Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 3223 xyz (3)

The brochure of the Brenne Military Academy reads, "History can teach young people morality and virtue."

Napoleon read a lot of books while he was studying, and even sometimes skipped classes to borrow books. Mazie was also a person who liked reading. He often met Napoleon in the library, and they gradually became familiar with him.

He was particularly fascinated by Alexander the Great for a while, and Mazie asked casually. It turned out that he was planning to participate in a prize-winning essay competition, which gave him 1,200 francs, which was more than his annuity.

His nickname in school was "Spartan". He never went to cafes or socialized. He stayed in a small room reading a book every day. But this kind of life is not like Cato's, he deliberately brought it on himself. Napoleon's father died young and the family was financially strapped, so Louis lived in his dormitory for a while.

But he has a very arrogant self-esteem. Sometimes Ma Qi can see the shadow of his father in him. Ma Qi's father served during the Seven Years' War. The armies of many European countries were influenced by Prussia, so Ma Qi did not fight with other classmates. Laughing at this poor little man with an accent like that.

As long as you don't mess with him on purpose, he will let down his guard after a while and take the initiative to talk to people. Compared to "happiness", Napoleon advocates heroism more. If it weren't for money, he wouldn't come up with such nonsense.

The reason why he chose artillery as a career was mainly because of his mother Leticia. Since Napoleon had outstanding grades, unlike some people, he could choose artillery or the navy, but Leticia was afraid that he would be drowned or burned. Even if I die, I don’t want him to sleep in a hammock.

When Mazie said this, Katharina couldn't help laughing, and Georgiana also laughed.

She really didn't realize that this serious-looking "German" actually had a sense of humor.

Just then, Georgiana's librarian came. She couldn't take the entire library with her when she was out, so there were only a few books she wanted, about Rimini.

The Latin name of Rimini is Ariminum. The Romans established a colony there in 268 BC, but it has never been very prosperous. This place name appeared during Hannibal's Cannae War. Ancient Rome The end of the repaired Rammelian Road is here. Compared to the Adriatic Sea, where pirates are prevalent, the land may be safer.

There may not be anything "interesting" that Katherina wants to know here, but those who like ancient Roman culture and architecture will find many surprises here.

When Mazie called Katharina Mrs. Schmelpennick, Katharina immediately corrected him, and he either called her Katharina or Miss Nahuis, which was her maiden name.

Georgiana could foresee how "harmony" Katharina would get along with French aristocratic women in the future, but she couldn't live without a playmate, not to mention what political purpose this might be.

The blockade starting from the Elbe River does not only include the territorial waters of France, but also the Republic of Batavia and other countries. Normally, nautical charts are drawn on the high seas, and the water depth and tide are marked on the map. , currents, islands and reefs, etc., but the hydrology of offshore waters is different.

The fleet departing from Le Havre this time was all empty, with a shallow draft and could pass relatively easily, but this would not necessarily be the case if it were replaced by a fully loaded ship.

Lana threw many huge rocks into the Scheldt River to create artificial reefs. Although some people objected to this method, he threw them away.

In fact, based on the runoff of the Scheldt River, it is difficult to say whether the stones have been washed away, but the French rules are like this. The ships must unload their cargo in Antwerp and change to flat-bottomed boats to enter the inland waterways. The British canals are dug deeper to allow sea ships to enter, which can save the cost of unloading and loading.

As long as you want to exploit a loophole, even a dragnet can make a hole, let alone Napoleon made a hole.

Georgiana really couldn't figure out why Bonaparte wanted to measure the curvature of the longitudes of Rimini and Rome. What was the use of measuring this thing?

In fact, if you think about it, if the friendship between Mazzi and Napoleon was the same as that of the "old classmate" in Saint-Jean-Acre, there would be no need to help.

Napoleon actually had admirers when he was a student, mainly because of Pauli and the Liberator of Corsica. The French had a fantasy attitude towards spending money to buy Corsica that was very confusing to Georgiana.

When the Revolution first broke out, Napoleon had no intention of participating. In 1782, Napoleon's father obtained a right. With a ten-year interest-free loan of 137,500 francs from the royal family and a large investment of his own, he was able to plant a large grove of mulberry trees. Three years later, the Corsican parliament revoked the contract with Carlo, arguing that he had not fulfilled his maintenance obligations, which he firmly denied. Fifteen months after Carlo's death, the contract was officially terminated, leaving the Bonaparte family deeply in debt as they had to repay the loan and pay for the day-to-day management of the mulberry garden.

Letizia herself was facing the threat of bankruptcy and could not really care about the children's tuition. Joseph was originally the eldest, but it was Napoleon who shouldered this responsibility. It was not until 1791 that the family's living conditions improved because they inherited an inheritance.

"Then he doesn't spend any money outside?" Katharina asked.

Ma Qi grinned bitterly.

Socializing definitely costs money, even if it's not going to the opera house, you definitely have to buy something for a gathering of 16 people.

But it would sound terrible if Mazy said that credit was used before the First Consul of France, even if his previous bills combined were not as much as Talleyrand's meal.

Georgiana thought about repaying the money for him, since she couldn't let others ask for it from him.

Then it was time to eat, this time in the former queen's messenger room, where there was a long table that could seat more than a dozen people. Mazzi sat on Napoleon's left hand side, opposite him was Chaptard.

Georgiana did not sit in the hostess's seat, but sat in the guest seat like Katharina. Katharina behaved normally.

How could a truly independent woman "give in" like Georgiana?

But when Georgiana looked up at the relief on the wall, she felt more and more ironic.

They kept talking about business, even though Bonaparte ate very quickly, finishing his meal in more than 10 minutes. Then he stood up and took Georgiana away.

They didn't go far and arrived at the ruined room that was once covered with the "Raphael of Flowers" mural. The wall had been painted with a layer of purple paint that smelled of wine, or they poured the wine directly. It's on the wall.

"How is it?" he said proudly, as if he was waiting for praise.

"The book says it's black," said Georgiana.

"The wooden boards on the walls of the reception room you decorated are all black. Do you think they look good?" said the first consul who loves pink.

"That's mother-of-pearl." She defended.

"Think about what else to add." He stroked her shoulder, looked around, and pointed to the opposite side, "How about putting a mirror?"

There was an oversized mirror in the previous room, and there used to be a giant oil painting there.

"Why are you measuring the longitude from Rimini to Rome?" Georgiana asked herself directly.

He was stunned for a moment.

"Did you forget the tasks you assigned to others?" Georgiana asked.

"I just want to know how far apart they are in a straight line." He thought for a while and said.

The Romans did have "Roman Avenues" built into the exterior walls, but there was already one in the map room.

"How about putting a sculpture of you?" he said on a whim.

She shook her head intuitively.

"That's so uncreative." She frowned and thought hard, how to decorate this damn room to have a shocking effect?

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