and "made full use of" his talents.

Rabastan Lestrange was right, why would Georgiana listen to a Muggle?

The only difference between bullets and arrows is that they shoot faster and can be blocked by "armor protection".

So what is she worried about?

He just injured his hand. Last time they were on the street, they met a beggar. He had lost one of his legs, and he used to be a soldier.

Napoleon was sometimes very superstitious and would believe in some bad omens. Even if he had two sores on his body, he would think it would affect something.

With his lust for power, he was unable to sign because his hand was injured, just like Madame de Staël longed to return to Paris but was prevented, except that he was not Ariadne.

In Racine's story about Hippolytus, the god of love asks Phædel: What do you think of the haughty prince?

Feder replied: I regard him as a terrible devil.

Why does Feder think that? Hippolytus just loves Artemis, he is not like King Herod. Instead, he was an "innocent" who was framed by Feder and Cupid.

Rather than protecting Paris, which is such a great and sacred mission, Pomona is more inclined to target Grindelwald.

There are many types of mazes, but apart from complicated secret passages and confusions, there are only two types. One type is a continuous loop along a path, like ants on a Möbius strip, which cannot leave no matter how you break through.

The other type seems to have many choices, but is more confusing than having only one road left and no other way to choose.

At this time, it would be okay if someone guided the right path, such as Medea and Ariadne, but it would be really unlucky to meet a "prophet" like Grindelwald. He does not love those who are lost. , just want to use them to achieve their own goal of ruling the world.

It feels bad to be used as a chess piece, and it feels even worse to not be able to be used as a chess piece.

The party was postponed, but the jeweler who made Georgiana's necklace still delivered the "chain" she ordered for herself on time, but the place where Bonaparte's portrait was originally placed was replaced with peridot to match the garnet beads. Together, it looks like the wreaths hanging on every door at Christmas.

If Georgiana set out to be a sycophant from the start, then it wouldn't matter if she lied, because others would be able to tell whether she was telling the truth or not.

But if she behaves as an honest person, then her lying is unforgivable, and the most terrible punishment will befall her.

She might not be afraid of bullets, but she couldn't help but think about what would happen to her if she fell into the hands of those American purgers.

So as soon as she got the necklace, she put it on and rode to St. Cloud in Julien Houvral's carriage.

Along the way she wondered if everyone would think she was still in Chantilly because she had taken Houvral's carriage when she came back.

Her social relationships are not complicated either, and with all the maids around her, it would be too easy to cover up her tracks.

Chateaubriand once said that he would help her get the letters written by Bonaparte to Josephine. In fact, she probably guessed that he had used all his coaxing methods, otherwise Josephine would not have made a fuss and still Sitting in his new carriage with his daughter.

While he was enjoying the warmth of his home, he was thinking about how to have a tryst with his mistress, and under the guise of holding a reception in the botanical garden, he would meet Georgiana, who was still nominally in Chantilly.

Which country's spies would tell Josephine this information, or who would have nothing better to do than monitor an insignificant person like her?

It would be better if there was no hope at the beginning. People will also gain strength when they are in despair, but hope will be shattered.

Renaultman divined for Josephine a crown of lilacs, and for Georgiana a spoon composed of bear's paws, which was later broken by Lucien.

Like a broken meteor.

Could it be that the "comet" that illuminated Europe in 1812 was just a fragment of a meteor. It will not come back like Halley's Comet. The earth just passed by its fragmented asteroid belt, and then came back. Ahead is a meteor shower composed of tens of thousands of shooting stars.

It can be observed through telescopes, but who can stop the rotation of the earth or make the solar system turn around to avoid possible disasters?

In the relatively closed system of the solar system, the sun provides heat and light, and Jupiter provides protection. It has blocked many asteroid impacts for the earth. In the summer of Harry's third grade, 21 meteors hit Jupiter.

Centaur stargazers will not see these things. They are observed by human telescopes. This astronomical scene appears outside the earth, and no one except astronomy enthusiasts cares about it.

Bonaparte always used an 8-horse carriage in Italy. He traveled like an emperor, but when he returned to Paris, he used 4 horses...

The key is that she is very confused right now, and she doesn't know what the consequences will be if she goes there at this time.

Anyway, St. Cloud is close at hand.

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