Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 322 Calvorio

The highest peak in the world is Mount Everest, and every year many climbers want to challenge the roof of the world.

There is a base camp at the foot of Mount Everest, surrounded by a group of tent hotels, with a national flag and a flag of the Everest Reserve in the middle. Mount Everest Base Camp mainly provides accommodation for tourists, with toilets and tent post offices, and Muggle scientists often organize mountaineering expeditions. Pomona felt that the XZ Yeti permanent base was more like the base camp of Mount Everest, except that their tents were more comfortable than Muggle ones, with warm beds and their own study.

It is a long distance to send a postcard from XZ back to the UK, and as long as you are willing to pay, you can still get the service. The poem on Pomona's bedside is not handwritten, but printed on a postcard.

Ollivander believed that the holder of the cedar rod had a tough character, and the mild-looking Wang Wei looked nothing like it.

But the owner of the cedar stick is always wise and has keen insight, has unusual loyalty, and is a terrible opponent in hiding. They always give a blow to the challenger without brains. Run for a while with that lone ranger.

When you get married, you have to give up the entire forest, but the Chinese emperors did not have this taboo, they could put the forest in their homes.

She didn't like this part of Chinese culture, but fortunately, it was the Muggle emperor who did it, and wizards advocated monogamy and even non-marriage. They began to accept Muggle-born apprentices a long time ago like Hogwarts. China has a lot to learn from and learn from. It is a country with brilliant civilization. She hopes to get in touch with them more.

Compared with the Han Dynasty, she prefers the Tang Dynasty, perhaps because of the climate change, and the women in Chang'an also wear much thinner clothes than the Han Dynasty. A warm climate is suitable for food growth, which is great for farming civilization. With sufficient food, people in farming areas don’t have to run around for food like nomads. They have more time to learn, and the speed of civilization progress is faster than that of nomads. The nation is many times faster.

The sound insulation effect of the tent was not good. When she was concentrating on her book, all kinds of noisy voices came from outside the thin curtain.

There was the noise of the party, the hooting of the owl, and that annoying cat-like sound.

There are men and women who participate in the International Rangers, and the accommodation is divided into male and female dormitories. There are people from all over the world. Everyone is an adult. They see each other and come together. There are also tents in different parts of the camp. The pair next door are obviously is in love.

After listening to it for a while, she couldn't take it any longer. She hugged her book and planned to go to the teahouse for a drink. She wondered that such a place existed in the camp, so it turned out to be the case.

The boots made a crackling sound when stepping on the snow, which sounded very rhythmic. The air here is very thin, and you will be panting after walking a few steps. In the teahouse, she saw a man with black hair and black eyes. She wanted to see whether he was Severus or Wang Wei, but he covered his face with a teacup, and only those unfathomable eyes looked at him. Looking at her, it was like two tunnels.

It was as if she was falling from the top of a snow-capped mountain into the abyss quickly. The process of falling made her dizzy, and when she regained the sense of her limbs, she found herself in the Gryffindor lounge, with scarlet eyes all over her eyes. and gold.

"Welcome home." Severus said with a smug smile. "You're not pretending this time."

She was so angry that she had no words to swear.

This is Guihua Street, the house where Sirius lived after he ran away from home, and now he seems to be the owner of the house.

"It's time for us to go out," she said in a husky voice. "Going to Bill and Draco."

"I asked them to meet at Black's old house, which is going to be protected by the Fidelity Charm again." He kissed her lips and buried his head in her hair. "I just want to be close to you, why did he even let me talk to you?" Your right to speak has been taken away?"


"The double-sided mirror." He suppressed his anger and said tremblingly, "Harry Potter doesn't use that thing at all, why should it be taken away from me!"

It started again.

Pomona rolled her eyes and lay back exhausted. He put his arms around her waist, making her spine form an elegant arch. Her legs, which were originally wrapped around his legs like vines, lost their strength and blushed. Begin to rise from the bottom of the muscle.

She was well taken care of, whether in Ireland or in XZ, it seemed that they hadn't been separated except for the few years when he went to be a Death Eater, at least there was a double-sided mirror to contact.

"I hate that house." He regained his composure a little bit, and let the clinging bodies part. "The basement library and the Room of Requirement should be the same thing. Stupid Dog's grandfather paid a large sum of gold to the Ministry of Magic, except In addition to buying a Merlin First Class Medal, there may be this, people with special contributions do not need to use the toilet to enter the Ministry of Magic, they enjoy privileges." He lit a cigarette, enjoying the feeling of puffing afterward "The Malfoys also have , Those idiots who wanted to claim credit for favor followed him to the Ministry of Magic, and if the privileges of these people are not revoked, no matter how the entrance to the Ministry of Magic is changed, the defense will not be improved."

"You lied to him." She felt sorry for the old fool, Dumbledore believed that Severus loved Lily and let the two of them go alone XZ, otherwise he would definitely arrange a guardian "Do you have any in the camp?" What to do to me?"

"Dumbledore is the president of the International Federation of Wizards, how dare I? What's more, I was still a fool at that time, and I didn't understand my true thoughts at all." He squinted his eyes and said with a sneer, "The first thing I thought was absolutely It cannot be known."

"Then you pretended not to eat at school after you passed the succession ceremony?"

"That's the normal reaction of a deceived person who discovers the truth. People like to see what they want to see, especially smart people." Severus said with a sly smile, "As for you, you asked for it, who Let you lie to me."

Pomona was a little more sober. She hadn't forgotten how she had obeyed him for the past six years.

"Do you still remember those people who bowed their heads?" Severus looked at the void a little bit, as if he had returned to that snowy world. It's a saint. I think those who kowtow are the cleanest people. Although their faces are dusty and their clothes are dirty and old, I will not deceive them. Deceiving them will not give me any sense of accomplishment, White Wizard Set up a game for the Dark Lord, if he can't pass the first level, then the game can't be played, even the three-headed hell dog, the Dark Lord, can't do anything about it, I want him to leave, don't come back, this This idea is more important than my feelings for Lily. I am working hard for the future with all my heart, but you are fooling around with other men behind my back. Sirius is very charming. If he wants a woman, he will do nothing. When he said When you slept badly, I almost used the Dark Mark on my arm to summon the Dark Lord, Molly, Arthur were here, the Weasleys almost became a second Marlene McKinnon, you know what Stop me, why don't you do that?"

He squinted his eyes and smiled, "I want to ask you first, you are different from many women I have met, you are dressed very dirty but your body is very clean, pure, without any pollution, Dumbledore regards you as a treasure, Hidden tightly, do you know why he sent you to XZ? He didn’t ask you to cover for me, but he was afraid that you would have an accident. Think about Frank and Alice, no matter how good the defense is, there will always be There are loopholes, there are many secret passages in that castle, and there are many secrets that he does not know. Only by keeping you away from those dangerous and dirty things can you keep clean and intact. I do this kind of dirty work. He maintains Germany Laco's soul, but I don't care about my soul, I don't want to do that, he keeps pushing me, he stepped on the line first." He gritted his teeth, took a deep breath of the cigarette, and puffed it out like a fire dragon "I have to Only by death can the crime of killing him be washed away. You can’t return to the stage and continue performing with other people like a magic trick. I didn’t feel any guilt when I lied to him. Lily’s patron saint is the head Deer, James Potter is affected by her, I think he is a bit disgusting, does always appear in herds, there is only one buck in a herd, I hate James Potter's egomaniac, Harry Potter and him Like his Patronus, he sure loves being surrounded by women, his hair is always messy like his dad's, didn't the Potters get rich selling hair detanglers? He can take baths in that, I think He must think he's charming just off the broom, every time I see his hair I want to cast a depilatory charm on him, but I think Miss Know-it-All will use a hair regrowth charm to make him grow back, oh hell , There is always someone to help him, just like his father, always relying on the number of people, if he fights alone, he will never be my opponent."

"Okay." Pomona sat up and held his face, letting him look at her. "Harry is not like James. He is shy and shy, and girls can't date him."

"He wasn't like that in fifth grade." He stood up, and Pomona moved away to look away from what would blind her.

She is absolutely going to buy him a pajamas today.

"How did you and Wang Wei get on with each other?" She deliberately asked loudly.

"That kid is lazy and arrogant, impulsive and impulsive, weak..."

"He told me that the mountains in front of us used to be on the bottom of the sea." She said to herself, as if she saw the vast land in front of her eyes. "What power do you think made this place the highest place in the world?"

The old bat stopped pacing.

"I said I didn't know, and he told me that there are not only snowmen in XZ." Pomona put the scattered clothes on her body, "Have you heard of the magic map of XZ town?"

"Interesting." He leaned over and sat down. "Let's listen."

"Then let's talk about Songtsan Gampo and Princess Wencheng. Do you know who they are?" Pomona said, leaning on his arm.

"A political marriage between the Tang Dynasty and the Tubo Dynasty." He recalled.

"Princess Wencheng died of smallpox, along with all her entourage. Songtsan Gampo built the Potala Palace for her to prevent smallpox patients from sneaking into the princess's side, but smallpox only needs a blanket to infect it." gone."

"Why did you assassinate her?"

"Then there is no need to ask? The politically married princess died, the relationship between the Tang Empire and Tubo deteriorated, and the Western Regions began to fight again. There are always people who want to show their bravery through military exploits."

"They're always using people's fears to make people do what they say," Severus whispered, and Pomona didn't know who he was talking about.

"Protect Draco, do your best not to let him get hurt, that's your oath."

"Where's that stupid boy?" he said angrily.

"As you said, he always has someone to help him." Pomona stroked his Dark Demon mark, wondering if it was her illusion, she was burned.

"Oh, hell." His face changed drastically, and he obviously felt "Go back to the valley!"

Pomona got into the fireplace without hesitation.

After the green flame flashed, she returned to the Malfoy villa again, and Draco was not in the living room.

She ran back to the bedroom as fast as she could in her life. She never wanted to recall that feeling of embarrassment. It was probably the worst memory in her life.

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