Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 3228 xyz (8)

In order to treat King George's mental illness, Lord North summoned the Minister of Magic in 1782, which was during the War of Independence.

The Magical Congress of the United States also held a general meeting in 1777 to discuss whether to join the Muggle war. In order to accommodate more people, Macusa even expanded the conference hall.

Because there had been disagreements, Elizabeth Ligdi, the leader of the Magical Congress at the time, asked the British Ministry of Magic for its opinion. The British Ministry of Magic's reply was "sitting this one out", and then Elizabeth also replied to the British Ministry of Magic " Mind you do."

If this rule is followed, French wizards should not participate in the actions that Muggles will carry out immediately. Just as the goddess of the hunt said to Hippolytus: No god can run regardless of the wishes of other gods. We remain evasive and neutral.

This has also been the consistent approach of the French Ministry of Magic after the Great Revolution. Only by uniting can citizens of the wizarding world remain relatively independent and intact amid the waves of Muggles.

But now there are two special cases.

First, they are mercenaries from the United States. It is difficult to guarantee that these purifiers will take advantage of the chaos to do something.

Second, there are all kinds of monsters and monsters hiding in Paris. When the king's head fell to the ground, they almost came out in full force to snatch the rare sacrifice.

So Georgiana mainly concentrated her manpower in these two places, and also placed a small number of guards in the Palace of Versailles.

Talent belongs to wizards, destiny belongs to Muggles. She only said to Rabastan that she should try her best. If Napoleon really failed here, it would be his own choice.

The old fool once said that what determines our destiny is not what abilities we have, but our choices.

Once fire loses its benevolent properties, it will become a punishment. The fire Crabbe set in the Room of Requirement was originally intended to deal with Harry and the others, but he did not expect to burn himself to death.

He definitely didn't remember the school motto "Leave the sleeping dragon alone" even though the dragon sculpture was near the dungeon.

Fire dragons can fly away when they have wings. Even the one in Gringotts that had been imprisoned for a long time ran away immediately after escaping. It is unlikely that it will come back for revenge as Pomona expected.

A dragon in a Hogwarts history got into a lake, and Slytherin's father killed it while it was sleeping.

Maybe the water of the Black Lake was dyed red by dragon's blood.

Maybe not. The Death Curse does not cause a horrific death. The person under the curse just seems to be asleep.

This is what sets Voldemort apart from many dark wizards, including Grindelwald. The "Fire Shield" he released in Paris went out of control, although the reason was that Leta Lestrange removed it from him. The skeleton was destroyed.

Unleashing some ancient power is extremely dangerous, and magic must be approached in a wise way, just like passing down ancient skills.

If only he had always been like this.

Li Huo not only took away Crabbe's life, but also destroyed Voldemort's Horcrux, which was also a kind of "ancient skill". He went further on the road to immortality than anyone else.

In order to stop his plan, the "Iron Triangle" embarked on a journey to destroy the Horcruxes, using Gryffindor's sword and the basilisk's fangs.

Harry is a Parseltongue. The first time he "met" Voldemort, Voldemort wanted to "solve the problem" through communication. Of course Harry would not believe his rhetoric.

Later when they were in the Chamber of Secrets, he could actually try to command the basilisk in Parseltongue instead of fighting with the Sword of Gryffindor.

If he really had a fragment of Voldemort's soul that gave him the ability to speak Parseltongue, he would be the same as the one in Tom Riddle's diary, and both would be the true heirs of Slytherin. However, Harry did not want to believe that he was the heir of Slytherin, nor did he feel that he had the ability to convince the big monster, so he reacted like a normal 12-year-old boy.

In addition to representing evil, snakes are also symbols of rebirth and ouroboros.

During the Revolution, many wizards' homes were burned down, but some information remained.

There is an angel named Anael, and Michael and other seven angels respectively represent the seven days of creation. Anael represents Monday.

Legend has it that after Enoch ascended to heaven, Michael guided Enoch's soul to leave the body, and then led Enoch to the gate of heaven through Anal.

It represents harmony, friendship, and the power to see what others want to see.

This is probably the principle of the Mirror of Erised, except that the poor mortal body is still on earth and cannot go to heaven.

That's not a bad thing, it's just that even if it's originally a good thing, its nature has changed after abuse.

It was almost 10 o'clock when Georgiana finished arranging the tasks. She originally thought that the day was over, but unexpectedly a noble lady came to inform her that Miss Georgina was "playing" in the First Consul's bedroom.

As long as it wasn't for the days when Lupine transformed, Pomona wouldn't have stayed in the boys' dormitory so late without going back, so she went to "catch the adulterer" like Josephine.

She was really angry at first, as if she had become Medea, the Greek princess who, like Ariadne, helped the heroes challenge the labyrinth. The difference is that Medea used bread and Ariadne used balls of thread.

She heard Antoine mention the art piece in the Vatican that Sir Merry mentioned. It was an ancient marble statue bought by Pope Julius, the God of War, from a Roman collector.

Because it has been so long, I no longer know who this "sleeping" beauty is. I only know that she has a snake-shaped arm bracelet on her hand.

That was actually a small detail, but Julius said that the snake bit Cleopatra to death. In this way, the Ares Pope had some kind of connection with Caesar, as if Cleopatra was for Rome. The continuation bears witness.

Julius placed the statue in the observation tower and made a fountain for her. She leaned on the water curtain, surrounded by green trees and grass, as if she was in a paradise.

However, Julius went the extra mile and placed the marble coffin depicting Trajan's deeds under the sculpture of Cleopatra, which brought people back to earth from fairyland.

How could such a cyan fountain be placed in the Pope's palace?

The ancient Romans would parade with trophies during their triumphal ceremonies. Could this be one of them?

Georgiana walked, slowing down. In fact, she had already known that how she took it away from Josephine, other women would do the same.

That's why she's looking for a faithful husband.

She originally wanted to go back, but turned around and saw several women following behind her, all with excited expressions on their faces, as if they were planning to "claim justice."

She is not Princess Medea. Revenge will eat up the good part of her soul, not to mention making people laugh.

Then she remembered what President Jefferson said about Ariadne, and she also didn't want to wait for someone to save her.

Antoinette was also discovered while waiting for the cavalry to meet them.

At this time, she discovered that the matter was no longer a simple matter of "catching an adulterer". There were rules in the palace. When Madame Pompidou was there, no other mistress could enter the palace except her.

But Miss Georgina, relying on her youth, dared to go anywhere, as if all the doors in the world were open to her.

So she continued walking forward, thinking of several ways to "establish her authority" in her mind.

When she passed the map room and came to the First Consul's bedroom, she saw Bonaparte and Mademoiselle Georgina lying on the bed together - fully clothed.

Miss Georgina seemed a little panicked when she saw her at first, but she quickly calmed down and even had a smile on her lips.

No man likes a shrew. If Georgiana hits Georgina, all she has to do is pretend to cry without fighting back, and someone who cares about her will stop her.

This despicable method is not clever, but it is very effective and is very common among civilians.

If she was a noble, she heard that a husband had to make a reservation in advance to go to his wife's bedroom. Once, a duke forgot about it and encountered his wife having a tryst with a young soldier.

He politely withdrew and closed the door.

Then she thought of Voldemort. If someone like him ignored Harry Potter, a little wizard who couldn't even learn Occlumency, would he still become a stepping stone for the "Boy Who Lived"?

Harry is actually very ordinary, he is very kind, and has a pair of green eyes that look very much like his mother.

Then Georgiana turned the hand that stretched out towards Georgina's head and turned to grab Georgina's arm, then grabbed her up from the bed like an iron pliers and walked to the study next door.

"What are you doing?" Georgina said in a sweet voice, trying to struggle, as if unwilling to leave Bonaparte's sight.

Georgiana was speechless.

Is that all you have?

It is wrong for a man to hit a woman, but it is okay for a woman to fight a woman. In the past, it was the Parisian women who fought against the queen.

Nietzsche said: I provoke, I take responsibility.

This is what Pomona told the children, Hufflepuff is peace-loving, but you don't want to try the badger's sharp teeth.

Did Miss Georgina think she would "duel" in a "peaceful" way? Like those women who hold their own status?

She is nothing. If she returns to Paris and takes over Fouche's dirty work, she will lose even her pure soul.

There are scavengers in the food chain. Their presence is unpleasant, but it would be impossible to live without them.

She pressed Mademoiselle Georgina into an arm-chair, then went to get the pen and paper from Bonaparte's table, and then walked up to Mademoiselle Georgina.

"Can you write?" Georgiana asked.

Miss Georgina was in shock.

"I am now asking you as an employee of the Seine Police Department, your real name, place of origin, home address, and where did the jewelry on your body come from?" Georgiana imitated what she saw in detective novels and movies. Plot asked Georgina.

"Why do you ask this?" Georgina asked tremblingly.

"You can't afford these things with your income. Who gave them to you?" Georgiana said seriously, pointing at Georgina's necklace with a quill.

"First Consul!" Georgina shouted, looking confident.

"When did you send it? Where did you send it?"

"Why should I tell you?" Georgina said intuitively.

"I just told you my identity, from the Seine Police Department." Georgiana said.

"Absurd, I have never heard of the department you are talking about, Bonaparte!" Georgina shouted, raising her voice.

What answered her was the sound of retreating footsteps.

"Come on, honey." Georgiana said with a smile. "First time taking notes?"

The ladies at the door snickered, as if watching a good show.

"It doesn't matter if you don't say it." Georgiana found another armchair and came over. "We have one night to spend."

Two countesses brought a mahogany table over to make it easier for Georgiana to write.

"If you know other friends, you can tell them." Georgiana said like a bad cop. "Maybe he will come to save you."

Georgina was silent, as if she really planned to stay with her all night.

So who is the person in that paper who casts magic "unspontaneously and unconditionally"?

She waited with anger for Georgina to speak, and soon there were footsteps at the door.

"Ouch, what are you doing?" Fouche, the former police chief, poked his head at the door and did not enter the study where many confidential documents were stored.

"I'm just acting." Georgiana smirked.

"What a show, so serious," said Fouche.

"It's often played in England, Bow Street Detective," said Georgiana.

"I have to get up early tomorrow, go back to bed." Fouche waved to Georgina, and she ran away immediately.

When she was alone in the study, Georgiana got up and left with the ladies.

Bonaparte was nowhere to be seen, too, and he would not return until she left.

But there's a chance he won't come back. With so many bedroom doors open for him, where can't he sleep?

He is no longer the student who had nothing and could only find "refuge" in the Paris library.

She sneered and went back to her room.

Out of sight is out of mind, as long as no one comes to report it. She still prefers to be the student who wanders around the castle at night, avoiding the night watch teacher, rather than the "adult" who gets up to deal with urgent matters when her sleep is disturbed in the middle of the night.

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